
Chapter 122: Let's Be a Pushover

Chapter 122: Let's Be a Pushover

Resurrect City, Third Inn, Night

Ah, Minaka-san.

Kazane, good evening.

When Kazane left her room and descended to the bar on the first floor, Minaka was sitting alone at a table. To be precise, when she left her room Minaka's scent came from below, so Kazane was curious and descended.

Is something wrong?

No. I was just thinking about tomorrow and found it a little hard to sleep.

Kazane nodded to Minaka's words and saidWell, that makes sense.The matches tomorrow morning would decide the top 8, followed by the quarterfinals in the afternoon, and then the semifinals after that. As long as she didn't lose she would have to face Yumika in the quarterfinals, Genzo in the semifinals, and even if she won that, she would have to face Vanil in the final the next day.

Kazane went to the other side of the table and askedIs it fine?When Minaka nodded, Kazane ordered chilled fruit juice and sat down facing Minaka.

That reminds me. Jinrai-san said that all the formidable enemies are preparing for the Grand Tournament in Numa, but in reality there are a lot of strong people, aren't there?

Yes. It's true that the famous players didn't come, but there are still many fearsome enemies. Especially Yumika-san; it's the first time I've met someone near my age that's about as strong as I am.

At those words Kazane made a smug smile and

Because Yumika is competing with Jinrai-san every day and is always forced to yield.

So replied.

I'm very jealous about that. I have been traveling for the past three years, but I have been alone the entire time.

Minaka's expression seemed really envious. Looking at that made Kazane curious, and she asked a question.

You didn't join a party?

At those words Minaka looked lonely as she shook her head.

I often joined as a temporary helper, but I was rarely in a fixed party. At best it only happened while I was staying for a while in the same city. An adventurer's purpose isn't to become stronger but to fight to earn a living, so it isn't common to meet someone with the same goal.

Hmm. It seems Jinrai-san felt the same way until a little while ago.

She also heard that he stayed at rank B so he could move freely. Currently Kazane and the others weren't rank A, but their actions were still being restricted by designated requests. That situation was commonly continuous at rank A.

(That reminds me, I was told I could receive a promotion to rank B)

It seemed the Adventurers Guild thought Kazane and Yumika were beyond rank C. Apparently they even wanted to jump them up to rank A, but since the conditions for promotion after rank C were severe it seemed they wouldn't do it.

(Well, I am busy right now)

Kazane thought, and with (another time) put the matter out of her mind.

Jinrai-sama? That gentleman is an amazing expert. I'm almost completely unable to compete against him.

It looks like he has recently been becoming even stronger. Louise-san was also impressed.

He was a fearsome old man.

Jinrai-san also said that Genzo Ojii-chan was about as capable as himself. Even beating Yumika will be tough, right?

Hahaha. That is bad for Yumika.

Good grief.

A voice was heard from behind.

Oh, Yumika.

Hello, best friend. Were you lonely by yourself?

Well, Tiara went to bed early, and Naoki went off somewhere.

Naoki was undergoing special training alone based on today's remorse.

You could tell by my scent that I was coming down, right?

In other words, she deliberately said her name earlier. Yumika pinched and pulled Kazane's cheeks.

Mu, when you're feeling lonely you should just invite me to talk.

Thankyou verymuch.

After Kazane spoke, Yumika released her cheeks and also sat at the table.

That's right. That old man Genzo is definitely strong, but he's not as strong as master.

Well, I can't even imagine Jinrai-san losing.

That's how it is.

While saying that, Yumika slurped some of Kazane's chilled juice through the straw. Kazane took it away and saidMine.


Order your own.

Minaka giggled at that exchange.

You have a good relationship.

Kazane and Yumika looked at each other and said,

Unfortunately, we're inseparable.

That's right.

Then Yumika looked at Minaka and said

Well, we'll probably be fighting tomorrow, but please do your best at that time.

while holding out her hand,


And Minaka also grasped her hand, and they shook hands. After chatting for a while Kazane and Yumika returned to their rooms, and Minaka became alone again. Then she muttered.

Please do your best......huh?

She looked at her hand that was grasped. That certainly felt like acapable hand,but it didn't have the experience of years. She could certainly admit that she had a high level of skill. However, that was a hand that came to be used recently.

(If her growth is that rapid ..... she seems to have a rather formidable talent, but it seems she is still easy-going.)

Minaka concluded. Aiming killing intent at an opponent wasn't something a fresh warrior could do. Minaka was considering. Minaka was suppressing it before, but Yumika was naturally like that.

(Her heart cannot be said to be a warrior's yet. Perhaps that is enough for me to win?)

Whether or not to preserve the secret technique which she hadn't shown yet until the match against Genzo. That was the question for Minaka.

Resurrect City, Middle Arena, Noon

The third day of the main tournament. The matches that morning decided the top 8, and the top 4 of the summoning matches was also decided. Just after lunch Kazane also safely won the semifinal, which was her second match that day.


The crack of Kazane and Tiara's hands meeting resounded. It seemed Tiara had memorized the method after seeing Kazane and Yumika do it.

Congratulations, Aneki.

Thank you.

Naoki had also mostly recovered from the shock of yesterday's defeat and was able to smile, though it seemed he still wasn't in normal condition.

Well, I'd say this morning's opponent was harder, since it was Water element.

