
Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Lets remodel magic



Its not hard to use grimoire.

You only need to pour your magic power and accept the returned magic power together with the magic formula. After you accept the incoming waves of information the process would be completed. Then youll be able to use magic.

Yeah yeah.

Together with the disappearance of magic response, [[Fire Principle: second chapter]] and [[Healing Principle: Second Chapter]] appeared in the skill list.

Seeing that Kazane feels relieved. Theres no irregularity. Even though she keeps saying to herself itll be fine, thoughts like what to do if it fails' also crossed her mind.

Nevertheless, so far its as she predicted. Touching the fire principle from the skill list, she activated creator mode.

Hee, as I thought it become like this.

Though the contents differs from golem making, Kazane is familiar with how to use the creator mode for magic. While looking at the control panel she was accustomed with, she licks her lips. Right, from here on Kazane demonstrate her speciality.


Its how they generally called the operating principle of magic.

Principles are, just like books divided into chapters, the more advanced it become, the stronger the magic you can use.

If you limit it for battle, its more or less like this:

Chapter one: Produce fire

Chapter two: Attack magic

Chapter three: Area magic

Chapter four: Attack magic (high power)

Chapter five: Area magic (high power)

Furthermore theres one higher chapter called last chapter, however all spells inside are unique and have special use.

Also from game perspective this principle is none other than magic creator mode. It has fire ball recorded as default and you can use it as it is, however it is also possible to customise it to ridiculously high firepower or even creating low cost magic. Creating a joke magic which ignore power and magic power consumption or participating on firework contest are something that Kazane missed.

This and this, added rotation, and here.

She used approximately one hour fiddling with creator mode. While the auntie starts to think of calling her who is keeping to poke empty air (since she cant see the window), she heard Kazane murmurs Yup, done. then standing as she faced her.

Auntie, can I use that straw doll?

Ah, yes. It has been smeared with water so I dont think itll turn into charcoal.

The sullen face she has awhile ago nor the usual expressionless face was nowhere to be seen, Kazane is chanting with a smile in her face.

Spell: Torch.

At the same time as she said that, with a 'whoosh' sound flames appeared in front of her. Its a simple illumination spell she learned from principle chapter one.

Oh! It appeared properly.

Even if one is able to learn the principles from grimoire, those who can use it smoothly are not many. Thats why the auntie understood that the girl in front her is more capable than she thought.

Yup. It seems theres no problem. Agreeing with aunties words, Kazane spreads both her hands.

Spell: Fire bomb lance

From her hand spears of fire appeared.

No way.

Seeing her sudden bold art from behind auntie cant help but widened her eyes, astonished. Kazane didnt know about it but creating fire lances and throwing it is a ma

With increased magic power ratio it can rival magic learned from grimoire chapter four. To be able to create it is already surprising, but Kazane's technique didnt end with that.


Kazane throws the fire lance with all her might, it ended up piercing the straw doll.

And at the same time.

The doll exploded.


Slack jawed auntie let out a scream. Kazane on the other hand is opening the status window with a frown.

As expected its consumption is extreme. I guess its better to use it at a critical moment. Yup.

Bomb lance, its a difficult technique to control with the shape of a lance and exploding ability, and because of its complexity it consumes extreme amount of magic power. As its the same with when it was a game, Kazane's mood quickly change Its like that after all, and move to another straw doll next to it since the previous one cant be used anymore. She stretched out her right hand and aimed her index finger towards the straw doll.

Spell: Fire needle.

With a thud a chopsticks sized fire rod pierced the straw doll.

What was that?

The auntie who has somehow finally able to freed from the shock after witnessing the bomb lance, she tilted her head in confusion seeing the unknown fire rod.

It is a fire needle with the maximum convergence of the limit of second chapter's fire principle. It might be hard to use it against monsters with a dull sense of pain, however not only it has the power to pierce and destroy magic cores it also has high cost performance ratio.

Spell: Fire Vortex

Another attack. From Kazane's outstretched hand, stretched needle like lines appeared and formed a kitty cat. Oh, thats pretty. Thought auntie who sees it from the side, however thats not the end. The kitty cat rotating with high speed and become rugby ball shaped fire.


Then that single attack hit and pierced the stomach of the straw doll.

Auntie who stands behind her didnt say anything, but her gazes is glued to the straw doll.

In the stomach of the straw doll, a perfect circular hole appeared. Its a scene she has never seen before in the span of her life as magician.


Even though it is as thin as the previous needle because the shape it created and its rotation this attack capable dealing area damage. It consumption surpass fourth chapter magic principle, and those who havent learned last chapter usually thought this magic as useless. By the way the originator is from different people but a cat variation was created by Kazane who was even called as the Kitty Cat Teacher.

Yeah. I am satisfied.

Seeing its power Kazane shows a complacent smile, then returned to her usual expressionless face.

Thank you very much, auntie!

Auntie gazes at Kazane, who walks briskly leaving the magic research institute behind as if seeing something unbelieveable.


Name : Yuihama Kazane

Occupation : Adventurer

Equipment : Two Handed Steel Sword, Leather Jacket, Metal Gauntlet, Plain Clothes,Leather Trouser, Leather Shoes, Pouch

Level : 16

Vitality : 45

Magic Power : 68

Strength : 174

Agility : 12

Endurance : 13

Wisdom : 24

Dexterity : 12

Spell : [[Fly]] [[Fire]] [[Heal]]

Skill : [[Goblin Language]] [[Night Vision]] [[Crushing Blow]] [[Dogs Sense of Smell]] [[Golem Maker]] [[Charge]] [[Fire Principle: Second Chapter]] [[Healing Principle: Second chapter]]


Yumika : In the spell list fire and heal appeared but wheres the vortex, needle, and the magic with the exaggerated name?

Kazane : Its similar with hippo-kun from golem maker. Vortex, needle, and bomb lance are all fire magic. Or to be more specific vortex and the others are the registration name of custom made magic created with creator mode.

Yumika : Oh, I see.


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