
Chapter 135: Let's Evolve It

Chapter 135: Let's Evolve It

It was the morning of departure.

Kazane and the others were leaving Resurrect City behind after ten days, and they were now heading for the Morogo Mountains in search of a hot spring. They headed off on the now standard Thunder Chariot pulled by Hippomaru-kun with High Hippo-kun following behind, and Minaka was waving as she saw them off. Minaka said that she would return to Wombard City on the Dragon Boat after staying for a few days. It was a reluctant farewell.

Firedrake Highway

Minaka-san's figure is steadily getting farther away~

Kazane was visibly reluctant to part as she watched Minaka's appearance from the carriage.

Well, she said she was going back to Minshiana, so can't we meet her again?

That would be nice, but...

Kazane replied to Louise's words. Although Kazane somehow seemed like she wasn't all there as she spoke... or more precisely, she seemed sleepy.

Did you stay up all night?

After Yumika asked, Kazane repliedIt was only for a while, just a while.By the way, Naoki saw through it and thought (you did it for two days straight, didn't you). He thought it was surprising his sister hadn't collapsed after one. Well, Naoki didn't open his mouth and say it because it would be disadvantageous for his sister.

Come, come now, the cottage preparation is completed, so I will sleep for a while.

While saying so, Kazane buried her face in Tiara's chest. Naoki stared as they suddenly started shaking. Naoki loved his older sister, but he wasn't a lolicon, and he liked them bigger. Perhaps it would be better to say he loved them bigger.

Tiara didn't notice because was absorbed in embracing Kazane, but it was noticed by Yumika, Louise, and Mefirus.

(Yikes, he's looking at them. He's really staring. Gross.)

(Eyes seething with lust, how youthful.)

(She's my grandchild, but what fearsome destructive power.)

They thought respectively. Without knowing he was seen, Naoki thought (I saw something nice), then looked at Jinrai driving Hippomaru-kun outside. By the way, Naoki was fairly well known in Hyvern, as evidenced by having the second nameMagic Sword Operator,and it seemed he was viewed as a calm, cool, and collected young man. That seemed like a completely contrived story, but that was the impression he gave before joining this party.

Jinrai was given a speed limit of around 60 kilometers per hour, which was mostly fine, but his expression was a bit frustrated. He was corrupted. Naoki spoke to Jinrai.

Master Jinrai, can I talk with you for a bit?

What is it, Naoki?

Jinrai replied to the voice coming from behind with his usual tone.

I wanted to consult with you about something.

Is it about my grandchildren joining the party?

Jinrai's immediate reply was exactly what Naoki was trying to ask.

You easily realized it.

Naoki was surprised by how good Jinrai's guessing ability was.

Hm. It's because I have been thinking about it since you told me about my grandchildren.

It seemed Jinrai had been continuously considering it since then. After talking with Tiara and receiving the black dragon scale armor from his sister, Naoki finally came to think of himself as a member of this party, so he decided to talk about it.

Well, if your older sister says it's fine, there's nothing for me to say.

Is that so?

In that case, it was only about anticipating her reply.

But whether or not my grandchildren join us depends on themselves as well. Speaking frankly, I'm concerned that there may be a serious difference in ability between my grandchildren and this party.

It was a party lineup with a championship winner and a third place winner at their debut Grand Tournament. Jinrai was worried that his grandchildren might become useless after entering such a party.

That's true.

That was also a problem for him. Even Naoki himself was concerned that he was out of his depth in this party. But leaving Kazane wasn't an option for Naoki. Whatever happened, he intended to stay with them.

But being able to train my grandchildren with my own hands seems interesting.

Jinra said before going back to concentrating on maneuvering. With that grandpa-like OK, Naoki was content with the end of the conversation as well.

And, as scheduled, at noon Hippomaru-kun reached the location at the foot of the Morogo Mountains that Kazane had dowsed. However, when they arrived, they noticed they didn't need to look for a hot spring because the stream that was flowing there was hot spring water.

Morogo Mountains, Niru River, Kazane Hot Spring Cottage

Ah, the water temperature is perfect.

Kazane submerged herself in the bath. Beside her, Yuuko-nee also entered the hot spring while sayingNya.Yumika, Louise, and Tiara entered as well.

With the ability Coating granted by level 3, the cottage this time was equipped with shelves, sliding doors, screen doors, and slatted shutters. In addition, the walls were bright white instead of earth colored, and the metal fittings were colored like metal, so it was like they were the real thing. With the default modeling data library, it was similar to Kazane's original world's construction technology, and Louise and Mefirus were surprised by how refined it was. Except for the lack of glass windows, it could completely be considered a normal building.

