
Chapter 118: Let's Have a Match

Chapter 118: Let's Have a Match

The Grand Tournament main battles started the day after Minaka was tailed. Kazane, Tiara, and Jinrai acting as Tiara's escort were in the middle arena, and Yumika, Naoki, and Minaka had separated to go to their respective arenas for their matches.

On the first day there were usually 62 matches, and the 24 summoning matches started in the morning.

The first day had a very strict schedule, but each participant only had one match.

Resurrect City, Middle Arena, Waiting Room

Should I finish my match this morning quickly so I can go and see Yumika's match?

Kazane said, and Jinrai nodded.

That would be best. But don't be careless. There are many stunning upsets in the summoning master battles.

There were cases like Sieg getting a white dragon beyond his abilities. A rookie suddenly rising in power was a common occurrence.

I'll keep that in mind. Do your best as well, Yuuko-nee.

The Childstone glittered faintly after Kazane spoke to it.

She said she'll do her best.

I'm looking forward to it.

Jinrai's cheeks loosened as he said so. He recently became a cat lover, and Jinrai's combination of battle mania and cat attribute was evolving in a strange direction.

While Kazane and Jinrai were talking the waiting room began to stir.

That person seems to have come.

No way, the unbeatable summoning master that has won the tournament six times, Karti Masborn?

Look, she's coming in.

While such remarks were fluttering about, a glitzy middle-aged woman with dyed rainbow hair entered the room. No, at her age she should probably be officially considered an old woman. Her clothing was excessively gaudy and made from Lam cloth. Karti looked around, and with a loud sniff spoke insultingly.

What's this? The group this time only has weaklings again.

Several people turned hostile at those words, but Karti ignored them and quickly advanced further inside the waiting room.

Well then, I heard that a newcomer called the Ogre Killing Princess came this time. Who is it?

Karti abruptly glared at her, and several other people also looked at Kazane.

(Ah, I was seen)

Kazane didn't know how to deal with this kind of older woman. She already showed she was loud and cocky, and that was the most likely type to treat her like a kid. Kazane perceived that no matter what she said this older woman would treat her like a child to the end.

So you're the Ogre Killing Princess? What's this, aren't you still a child?

Um, hello.

Karti sniffed even louder to Kazane's reserved greeting and spoke abusively.

Haa, so you also doesn't have any manners. Once I entered the room the first thing you should have done was come to me and bow your head to the floor while saying nice to meet you. Kids these days are as hopeless as always.

Kazane's mouth was twitching, but she endured. Tiara behind her was glaring, but Mefirus in Tiara's arms and Jinrai next to her seemed indifferent.

Mefirus-sama, an unpleasantly colored idiot seems to have come, what should we do?

I suggest capital punishment.

At those words Karti was taken aback and looked at the man next to Kazane. She felt like she had heard that voice a long time ago.

Huh? Ishn't thaa Jinrai?

She spoke like a toddler. An old hag became infantile. It wasn't adorable.

It's been a long time. Karti, has the leaky habit been fixed?

After Jinrai's remark Karti started screamingAaaaaaa!!and left the room. The surrounding people had no idea what was going on as they watched that situation. Jinrai saidSo it wasn't fixed. She fell back on her habit of running away from inconvenience.Mefirus mutteredShe looks like that, but inside she's still a brat.

Tiara and Kazane became???at that situation, but Kazane remembered (that reminds me, a long time ago didn't they say they used to have a companion that could summon a lizard?). To be specific, that was in Resurrect City, Middle Arena

The matches started. Karti didn't approach after that. Kazane's match was next, so she was guided to enter through the west gate of the arena, and when she did so she was greeted by tremendously loud cheering.

Oooh, incredible.

Kazane had never experienced being cheered on by such a large amount of people, so naturally she was feeling a little timid.

Kazane should have understood, but news of her activities in Minshiana had flowed into Resurrect City through adventurers. Because the Dragon Boat stopped in this city it was easy to gather information from people like Brick the information seller.

And the Grand Tournament organizers wanted to make the best use of her established reputation, so even though she only signed up three days ago Kazane was widely advertised. The Ogre Killing Princess that led the White Party and famously used a monster cat became one of the favorite targets of betting.

However, even though the information was reliably written, they were still rumors. There were details that seemed like fabrications, including the fact that she looked like a child, so now it was a situation where many people gathered to actually see Kazane.

Really, such a small child?

Idiot, you'll be forced to polish a door.

Hey, do your best young lady!

Hmm. It seems the tournament organizers prepared a panda.

Stop saying such things. You'll understand after actually watching.

She's adorable, isn't she?

Each spectator's reaction came from behind her as Kazane headed to the center of the arena.

It seemed the opponent was a man that could summon a Tyrant Orc with his Childstone. In addition, even though there was a tournament bracket it wasn't divided impartially. Those with a certain name value were separated from each other so they would meet later on in the tournament, and after that they tried to match opponents together based on their ability, so her battle was the main event of the day.

