
Chapter 33

Chapter 33


Coral Temple Guest Room

I just realized: I did something unbelievable.

Waking up in the morning, Kazane was astonished, having just noticed this fact.

What even is this futon? Moffumoffuyan~~! (mllhild: This means that its very soft and comfortable, and it is being said in a moe way.) (IcedTea: WTF.japanese.)

There is no one here to wash it, but there are no insects living in it, and its neither stiff nor stiff. Having experienced the comfort of this high-class bed, Kazane was surprised.

Moreover, it can be put into the Item Box. Its possible to carry it back home!

Kazane leaves with the indestructible futon in the item box list. (IcedTea: LN writers come up with some ridiculous thingsindestructible futons?!? Im sure the MC of Lazy Dungeon Master would love this)

All right, Ill also be taking Yumikas part. With this, sleeping comfort advances.

That morning, the figure of the joyful Kazane threw the futons into her Item Box without anyone to find fault with her actions. Furthermore, Kazane collected who-knows-how-many shining crystals, which had served as substitutes for torches in the artifact chambers, into her Item Box. By the way, there was no limitation over the selling of stolen items. (#LootingTheTemple)

Thus, when Kazane verified that her magic power had recovered completely, and that the Crimson Saint Coffin had saved up half of its magic power, she left the Coral Temple.


Argon Mountain Range The Base of the Mountain


Mountain-kuns results are terrific. It was specifically built for traveling this distance in these conditions, but it have absolutely no problem executing its job at all, it was terrific to this extent. Also, the size is terrific. The grey golems around here are smaller than it is, plus its carrying walking sticks. Its something frighteningly strong.

For this reason, right near the exit of the mountain climbing path some people raised screams as they saw Mountain-kun. Kazane had, with her [Dogs Sense of Smell], known before hand that there were people, but had forgotten that, generally speaking, Mountain-kun couldnt be seen as anything more than a monster.

Eh? Wai-? Uw~~!?

The outcome: numerous arrows were shot as a preemptive strike and stabbed into Mountain-kun.

Uwaa, it will collapse!?

And thus Mountain-kun collapsed at once. It has a higher defence than Hippo-kun, but it was not made battle and so Mountain-kun was rather brittle.

The result: Kazane was buried inside Mountain-kun which had changed back into simple rocks and dirt.

[Skill Killing Leg!] (Kazane)

Out of necessity, she fired her skill at once, removing the dirt and such.

Oh~, from the insides of the golem came a small girl. (IcedTea: Whats with the nonchalant tone??? Shouldnt it be AAAAAAAH!!! THERES A GIRL IN THERE!!!!)

Do golems eat humans? (Adventurer)

Two people came rushing over to the collapsed Mountain-kun and encountered Kazane, who had collapsed and was making A~~a sounds while regretting the destruction of her golem.

Oh, little miss. This was a dangerous situation.

Still fine after being eaten by a sure have good luck, little miss.

Well, I think you could say they d

So, Kazane, understanding that being angry was rather unreasonable, meekly thanked them as one would expect.

Ohhow should I say itthank you, misters. (Kazane)

Of course, we are adventurers.

We are waiting here for one person, who is unrelated to you. Its just a coincidence, a coincidence.

Both people answer respectively to Kazanes thanks. And then, looking at Kazanes short height, a faint ? appears on their faces.

Naa, Bob-aniki. It just came to mind, but (Chris)

What, Chris? (Bob)

The man called Chris takes out a piece of paper from his breast pocket.

Isnt this girl-san the missing Ogre Killer Princess? (Chris)

Ogre Killer Princess? (Bob)

Kazane, hearing this title for the first time, tilts her head and asks Chris.

What are you saying, Chris! They say the person called Ogre Killing Princess flies over Ogres heads; her kicks break the Ogres skulls, with her shout, she can send 300 Ogres into flight. (Bob)

Aa, thats roughly the truth.

Thinks Kazane just as if it were someone elses problem.

But hey, a short little girl carrying a sword and a cane while using golems Unh? (Chris)

Golem? (Bob)

The two people looked at the mound of soil. Then, both made a face saying Aa~. Kazane also made a face saying Aa~ with the meaning Did you get it now?


Suddenly, Chris turned toward Kazane with a timid composure.


May you perhaps be Kazane Yuihama? (Chris)

Yes, thats right. Whats the matter?

Not feeling the need to lie, she responded honestly. And then, before Kazanes eyes, two peoples faces turned very pale very fast. And same as before, she looked upon this as someone elses problem.


Conrad Town Adventurer Guilds Office

Good grief. There was no particular need to send out a (missing persons) report.

Well, because you didnt return from the mountain hike after 3 days, I became pretty worried!! (Pran)

To Kazanes sulking face, Pran responded with a bitter smile. Originally, it was true that Prans worry caused Bob and Chris to go to the mountains, and that the merchants were waiting anxiously at the town entrance. It seems the question if she really would return had caused quite some anxiety.

And then, are some strange rumors about me running around? Like Ogre Killing Princess?

This was the origin of Kazanes pouting.

Bob and Chris were frightened on the way back, the source of the fright being Kazane. All the more so, especially when she showed off her kicking by felling a large tree after Bobs remark along the way: Did you really kick the Ogre to death?.

Or perhaps the two did become completely frightened when the two realized that the rumors they heard were actually true.

When Kazane was seen at the entrance, a lot of questions and rumors floated around: This child did?, This human brat, and so on. Meanwhile, that slave dealer oji-san, whom she had met before, was trying to convince people of the rumors truth, while being the source of the news as well. Since the battle was practically witnessed by no one, a mistrust of the story that no one could confirm still lingered in the air.