In addition, because Hippomaru-kun was now using a Power Orb, the excess Childstone was being used to power the cottage. Showers could be used by pushing a button, and there were on/off switches that would shutter the crystal lamps. Even though it was made based on the data contained in the library, it was surprising that she could finish it all in just two nights. Especially coloring everything. Or maybe it should be said, could this really be called a Golem?

By the way, using Childstone power was common for military buildings, aristocrat buildings, castles, etc., so that part wasn't revolutionary. However, because the Childstone supply was small, such things were out of reach for the common people.

Although the open air is nice, being stark naked outside is dangerous, isn't it?

Louise said while they floated. This was a dangerous area because monsters frequently appeared in remote places like this. Right now they had Yuuko-nee with them, and since they had independent power, outside was being patrolled by Hippomaru-kun and Tatsuyoshi-kun Dragoon.

I also used up my Magic Power, so I do not want to fight.

Kazane had consumed most of her Magic Power to make the cottage. The Accumulators and Crimson Saint Coffin were completely empty.


With the last of her Magic Power she had summoned Yuuko-nee, who cried with the meaning I can fight so it's fine! and rubbed her head on Kazane.

Yes, I'm counting on you.

So saying, Kazane caressed Yuuko-nee's head. Yuuko-nee also criedNyaan.

Kazane had previously unconsciously avoided approaching Yuuko-nee because of the trauma from seeing the adventurers gnawed on by that Elder Cat, but the mental scars were healing from participating together in the tournament, and she had recovered enough to freely hug Yuuko-nee. Kazane herself wasn't conscious of it, so she didn't notice, but Yuuko-nee was very happy about the situation. Being loved by other people was less important than being favored by their Master for a Childstone summoned creature.

Yumika and the others were watching Yuuko-nee's situation with warm eyes.

Be that as it may, what is with this lion with a fish tail that is spitting water from its mouth?

Kazane immediately answered Tiara's question.

It's a Merlion-san.

But Tiara tilted her head. Naturally, that was because she didn't know anything about Merlions. Lions existed, but only in a different region. The categorical difference between a monster or wild animal seemed to be the presence or absence of a Core.

This isn't your own work, right?

Yumika said while scrutinizing it.

Since it was in the library, I was able to use it.

The library was a collection of 3D modeling data used in Zexiaharts. It wasn't only used for Golem manufacturing, but was also used by other things like Smithing and MOD. Although it had less than 100 models in the beginning, that amount increased considerably during the five year operation of Zexiaharts. It could be opened with Kazane's Golem Maker Creator Mode.

After that, the ladies freely enjoyed the hot spring until they were satisfied and got out, but immediately afterwards, Kazane started checking the state of the cottage and making revisions in Golem Maker Creator Mode. That work continued until midnight, and when Jinrai, Yumika, and Naoki awoke for training in the morning, they found Kazane sleeping face down in the hallway.

It looked like the cottage would be further evolved next time.

Furthermore, Kazane was in a bathrobe because she started working immediately after the bath and collapsed, and since someone approaching would probably be able to see her breasts, Yumika poked Naoki's eyes to blind him before carrying Kazane to a room.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner

Equipment: Staff White Blaze, Two Handed SwordBlack Fang, Adhesion SwordGum, Spell Dagger, Dragonscale Breastplate, Drake Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Sylphyn Skirt, Plasma Pants, Dragon Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, Magic Accumulator, White Magic Accumulator

Level : 29

Health: 101

Magic Power: 170+420

Strength: 49+10

Agility: 40+4

Endurance: 29

Wisdom : 55

Dexterity : 33

Spell : Fly Torch Fire HealFirestormHealer RayHigh Heal

Skill : Warrior's Memory Night Vision Crushing Blow Dogs Sense of Smell Golem Maker: Lv3 Rush Fire Principle: Third Chapter Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter Air Jump: Lv2 Killing Leg: Lv2 Fear Voice Invisible Tiger Eye Wall Walking Intuition Cheat Death NimbleChargeMaterial ShieldInformation LinkOptical CamouflageDashBloodsucking BladeDragonizationRegenerateSoul Breaking BladeStealthy PlacementThunder Chariot

Yumika: We entered a hot spring for the first time in a while.

Kazane: There also seems to be a hot spring near Lake Shirodieh.

Yumika: I'll look forward to it.


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