
Chapter 129: Understanding the Truth

Chapter 129: Understanding the Truth

Naturally, there was an uproar. The winner suddenly disappeared. The referee was also flustered and didn't know what to do.

However, Kazane sensed Genzo's whereabouts withIntuition.The memory of her conversation with Genzo wasn't retrieved, but her encounter with Norman and Genzo's gaze today and yesterday unconsciously gaveIntuitionthe answer.

Louise-san. That Ojii-chan went to god's location.

There? Why?

Louise blinked in surprise at Kazane's abrupt words, but when she saw Kazane's expression she understood that they were serious words.

But even if a devil were hostile to god, they shouldn't be able to do anything?

But Louise still questioned. That was unprecedented.

I don't understand, butIntuitionis working. If nothing's done I think it will be dangerous.

When she heard that, Louise immediately stood up and headed to the exit of the venue while sayingFollow me.Kazane, her companions, and Minaka followed. Jinrai felt the signs of an approaching battle.

Resurrect City, Middle Arena, VIP Box Seating

And while Kazane and the others headed for the VIP box, the winner who disappeared from the venue was now standing in that place made for VIPs.

So you came, Genzo Aida.

There, the boy Norman who called himself a god ushered him in nonchalantly.

Yes, we finally meet. Administrator.

Filled with bloodlust....both the words Genzo spat out and his eyes turned towards Norman were that way for various reasons. But Norman facing him was the complete opposite, with cool-headed eyes lacking any murkiness.

Saying so is probably useless, but it's a wasted effort.

Genzo frowned after Norman spoke.

You mean you've seen through what I'm doing?

The conversation between you and Kazane remains in the record, so I understand the main points.

Peeping? An appropriate deed.

Genzo continued to spit out his thoughts without responding to Norman's words. He was like a machine.

I'll get straight to the point; there is nothing like the Administrators you think exist.

Norman said to Genzo, but his eyes were clearly past reason.

Ha, hahahaha

At those words, Genzo laughed like crazy and shouted.

Enough with the deception!

So saying, he turned his katana toward Norman. But Norman looked straight at Genzo and replied without fear.

If you must, feel free. Stab that sword into my body.

Norman spread both his hands. That attitude further fueled Genzo's anger.

If you want information about players, it's more or less contained within this body. The answers can't come from my mouth, but if my mind is forcibly read it can't be helped.

However, no matter what happened, Norman didn't change. That made Genzo even more irritated and he shouted.

Do you have no remorse or apologies for the mess you've made!?

I have none.

Ah, is that so?

Genzo said that brief phrase after the words he wanted to hear. He was still looking for an excuse to stab him even after coming here. Then Genzo pierced Norman's child body with his katana. In addition, Norman groaned and coughed up blood.

You take the figure of a child and react like a human being; that is absolutely intentional.

He didn't care at all about Norman's situation. With bloodshot eyes Genzo tightly grasped the hilt of his katana and continued speaking.

Now then, I will bring everything to light with Information Probe.

He activated the Information Probe that he had planned from the beginning to strengthen with the devil's power. Then he was connected. He found his way to the information about players.

Hahaha, I did it.

Although it was fragmentary, Norman's memories certainly contained information about players. Genzo's heart pounded at the thought of finding the way to return home.

With this, I am surely connected to the Administrator's data. With this, anything and everything...

However, Genzo's expression gradually stiffened. The information given was different from what he was seeking. No, on the contrary, Genzo felt that what he was seeking was drifting away at a tremendous speed.

14,904 AD? Zexiaharts Emulator Ver 13.57? What in the world is this?

Norman answered those words without changing his expression.

I talked with Kazane yesterday. Those are the replies to her questions that were restricted and couldn't be said.

Genzo shook his head as Norman spoke while coughing blood. It was unbelievable, or at least he didn't want to believe it.

Which reminds me of something else she asked. Did the gods summon players here?

Genzo's face completely paled. The information was already in his mind. He already had the answer.

It's a lie......

There are no restrictions since it's already in your head. The answer isNo.

Genzo was at his wits end and kept shaking his head.

Properly speaking, they were swallowed up, and we simply accepted the task of managing them. Players' souls are strong, so the agreement was made.

This can't be true. Aiko, Airi...... they can't already be gone.

But ignoring Genzo's words, Norman replied.

Although it seems the results were not as planned. At the present time there are 4 examples of the possibility. Although since he will soon been secured as a dragon species, being cut loose might be good.[TL:I think this is nonsense like Norman is breaking?]

Shut up.

Genzo further thrust the blade into Norman. But the bloodstained Norman didn't mind it and continued talking to Genzo.

You should already understand.

Genzo's face paled even further at those words.

I am not a game developer, and there are no Administrators. Not in the way you mean administrator.

It's, it's...a lie. Tell me the way to go home. Otherwise, I'll.

Ah, is that so? From the bottom of your heart you can't accept it, since you would break.

Suddenly, words were issued from the katana. Norman looked at it expressionlessly.

So you're awake?

That voice was the voice of the devil. The voice of the devil that Genzo should have absorbed.

But, I consumed you.

Genzo talked while looking at the katana that was piercing Norman with a pale face. However, the replying words were callous.

Hahahaha, you have indigestion, Boss. I knew something like this would happen from the beginning. Because I knew, I pretended to be eaten. Until the time your soul would break once your wish came to an impasse.