Ah~, if thats the case, just talk to the Beastman called Gyao at the bar. I will warn you though, he is very talkative when drunk. (Pran)

Ah! This person? He came here. Kazane frowns.

You, seem to be highly favoured by him, ne. And also to the merchants whom he brought along. (Pran)

Haha (mllhild: I suppose this is a tired expression)

In this world of few excitements, the story of the Ogre Killing Princess driving away 300 Ogres is a exceedingly precious source of entertainment. Already, independent of Kazanes desires, the rumors were sure to propagate themselves this Kazane understood now.

I was thinking about how this is not a bad way to stand out, so, I had decided in Winlard that I would change my attitude and work hard towards this.

Its a bit delayed, but its a good thing, right?(Pran)

That is so, right. Fuu~

Kazane attaches a sigh while suddenly remembering something.

Ah yes, Pran. What is this?

Kazane takes out 4 guild cards.

What is, this is!? As Pran gazes at the cards her eyes open.

When I discovered them, it was already too late.

The escort abandoner, Ruus groups guild cards.

It seems that they failed at trying to cross the national border. They died in a cave on the mountain.

Is that so Pran received the things Kazane handed over into her hands. In this season, the Argo mountain range to.. 

And then, Pran slowly shakes her head many times over. They were truly stupid children. Truly. 

Pran, after looking in a daze at the cards for a little while, put the cards together and stored them away inside her desk.

Guild cards are similar to dog tags, and the adventurer who brought them back would receive a reward. Pran diligently went through this process.

And so, Pran placed 8 kirigia in front of Kazane and lifts her downcast gaze to look at Kazane.

Well, to be a member of this trade, they must have this sort of resolve. Kazane, you too, please be careful. (Pran)

With eyes full of kindness, Pran gives such a warning to Kazane. (TL: damn, so close, just delete a kanji and we have yuri)

No matter how strong they are, people still die.

That is so, right. (Pran)

Then, Kazane recalled the bleached, white bones of the similar player in the Coral Temple.

Ill take that advice into my heart.

Kazane nods, and then produces one more flat object.

This is? (Pran)

Sorry. There was another card. This is a different one.

Yohan Simpson?

Pran receives this guild card and reads the name.

Do you know this person?

Y-Yes. I think I have heard it somewhere before. Please wait a moment.

Pran opens the register book, searching through several pages for validation.

Yohan NerumaYohan WarushawaAh, found it. The registration was made one year ago. (Pran)

One year

Kazane now realizes that there were considerable timeslips before Yumikas.

My memory is a bit vague, but after registering, I think he did come here twice. (Pran)

Did this person have black hair and black eyes like me and Yumika?

No. Golden hair and eyesdid he have blue eyes? But, I cant remember very well. (Pran)

As I thought, it seems it wasnt he wasnt Japanese.

So, I assume he also died? (Pran)

Inside the Coral Temple.

Pran made a dumb expression, with her mouth hung open.

Impossibledid you enter it? (Pran)

Well, yes. Kazane nods easily.

Neverreally so, what was there? Treasure? (Pran)

As one would expect, Pran inquires about it while being somewhat excited.

Fufufu, how admirable of you to have asked.

While saying so, Kazane takes out from the item box a single futon.

Futon? Pran lets escape a disappointed voice, and Kazane stand up violently.

Not just a simple futon. An [Indestructible Futon]!!! It was left there for a 1000 years, but there is no dirt, its not worm-eaten, dusty, or smelly!

Wha-!? This is amazingyes, right? (Pran)

This is somewhat different from my expectations though. (Pran)

Of course, at any time and in any place, being able to sleep on a moffumoffu futon (refer above for meaning) is the best! 1/3 of a persons life is spent sleeping, so if I have this, isnt it like winning 1/3 of my life?

Eehm, well, its a necessary item. (Pran)

Inside Pran, thinking about Kazane and the Coral Temple had put her into high tension, but after this, the Coral Temple received a drastic downward adjustment. In reality, if she properly understood the properties and materials of this futon, it would bring about a different impression, but..

So I conclude that the coral temple is now completed? (Pran)

To Prans question, Kazane shakes her head. No, I think that I too cant enter any more. It seems like it is such a place. I broughts the futons I could, but maybe I shouldve brought more.

Ah, is that so. (Pran)

{Coral Temple the treasures are indestructible futons still exists}notes Pran on a memo for later reporting to the guild.

And then, what did happen with the escort quest? (Pran)

Kazanes original business here: confirming this quest.

There is supposed to be a large number of people, but

At the towns front gate, a considerable number of merchants and carriages assembled.

Unexpectedly, they have all gathered. They would like to depart together with Winlards escort [Gyao] group tomorrow. Is this alright? (Pran)

There is no problem. I also want to return to Winlard as soon as possible.

Kazane says this, nods, and signs the designated request handed to her by Pran.


Character Screen:

Name : Yuihama Kazane

Occupation : Magic Swordswoman

Title : Ogre Killer Princess

Equipment : Cane [[White Blaze]], Two Handed Sword [[Black Fang[[, Leather Jacket,

Fur Coat (with Hood), Metal Gauntlet, Plain Clothes, Leather Trouser, Leather Shoes, Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin

Level : 19

Vitality : 64

Magic Power : 107+300

Strength : 25

Agility : 18

Endurance : 14

Wisdom : 27

Dexterity : 19

Spells : [[Fly]] [[Torch]] [[Fire]] [[Heal]]

Skill : [[Goblin Language]] [[Night Vision]] [[Crushing Blow]] [[Dogs Sense of Smell]] [[Golem Maker]] [[Rush]] [[Fire Principle: Second Chapter]] [[Healing Principle: Second Chapter]] [[Air Jump]] [[Killing Leg]] [[Fear Voice]] [[Invisible]]


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