
Chapter 120: Let's Go to the Murder Scene

Chapter 120: Let's Go to the Murder Scene


Naoki muttered that single word in the middle of the arena.

He was referring to the opponent in front of him.

(Strong ... but not only that. That sword, is it a magic sword, or perhaps it's a possession sword?)

A possession sword was a sword that was somehow possessed by a monster, summoned creature, or devil that empowered the owner. Sometimes the being inside could be summoned.

(So he is probably one of the rumored devil users? Strengthening of physical ability is natural, but there may be other abilities.)

While thinking so Naoki took out the sword named Distortion Sword Duran from his Item Box.

This was a sword that distorted the surrounding light so that opponents would misjudge the distance to the actual sword....though it displayed that power, it was also an odd magic sword that could actually change its length. Kazane's adhesion sword also belonged to that category.

Once they went to the center they received the bloodshed protection technique from the referee. By using that they wouldn't be sliced as badly by slashes, and they could still be accurately judged as hits. It also had an effect on striking weapons, though the effect wasn't as strong as it was against slashing. That technique was also the reason Jinrai disliked the tournament. Jinrai thought that battling with a safety buffer was absolutely improper. Although it wasn't absolutely safe, since a sword attack from an expert would break the technique.

After the application of the technique was over, they went into the starting position with swords crossed, and Naoki maximized the distortion from his sword, which fanned the opponent's wariness. The opponent had a displeased expression, but he didn't care about that. This was a contest, after all.


After both were in position the battle started with a signal from the referee.

(Victory goes to the one who makes the first move!)

Waiting and seeing was not an option. In the best case there would probably still be a difference in physical ability. With that thought Naoki quickly struck with his distortion sword. The other guy tuttedTchwhile exchanging blows.

(As expected, the blows are strong)

Naoki had mainly raised his Strength and Agility while leveling, but the opponent was beyond that. Consequently, Naoki concluded that he had to raise his standards for a devil.

This is difficult.

The opponent was somewhat irritated as he swung his sword.

In one move Naoki diverted the blow to the side with his distortion sword and continued to spin with the momentum for a sideways blow.

As his blade reached the opponent's arm, the man's body distorted.


Instantly the man's body disappeared, and a presence approached from behind.

Eat this!


He didn't know if it was an illusion or a light altering technique, but right now he had to deal with reality. Naoki spun to slash, and the bloodshed protection technique responded and decided the match.


That was cried out by the devil using opponent.

Sorry about that.

So saying Naoki put thesecond swordback in his Item Box.

He was holding Distortion Sword Duran andfrom the beginningthe Transparent Sword Miriana. Although it was only a disappearing sword, with his Magic Sword Operator Skill having a sword that could easily get lost among his eight flying swords was surely amazing.

From the beginning Naoki entered the arena with Transparent Sword Miriana in hand and showed the distortion sword's effect in order to divert the opponent's attention. Naoki felt flustered when his figure disappeared in the middle, but the devil user didn't notice the existence of Miriana and was defeated by being struck by the counter from the transparent sword.


How cowardly.......

Well, since it's a battle he can only blame himself for being deceived.

Jinrai followed up Kazane's merciless words with a strained laugh. Naoki didn't show that during their intensive training, and Jinrai was impressed with his stubbornness. If he challenged him to an actual battle that thing might be dangerous.

I suppose a win is a win. Well then, I'm off to see Louise-san for a bit.

So saying Kazane stood up.

Even though Naoki won?

Yumika tilted her head and asked Kazane.

The devil user lost, so won't he be killed?

Both Yumika and Tiara respondedAhto that remark. The man just now wasn't recognized as a devil user. There were plans in place to manage the situation, but they wouldn't assume that he would be attacked afterwards.

Wait Kazane. Louise Nee-san is in the middle arena right now. Go to the management area of this arena. There should be other devil hunters standing by there.

Yeah, understood.

Without pausing Kazane spoke and dashed inside the arena building.


While Kazane was running in the arena she passed by the old swordsman Genzo.


Kazane raised her voice when she saw Genzo. But when Genzo saw Kazane he looked a little surprised and askedIs something wrong?

Something isn't just wrong. You, maybe you were aiming at the man just now?