Genzo stared in amazement at those words.

Ah, that's right. You wanted to know. So, what happened to your wife and grandchild?

Stop. Don't say it.

It was exactly as he thought, and the devil laughed at Genzo's supplication.

Hahahaha, you should already know that your family and everyone you know kicked the bucket a long time ago. Are you stupid? Return to your original world? That's nothing but a dream.

The abusive words rushing out of the katana didn't stop. And Genzo understood the truth because of the knowledge he got from the god.

Well, I can guess what must have happened. That brat probably wailed and lost her mind when she saw your dead body, and your beloved old woman must have been so startled that she died on the spot. Ah, just what would that young girl do once both her caretakers suddenly disappeared? Wouldn't there be no options for that brat other than being sent to an orphanage?

Genzo kept shaking his head at those words.

It has to be different.

Hey now, let's hear the person's story properly, right Genzo-chan?

The devil couldn't help but find Genzo's confusion comical and continued to laugh.

Isn't it a lie? Aren't they still around? You're watching me, right? Hey, aren't you a developer that made this world?

Norman shook his head. The devil laughed even harder.

Look, didn't that young lady tell you? How this world was beyond anything that could be done in a game?

He was speechless. Genzo already understood that all his effort was meaningless. He was made to understand by the god's knowledge thrown into his head.

Don't deceive yourself. That kid will soon die. You can't return. Naturally, you can't meet your family. Well? Amusing, right? This ending?

At those words Genzo hurriedly pulled the katana out of Norman. But the blood flowing from Norman's mouth wouldn't stop. Neither would the blood from the wound.

Hey, wait, please. Don't die.

That's already impossible. You're too late, Boss.

This is impossible. Why does it have to end like this? I don't want this. I only... only...

Genzo looked at Norman, then the devil katana.

I only want to see Aiko and Airi .....

That said, there was no refuge. He was stuck between the spite emanating from the katana and the emotionless gaze from the bloodstained child, and Genzo had no more words.

With a blank expression he told his last hope to Norman.

I only want to see them. Aiko and Airi......

But the only reply from the god was a shake of his head.

And Genzo's scream roared through the room.

The door slammed open.

Norman's Holy Knights entered with Louise and Kazane's group.

The Norman Holy Knights were going through the formalities of a meeting with Louise and the others when they heard the sudden scream. The Knights hurriedly ran into the room, and Kazane and the others followed behind them.


In the center of the room, the knights discovered the bloodstained Norman fallen to the ground and an old man with a blank expression.

Genzo Aida, you...

The Knights drew their swords and faced Genzo. But Jinrai advanced a step and yelledStop.

You all will only die.

While saying that, Jinrai prepared his spears. It seemed that the knights understood his words, and they withdrew behind Jinrai in a support formation.

However, the old man completely ignored Jinrai and the others and looked at Kazane.

Ah, young lady?

After he said that Genzo's face returned to being an ordinary old man.

What you said the other day, it's certainly just like that.

Kazane had no idea what he was talking about, so she tilted her head, and Genzo thought ah, that's right. Kazane's memory remained sealed.

Well, it's fine. Take this.......

So saying, he held out the katana. It was no longer the black katana that Genzo had worn, but was pure white. But the shape was the same. That was the original appearance of the katana before it was inhabited by a devil.

Kazane ignored Jinrai's warningDon't approach carelesslyand went forward to accept it.

This is?

My apology for the trouble. Please settle things with this.

What do you mean?

Genzo smiled at Kazane's tilted head.

I put my last will into this.

So saying, Genzo staggered backward separated from Kazane and the rest.

I know that it's a selfish grievance. But I can't stop. This good-for-nothing world... I can't change that thought and feeling. I know there are types like you, but I can't forgive it. I can't live in a world without Aiko and Airi.

You are...... still......

A voice could somehow be heard. A voice full of hatred.

After all, devils tend not to be powerful enough to deal with them. After the answers you saw, you should have understood that you had no chance to rule over him. You were overconfident.

Norman responded to the devil's voice with a soft dying whisper. However, the words of those two didn't reach Genzo.

It's no good. I can't forgive... if they're not here...

And then Genzo muttered a phrase.

......Ah, me and this world should just disappear......

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer

Equipment: Staff White Blaze, Two Handed SwordBlack Fang, Adhesion SwordGum, Spell Dagger, Dragonscale Breastplate, Drake Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Sylphyn Skirt, Plasma Pants, Dragon Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Magic Accumulator, White Magic Accumulator

Level : 29

Health: 101

Magic Power: 170+420

Strength: 49+10

Agility: 40+4

Endurance: 29

Wisdom : 55

Dexterity : 33

Spell : Fly Torch Fire HealFirestormHealer RayHigh Heal

Skill : Warrior's Memory Night Vision Crushing Blow Dogs Sense of Smell Golem Maker: Lv2 Rush Fire Principle: Third Chapter Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter Air Jump: Lv2 Killing Leg: Lv2 Fear Voice Invisible Tiger Eye Wall Walking Intuition Cheat Death NimbleChargeMaterial ShieldInformation LinkOptical CamouflageDashBloodsucking BladeDragonizationRegenerateRear PresenceStealthy PlacementThunder Chariot

Kazane: This episode will be settled next time.

Yumika: Let's do our best.


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