
Chapter 127: Let's Win the Final

Chapter 127: Let's Win the Final

Resurrect City, Middle Arena, Waiting Room

Yosh. I can do it!

Kazane stood from her chair and shouted. The Childstone in her hand glowed in response to Kazane shouting to encourage herself. From the vigorous shine Kazane felt that Yuuko-nee was also motivated.

Mmhmm, I have a good feeling.

Kazane nodded in complete satisfaction at that drive. Both of them were brimming with the will to win. There was only a little time until the final would start. Kazane's tension was rising without stopping.

It was the afternoon of the final day of the Grand Tournament. The third place matches had already happened that morning. The summoning match winner was a Merlight Childstone summon which Karti had defeated yesterday, and it beat a Tauros Knight. A Merlight was a will-o'-wisp type monster that looked like a yellow flame.

And in the regular division, Yumika barely managed to win. She couldn't win as her normal self and finally bulldozed her way through with her Wolf God Transformation. Afterwards she enteredReflection Mode despite winningand her master was dumbfounded and saidIsn't it already fine since you won?It seemed that Jinrai thought it was a reasonable result given Yumika's current strength, but his disciple thought it was completely useless. Minaka was sayingIs that hunger the secret to her strength?but Kazane didn't really understand. It seemed that Jinrai was taken in by her mood and was considering the same thing.

After that exchange they ate lunch, and then it was the final.

The opponent was a Sly Greed. Kazane also had experience fighting those in the game. It was an Earth element lizard in the game, but she heard yesterday that it seemed to also have the Wind element now. Today's opponent had lived for 40 years, so it should be a formidable enemy. Therefore Kazane intended to challenge with all her strength this time.

And that full strength was the combination of the SkillInformation Linkand the Circlet of Wisdom. Kazane and Yuuko-nee had remote viewing, and therefore no longer had any blind spots, and Kazane's will could be directly conveyed during the battle.

Alrighty, shall we win?

While saying that, Kazane vigorously slammed the door open and left the waiting room behind.

Resurrect City, Middle Arena

The venue that day was packed with enthusiasm. The tournament was postponed due to unavoidable circumstances, and as a result of the rush many of the usual members didn't participate. At first there was concern that it might lack excitement.

But the power of the first time participants was far higher than imagined. Among them, Kazane was definitely the most successful, which resulted in more people than usual coming to the summoning match final.


And it was the beginning of the summoning match final.

Sudden laughter and an abrupt explosion along with rainbow light accompanied the arrival of a dancing gaudy older woman with rainbow hair from the east gate.

The dancing Karti had macho men lined up on the sides, entirely like they were protecting her. Karti in the center felt exactly like a queen, although a real queen wouldn't do such a probably what a queen somewhere would think and say.

In any case, it was extremely flashy. Truthfully, to the residents of Resurrect it was like a well-liked festival suddenly appeared. However, as soon as Karti reached the center, the door of the west gate opened loudly.

From there, the first thing that could be heard was thunder. With flashes of lightning, a jet black armored carriage and horse ran into the arena. In other words, it was Hippomaru-kun and the Thunder Chariot, and Tatsuyoshi-kun Dragoon was the driver (at least visibly).

It ran to the center with roaring sounds and discharging lightning before drifting sideways and coming to a stop. It continued crackling with discharge for a bit before the lights and sounds disappeared.

The audience was speechless due to that flashy villainous performance, and then the door of the carriage opened, and a red carpet started unrolling from the carriage and made its way to the center. And after two small soldiers (mass production type Tatsuyoshi-kuns) came out from inside and saluted, a young girl finally gracefully descended from the carriage.

Kazane felt like her appearance was entirely like a princess, although a real princess wouldn't do such a thing...a princess somewhere thought to herself while watching. The princess had a harsh evaluation in that respect.

Karti tutted (isn't that more flashy than me?) inwardly while laughing derisively, and Kazane thought (ah, that's nice) as she watched the macho men. She was becoming envious of that arrangement of muscles lined up. She was an afflicted girl.

Nicely done.

You too.

Both sides mutually recognized and praised each other's performances. Both seemed to have recognized that their opponent was a formidable enemy. Although the basis was very unclear.