Genzo seemed to guess the situation from what was said.

I see. So that's the reason. If that's the case you're too late.

Kazane was openly wary after Genzo's remark, but Genzo didn't react to that and said a few more words.

That guy, John Halba, was already killed. By someone.

Resurrect City, South Arena, Eastern Passage

Aah, it was already done.

Louise sighed when she saw the corpse.

There was the beheaded corpse of a man in the passage leading from the east gate of the south arena.

By the time I saw him it had already happened.

Genzo replied from beside Louise.

A little time had passed since Kazane and Genzo passed each other.

Kazane and Genzo went to the management area to contact them about the devil user John's death, and he accompanied her to the scene. Then Louise also joined afterwards.

Already dead......really?

When Louise looked at Kazane she reluctantly nodded.

She investigated withDog's Sense of Smellalready, but she didn't smell the slain John's blood on Genzo's sword. Genzo slightly smelled of John's blood when she first passed him, but the degree wasn't strange considering he was at the murder scene just before that.

But it seems that we've been making an enemy of your group. We are devil users. I heard that the losing devil users were killed recently, so I came to see the situation.

Really. That may be the case, but surely you don't suspect us?

After Louise's words, Genzo repliedIt's unthinkablewith a smile.

I'm rather doubtful of your involvement. Since the devil hunt in Soldard seems to have been a terrible spectacle.

After that remark Louise turned away with a crushingly bitter expression. Although Kazane was curious about the significance of those words, she was hesitant to ask Louise about the story with that painful expression.

Even if I thought that, it is painful to lose more companions. My only wish is that it won't happen again.

The surrounding gazes became stronger, but Genzo showed no concern.

Well then, can I go?

To that emotionless voice Louise repliedBy all meanswith irritation.

Ah, that's right.

Kazane called out to Genzo as he was trying to pass by.

Is there something else?

Ojii-chan, are youJapanese?

The old man's expression stiffened after Kazane's words.

Eh, what?

Kazane thought it was a strange reaction.

Ah, it's nothing, excuse me. It has already been two years since I saw my grandchild. When you called me Ojii-chan it reminded me of her.

The old man saidExcuse mewhile wiping the corners of his eyes.

(Mm. He seems like an ordinary Ojii-chan)

The old man's current appearance was such an anticlimax that it was hard to believe he was the same person that gave off the dangerous impression she had viewed him with until now.

So you asked if I wasJapanese.That'sexactly right.I am a Ninja.

Ah, that seems right.

Kazane was convinced by seeing that his garments were certainly lightweight and easy to move in.

When this tournament is over I will return to my hometown. I want to see my grandchild as soon as possible, so I cannot be killed in such a place.

Nn, that's for sure. It would be nice if you and your grandchild met soon.

Genzo strongly nodded and repliedI think the sameas he left.

Then Kazane also said farewell to Louise and returned to her companions. She felt like there was a strange gaping hole in her chest on the way, but to the end Kazane didn't recognize the reason.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer

Equipment: Staff White Blaze, Two Handed SwordBlack Fang, Adhesion SwordGum, Spell Dagger, Dragonscale Breastplate, Drake Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Sylphyn Skirt, Plasma Pants, Dragon Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Magic Accumulator, White Magic Accumulator

Level : 29

Health: 101

Magic Power: 170+420

Strength: 49+10

Agility: 40+4

Endurance: 29

Wisdom : 55

Dexterity : 33

Spell : Fly Torch Fire HealFirestormHealer RayHigh Heal

Skill : Warrior's Memory Night Vision Crushing Blow Dogs Sense of Smell Golem Maker: Lv2 Rush Fire Principle: Third Chapter Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter Air Jump: Lv2 Killing Leg: Lv2 Fear Voice Invisible Tiger Eye Wall Walking Intuition Cheat Death NimbleChargeMaterial ShieldInformation LinkOptical CamouflageDashBloodsucking BladeDragonizationRegenerateRear PresenceStealthy PlacementThunder Chariot

Kazane: That devil using Ojii-chan may not be such a bad person.

Yumika: No, I think it's dangerous to decide that immediately after talking to him once...

Kazane: But there's a pain in my chest when I see that Ojii-chan. There's no way this is love?

Yumika: Old man fetish?


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