I don't want to remember it.

Kazane frowned. Kazane had a bitter memory involving a Tyrant Orc. However, it was the same level of opponent as Yuuko-nee was before she was strengthened. Even the former Yuuko-nee was able to fight above that level because of theIntuitionskill. There should be no way for the current Yuuko-nee to lose.

But when the man in front of her saw Kazane he snorted derisively and smiled.

Kazane took out her Childstone without worrying about that behavior. Kazane thought it couldn't be helped since she was normally seen as a child, and even if someone heard a child opponent had a summoned creature of the same rank they would probably doubt that they would lose to a child's magical power and management ability. Besides, she would instead be grateful if it made him careless.

Then the summoning referee said they could start bringing them out. The summoning matches started after the creatures were summoned.

Let's make our win flashy, Yuuko-nee!!


At Kazane's words, Yuuko-nee manifested with flames from the Childstone.

Her appearance was one size larger than an ordinary Elder Cat, and her tail was bifurcated with balls of flame burning on the ends. The ground fizzled under Yuuko-nee. It was because Yuuko-nee's red hot nails were touching and melting grains of sand.

Is that really an Elder Cat?

The opposing man watched with surprise. The summoned Tyrant Orc was also staring at Yuuko-nee cautiously.

Normally a summoned creature would barely be strengthened from eating monster meat.

Its status would be raised after eating the meat of a higher-ranked monster, but the appearance actually altering from eating meat only happened if it was from a high level monster like adult dragons or griffons. A summoned creature that ate the meat of a powerful adult dragon would practically change into a different monster, but that was rarely seen.

After the referee confirmed both were summoned he saidBegin.

The man pulled himself together and ordered the Tyrant Orc.

It seems to be bigger than an ordinary Elder Cat, but its form is mostly unchanged. Aim for the legs to lower its mobility.


The Tyrant Orc followed its lord's orders and started running.

Kazane gave instructions to Yuuko-nee while carefully watching it.

First fire a ball of flame from your tail to restrain it. If you do it immediately you can continue attacking as you like to burn it.


After hearing Kazane's words, Yuuko-nee leapt forward. Then she attacked by firing a ball of flame from her tail. The Tyrant Orc tried to knock it away with its club, but the flame stuck to the club and blazed. There was a jelly like fat in the center of the flame. It adhered to and burned whatever it came in contact with.


The Tyrant Orc shook it off the club before it spread too far, but the next moment Yuuko-nee's Flame Nail grazed its right arm.

The Tyrant Orc screamed as flames gushed forth from the wound.

Why does an Elder Cat have such an attack?

The other summoner shouted, but Yuuko-nee didn't stop. They were only grazing attacks, but flames rose from the cuts and increased the damage. Yuuko-nee attacked like a storm while the Tyrant Oak screamed and rampaged. However, it did not hit Yuuko-nee. It didn't even graze her. And when the Tyrant Orc fell to one knee Yuuko-nee hit its face with another ball of flame. After that the Tyrant Orc screamed soundlessly.

Damn, what a nasty attack

The opponent shouted. The Tyrant Orc could no longer breathe.

Damn it, I lost. I lost!

Then the opponent said that and canceled the Tyrant Orc's summoning.

He understood that even if the battle continued the Tyrant Orc's face was burning and it was suffocating, so Yuuko-nee could finish it off at her leisure.

Winner: Kazane!

The outcome was decided shortly after it started. The spectators cheered loudly to praise the huge and adorable appearance of Yuuko-nee as well as her strength.

Thank youThank you


Kazane left the stage on Yuuko-nee while waving in answer to the cheers. By the way, since Yuuko-nee wasn't in battle her claws returned to their original position and the flames at the end of her tails disappeared, so she was safe to approach.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer

Equipment: Staff White Blaze, Two Handed SwordBlack Fang, Adhesion SwordGum, Spell Dagger, Dragonscale Breastplate, Drake Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Sylphyn Skirt, Plasma Pants, Dragon Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Magic Accumulator, White Magic Accumulator

Level : 29

Health: 101

Magic Power: 170+420

Strength: 49+10

Agility: 40+4

Endurance: 29

Wisdom : 55

Dexterity : 33

Spell : Fly Torch Fire HealFirestormHealer RayHigh Heal

Skill : Warrior's Memory Night Vision Crushing Blow Dogs Sense of Smell Golem Maker: Lv2 Rush Fire Principle: Third Chapter Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter Air Jump: Lv2 Killing Leg: Lv2 Fear Voice Invisible Tiger Eye Wall Walking Intuition Cheat Death NimbleChargeMaterial ShieldInformation LinkOptical CamouflageDashBloodsucking BladeDragonizationRegenerateRear PresenceStealthy PlacementThunder Chariot

Kazane: Another one of Jinrai-san's former companions appeared.

Yumika: Mefirus-sama's former party, right? We heard about her before.

Kazane: They said she had a lizard called Sly Greed. 40 years have passed, so I'm guessing it has powered up.


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