She fought a Water Golem that morning. It was a Childstone summoned creature with the Water element. This time she fought a Tauros Knight, an ordinary summoned creature that was like an armored Centaur. It seemed to be a pure battle type like the Sylphy Knight, and Knight type summoned creatures seemed to be in vogue these days.

Well, that type has been going in and out of style for the past decade. It's just like this right now.

That was said by Louise. For the last three days she had only visited them at the inn to take care of Minaka and seemed to have been staying overnight to plan measures to deal with the devil situation, but she was finally to join her companions today. But her expression was grim.

35 people are dead.

Louise said.

They're all devil users?

Louise nodded to Kazane's question with an irritated expression.

There is no doubt. The guys who lost to ordinary players were also killed, but when devil users faced each other the loser would only have the weapon that the devil resided in broken. Those users still weakened and died later.

Louise spat out, and no one could interrupt.

The management is turning a blind eye because it's only a dispute between fellow devil users, and unlike the people from my family the devil hunters that came aren't useful and have started saying things likeIf fellow devil users are voluntarily putting each other out of business that's good.Are they fools? We should be preventing that kind of thing. Aren't they only flaunting their own incompetence? Those idiots.

Ah, Louise Nee-san, that talk is dangerous.

After Jinrai's warning Louise apologized by sayingOh, I beg your pardonand drained her chilled fruit juice.

Nn, I can at least understand from what Louise-san is saying that it's terrible.

That's right. It's terrible. Moreover, even if I'm a daughter of my family, those guys are strangely sycophantic, and managing them has become unpleasant. I was vetoed by such useless people. I'm so pathetic.

While saying that she embraced Kazane tightly. Kazane patted Louise's back and thought (she must have accumulated a lot of stress) and sighed.

Well, I could only be here because I will soon be relieved of the burden. There are two remaining devil users.

Everyone quieted again after Louise's words. They were Vanil and Genzo. In addition, among the four men Kazane saw pursuing Minaka, the final unknown man fought Genzo, and it was later confirmed at his hotel that his sword was broken and he had weakened and died.

It seems that when a sword breaks the opposing devil's power is absorbed. It looks like the winners are stealing the powers and souls of the losers.

After Louise's explanation, Kazane recalled the explanation about devils she had previously heard.

Umm, isn't a devil an aggregation of souls? So like you explained the other day, the winners now have the losers' souls, right?

Louise nodded to Kazane's question.

It seems that way. Why they're meeting at this tournament is unknown, but the only thing that comes to mind is that the devils are absorbing each other for some kind of ritual.

So then, Louise-san, what are you going to do?

If Yumika kept advancing in the tournament she would go against both of those devil users, so she asked, but Louise shrugged her shoulders with a cynical expression and told her.

Absolutely nothing. At present the general public hasn't suffered any harm, and although with the suspicion that the devil users were killed to steal their powers there are only two suspects, without one of them dying there's no evidence to specify either one as the culprit. The only thing that was decided was that the winner would be monitored after the final.

If it finished among fellow devil users they were leaving it alone.

With what you're saying, shouldn't Yumika be safe? If the main course is ahead they shouldn't do anything to cause a problem.

To Kazane's words Yumika repliedI hope so,and Jinrai pointed out with a grim faceWe shouldn't be careless.

Now now, master. First I have to think about fighting against Minaka.

Jinrai agreed with Yumika's words.

That's right. That one is strong.

I know. But she should see me as below herself, so I shouldn't be her aim.

Yumika said. As a matter of fact, Yumika guessed Minaka's inner thoughts. She purposefully ignored them. In order to win.

Even during training she dropped gears and didn't use her Wolf God Transformation, and since he guessed his disciple's motives Jinrai didn't say anything. When Naoki looked like he was about to let it slip she only told himPanties.Naoki had trembled violently.

From the start, Yumika didn't think she was stronger. Every day she continued to lose against her master Jinrai, and while she didn't understand the reason, her best friend was somehow amazing. She could beat Naoki, but that was just Naoki, after all. If she came at Yumika seriously she didn't think she could win, so this was the natural result. She had been taking precautionary measures because she knew Minaka's strength.

Therefore, Yumika had been prudent in their battles so far and had always been holding back.

With their short relationship, Minaka didn't know about this part of Yumika's character.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer

Equipment: Staff White Blaze, Two Handed SwordBlack Fang, Adhesion SwordGum, Spell Dagger, Dragonscale Breastplate, Drake Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Sylphyn Skirt, Plasma Pants, Dragon Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Magic Accumulator, White Magic Accumulator

Level : 29

Health: 101

Magic Power: 170+420

Strength: 49+10

Agility: 40+4

Endurance: 29

Wisdom : 55

Dexterity : 33

Spell : Fly Torch Fire HealFirestormHealer RayHigh Heal

Skill : Warrior's Memory Night Vision Crushing Blow Dogs Sense of Smell Golem Maker: Lv2 Rush Fire Principle: Third Chapter Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter Air Jump: Lv2 Killing Leg: Lv2 Fear Voice Invisible Tiger Eye Wall Walking Intuition Cheat Death NimbleChargeMaterial ShieldInformation LinkOptical CamouflageDashBloodsucking BladeDragonizationRegenerateRear PresenceStealthy PlacementThunder Chariot

Kazane: Coward!

Yumika: I don't want to be told that when your main strategy is surprise attacks!


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