But both were competitors who had mutually acknowledged each other.

As the referee swallowed his saliva at the sparks between the two, he urged them to bring out their summoned creatures. Then Kazane took out Yuuko-nee. Karti carefully observed that figure and summoned with her Childstone. And a huge lizard 4 meters in length came out. Moreover, it was strangely muscular.


Kazane involuntarily leaked an admiring voice. It wasn't a person, but it was displaying a well trained body. Then Kazane looked at Yuuko-nee.

(If she trained her muscles ... she could also be that way)

Yuuko-nee was somewhat frightened by Kazane's gaze.

Stop. Don't even think about it.

Jinrai groaned while watching at the venue. She wouldn't be cute. That must not be done.

But that exchange ended quickly, and the referee spoke as the opponents faced each other.

We will now start the Resurrect Grand Tournament summoning final.

And the referee suddenly raised his hand.


And then the tournament's final summoning match began.

Immediately inflict a blow.

Kazane said, and she instructed Yuuko-nee to attack with her claws. Both Yuuko-nee's claw attacks and the tail fireball had the effect of continuously burning and damaging. If damage was given at the start, accumulated damage should come into effect later on.


However, the Sly GreedBismarckwas quicker than she imagined. It easily dodged Yuuko-nee's claw attack rush. Kazane checked with the remote viewing of the Circlet of Wisdom and guessed (Is it increasing its speed with the power of Wind? And that reaction way, does it possessIntuition?)

Although a Sly Greed shouldn't haveIntuitionit seemed to have acquiredIntuitionor a similar skill from somewhere.

(Its movement speed is considerable, so won't it be impossible to hit with the tail fireball? This situation is difficult)

Kazane firmly bit her lower lip. Yuuko-nee hadn't fought any enemies with mobility comparable to herself with Kazane and the others yet. Even if they met such an enemy, she would cut her way through with Kazane's support. She was an adventurer. Complementing each other was the right way to do things. Therefore, Yuuko-nee didn't have many solo countermeasures at the present moment.

So Kazane was thinking when the Sly Greed attacked. It bit at the ground, and spikes jutted out from underground. It was similar to Kazane's Golem Maker.

Nya, nyanyanya

But Yuuko-nee easily evaded them. Since she was linked with Kazane's Circlet of Wisdom, even attacks from behind or below weren't a problem. Besides, Yuuko-nee was mobile, andIntuitionwas also operating. She couldn't be hit.

Karti also ground her teeth and glared at that state of affairs. Sly Greed certainly had mobility comparable to Yuuko-nee, but originally it was not such a monster. It had abundant experience, but Kazane realized that Yuuko-nee should still have a natural advantage.

(If it became a battle of mobility, which one would win?)

But the opponent's attack power was higher. One good attack was capable of finishing things. While Kazane was thinking about that, Sly Greed fiercely attacked according to Karti's instructions.

Perhaps she thought Yuuko-nee would pause after dodging so many successive attacks and they could win. While sayingNyaonYuuko-nee slashed at the incoming foe. Then Sly Greed's shoulder was grazed, but before fire blew out, the wound disappeared.

(Super recovery like Regenerate?)

It was truly a multitalented summoned beast that had trained for forty years.

In addition, Yuuko-nee also groanedNyaago.It seemed she noticed that she couldn't give damage by lightly grazing.

Yeah, I understand, Yuuko-nee. You want to do as you like, right?

Considering Yuuko-nee's situation, Kazane switched away her thoughts. The problem was that she couldn't hit with any attacks. Then what she needed was speed. If damage could accumulate they could consider a drawn out battle, but with that recovery that wasn't desirable. Since that was the case, there was no other way to win than overwhelming that recovery with speed. Therefore, there was only one thing she could do.

Okay, do it!

Saying that, Kazane left everything to Yuuko-nee. Kazane's thoughts would be extraneous if the only plan was to win with speed. And then Yuuko-nee launched a tail fireball into the sky.

What is she doing?

