
Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Lets go to town



It is thanks to you that we were saved. The middle aged man said that to Kazane, after they had defeated the last raider dog.

Not at all. More importantly, are you alright? Youve got several bite marks on your body.

It appeared painful, looking at the blood flowing from the middle aged mans arm.

Im fine, since I am well trained. But it seems Mondorie is in a terrible state.

Master, I am ashamed.

Mondorie who had collapsed close by, apologized to him.

Its fine. Since the horse is okay, we should return to town. Do you girls, feel like joining us?

Is it alright? Kazane asks.

Youre our benefactor, dont be reserved.

After letting Mondorie, Kazane, and Yumika ride, he urges the carriage to turn toward the town.

Ah, Yumika works in that inn. No wonder I felt that I had seen her somewhere before.

Yes. I thought you would have recognized me.

Inside the carriage. After they finished the first aid, the now calmed Monodrie and Yumika were conversing livelily.

Well, who would have thought that an inn worker who had just sent us off this morning, would come to our assistance.

(So, Mondorie stayed at the inn that has been taking care of Yumika. If I remember correctly, its an inn with a cooking pot as their trademark.)

Kazane didnt join their conversation, but lay down to rest her tired body.

(Yumika is really skilful at getting along with males, since a long time ago)

The introvert Kazane who has been with her in middle school, high school, and always at the same class, feels slightly envious. Well, from Yumikas point of view perhaps its not true.

(Therere more skills)

Since Kazane is not sleepy, she opens the window and looks at the skill column. After the fight with the raider dogs, her skills had increased by two.

([[Crushing Blow]] is perhaps a one hit kill skill)

Its a skill they used in battle before. It should be derived from a skill that is capable of bringing the enemy downI think. Even in the game, theres a case where the dog species are able to instantly kill players, regardless their level.

(Then this... [[Dogs Sense of Smell]] is as it is)

Even when closing her eyes, she can understand whats happening around her. Yumika, Mondorie, and the masters position. The smell of blood. She even grasps the fact that they have left the forest and they once again entered a grassland area.

(Well, this is practical)

She even knows that Mondorie had leaked in his pants a bit because of the last battle.

(Well, even the residents of this world shouldnt meet with that kind of danger too often)

Then what Kazane and Yumika experienced also enters the harsh category. The clattering and shaking of the carriage, made Kazanes consciousness slowly enter the darkness.

OiWeve arrived.


Kazane who had unknowingly fallen asleep wakes up hearing masters voice.

Kazane, were here.

Yumika pat Kazane who is still dozing off.

Uh huh. I know.

Kazane who gradually felt her consciousness coming back, senses the presence of many people outside.

(This Dogs Sense of Smell is really convenient)

Kazane is honestly surprised with this new unknown sensation.

This isConrad town? After coming out of the carriage Kazane

Oh. Is this your first time being here?

Not really. Perhaps. Its different from what I remember, so Im a bit startled.

In the game Conrad town is the first town the player will be in. Kazane remembered that the setting of Conrad town was a quite prosperous town, even by this worlds standard.

(They have a lot of stalls. The part of being a trade town doesnt change.)

The building placements were greatly changed. As for the difference in scale she is still unclear whether its a difference in the game and reality, like the field or simply because there is a difference in the era.

(Its different from when it was a game, just like Yumika said. But this is more than I expected)

After the carriage entered the castle-like gate, the four of them reached the plaza.

We will go to the clinic, so I guess we will part here.

Not only Mondorie, even the master has received considerable damage. They need medical treatment as fast as possible.

Yes. Thank you very much for bringing us here.

Master and Mondorie, please be careful.

Uh huh. You too. Ah, if we go to the inn, perhaps we will meet again?

Towards Mondories question, Yumika nods.

If you want to stay today I can tell the landlady?

Umm No, its fine. Its possible that we need to stay in the clinic, if necessary we can come over.

Alright. Then get well soon.

Hearing that, Mondorie nods, and together with master they disappear in the rushing town.

Alright, now what should we do, Kazane?

After they cant be seen anymore, Yumika ask Kazane whos beside her.

What to do

Kazane was troubled for a sec and then she asked Yumika.

By the way Yumika, the adventure guild where you accepted that commission, is it still the same as the game?

After humming and thinking for a while, Yumika nods.

WellI just registered yesterday, but I think that theres not that much a difference. Look here.

Yumika takes a card from her pocket.

Name : Yumika Tachiki

Occupation : Adventurer

Level : 11

Rank : F

Written here are the adventurers guild registration card, name, occupation, level, and rank.

Like a simple version of status window?Level is automatically adjusted with whats in the window, name and occupation is self assessment, while rank is given by the guild depending on your achievement.


For occupation it can be anything, but if its too different from your ability, then the guild might not accept it. And if you falsely said youre a Knight or Noble, it might be accused as a crime, so be careful.

I see.

If you said youre an adventurer then it wont be a problem, though when forming a party with others it might be inconvenient as they dont know what youre specialized inwell, saying this to you, is like lecturing Buddha. (TL note: meaning, Kazane should already know, even more that Yumika.)

Thats not true. Knowing that its the same as the game helps a lot.Is that so? Well since its easy to register, you should quickly register yourself.

Yeah, lets do it.

Kazane walks briskly following Yumika who said please follow me and walks ahead with a big smile on her face.


Name : Yuihama Kazane

Occupation : Adventurer

Equipment : Two handed steel sword, Clothes

Level : 15

Vitality : 38

Magic Power : 45

Strength : 15

Agility : 11

Endurance : 10

Wisdom : 23

Dexterity : 12

Spell : [[Fly]]

Skill : [[Goblin Language]] [[Night Vision]] [[Crushing Blow]] [[Dogs Sense of Smell]


Kazane : We have arrived at the town. By the way, I added the bonus point into strength.

Yumika : By the way, Kazane thought about something like Well, even the residents of this world shouldnt meet with that kind of danger too often right? But actually its a bit different

Kazane : Your point?

Yumika : If they meet that kind of danger, they usually die

Kazane : Well, I guess so


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