Karti was most wary of that fireball. Unlike the claws, that would adhere to the Sly Greed while burning, and she didn't know if its Regenerate could handle that. But Yuuko-nee threw it into the empty sky. Then she jumped andate itherself.

Karti was visibly taken aback, and she was amazed to see Yuuko-nee's entire body wrapped in flames after that.

No way, she used that for a boost?


Karti's question was answered by action. Yuuko-nee started running fiercely while wrapped in flames.

Bismarck, do it!


Bismarck started an attack at Karti's instructions. He crossed both hands and released blades of wind. And Yuuko-nee continued heading forward,

Did that do it?!

However, the appearance of Yuuko-nee that should have been hit distorted and disappeared. It was the skillMiragethat hid her figure with heat distortion. She had to wait unmoving for her prey in the Sylphy Knight fight, but while wrapped in flames Yuuko-nee could do that trick while moving. And



Finally a blow hit. It wasn't just a graze, but a deep blow to the right flank. Furthermore, according to the effect ofFlame Nailflame was blowing out of the wound. Although it staggered in distress, Sly Greed dodged Yuuko-nee's successive attacks.


From Kazane's vexed expression after those attacks were dodged, Karti made a guess.

Bismarck, run away. She can't stay in that state for a long time.


Kazane groaned at those words. Certainly Yuuko-nee wouldn't be able to act for very long after swallowing the fireball. But Yuuko-nee decided to do so, so Kazane believed in her.

Do it, Yuuko-nee!

Therefore Kazane only cheered. Yuuko-nee answeredNyato that trust.

Then Yuuko-nee chased after the escaping Sly Greed with multiple Mirage afterimages, cornered it, sliced it, and hit it with fireballs.

Bismarck, you can do it! Since it's you, you can do it!!

After coming this far, Karti could only cheer for the Sly Greed.

After a short time it would be defeated.

After a short time the effect would end.

Based on both of their predictions, the position of champion and challenger were reversed, and the battlefield separated into the pursuer and the one being pursued. The audience held their breath at that extremely high speed battle. But the conclusion would arrive. It had to.

Then the Sly Greed's movement halted. The Sly Greed finally fell to its knees as Regenerate failed to cure its leg wounded by Yuuko-nee's attack. It was only an instant. Sly Greed immediately recovered its posture and tried to run, but that moment was Yuuko-nee's biggest chance to win.

Do iiitttt!!!Nyaaaaa!!!

Kazane's voice and Yuuko-nee's cry overlapped, and Yuuko-nee immediately thrust her claws and finally pierced through Sly Greed. The damage was large, and it was nearly a fatal wound.

Bismarck, return!

While saying that, Karti cancelled the Sly Greed's summoning.

Winner: Kazane!

The name of the winner was shouted by the referee.

And excited cheering echoed around the venue.

Meanwhile, Yuuko-nee spit out a burning hairball.

Originally, that adhesive substance gathered hairballs from hair cleaning. Feeling refreshed, Yuuko-nee loudly purrednyan.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer

Equipment: Staff White Blaze, Two Handed SwordBlack Fang, Adhesion SwordGum, Spell Dagger, Dragonscale Breastplate, Drake Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Sylphyn Skirt, Plasma Pants, Dragon Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Magic Accumulator, White Magic Accumulator

Level : 29

Health: 101

Magic Power: 170+420

Strength: 49+10

Agility: 40+4

Endurance: 29

Wisdom : 55

Dexterity : 33

Spell : Fly Torch Fire HealFirestormHealer RayHigh Heal

Skill : Warrior's Memory Night Vision Crushing Blow Dogs Sense of Smell Golem Maker: Lv2 Rush Fire Principle: Third Chapter Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter Air Jump: Lv2 Killing Leg: Lv2 Fear Voice Invisible Tiger Eye Wall Walking Intuition Cheat Death NimbleChargeMaterial ShieldInformation LinkOptical CamouflageDashBloodsucking BladeDragonizationRegenerateRear PresenceStealthy PlacementThunder Chariot

Kazane: That, that might have been just at the last moment.

Yumika: No, I'm happy for you, but I was really skipped.

Kazane: It's okay, I saw it.

Yumika: I mean, that's nice, but come on!


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