
Chapter 114: Another Request for Master

Chapter 114: Another Request for Master

Resurrect City, Third Inn

When Kazane and Tiara arrived at the inn, for some reason Master was waiting in their room.

Hey, Kazane. Has it been ten days since we saw each other?

About that long? Long time no see. And, why is Master here?

Kazane said her greetings and the obvious question. By the way, Tiara beside her also greeted him withIt has been a long time.

It's been a long time, Tiara. The reason I'm waiting in here specifically is that I asked Jinrai if I could do so, but

And then he continued talking.

It seems an idiot somewhere gave out a letter of introduction addressed to me. The guy that received it demanded I urgently make something and kicked up a fuss. He said to make it quickly then immediately go and get it activated by transporting it with the Flying Dragon Service.

Ah, Agato-san?

Agato was the owner of the Majiria Magic Tool Workshop. Kazane promised to make him a stand-alone Golem horse like Hippomaru-kun, but Kazane never thought it would be brought so quickly. She had to take her hat off to his ability to make things happen.

I'm sorry.

Kazane obediently apologized. Her impression of Agato was that he easily got carried away with momentum.

Well, I guess it's fine. After all, I am getting paid for this.

Master said and looked at Kazane.

So I brought Hippomaru-kun Mark 2 (Tentative) to this city, could you activate it?

Sure thing. I have been diligently preparing a dedicated technique, so it's okay.

Then Kazane was guided to Hippomaru-kun Mark 2 (Tentative) by Master.

Resurrect City, Warehouse District

Kazane was guided by Master to one of the warehouses in the warehouse district, which was a short distance away from the inn.

It's pinkIt's pink.

It's pink all right.

Master agreed with Kazane and Tiara's remarks. The horse figure in the warehouse was pink, and it was indiscriminately covered with many thick metal heart marks. The excessive Lovely impression should have been stopped while there was still a chance.

So how is it, can you do it?

Master asked while Kazane checked several things about Hippomaru-kun Mark 2 (Tentative), and she repliedNo problem.

Well then, SkillGolem MakerHippomaru-kun Mark 2

When Kazane raised her staff and activated her skill, Hippomaru-kun Mark 2 (Tentative) started to move. When that was over Kazane placed her hand over the Childstone behind the neck and sent in her magical power. When the Childstone was lit with the light of Kazane's magical power she confirmed the activation and saidOkayto Master.

As always you do it so easily.

Master was impressed as he observed Hippomaru-kun Mark 2 (Tentative), but Kazane pouted and objected.

That is a misunderstanding. The preparation is what takes a lot of time.

It was exactly as Kazane said; she thoroughly made adjustments for this Mark 2 (Tentative). It was an instant delivery without experiments. It would be dangerous if it suddenly barreled along at 120 kilometers per hour.

Is that how it is?

That kind of hardship was outside of Master's expertise.

It's set up to listen to the person who inserts the Childstone, so Master can activate it and use it for the return trip.

That saves me some trouble.

Master himself was also interested in this Hippomaru-kun Mark 2 (Tentative). Hearing that he would be able to test drive it on the way home meant everything worked out as he desired. While Master was thinking that and observing Hippomaru-kun Mark 2 (Tentative), Kazane asked him a question.

By the way, will Master be in this city for a while?

No. The client demanded that I return as soon as I could. This client is really rough on his workers.

After Master said that Kazane wore a complacent smile while she made her next request flirtatiously, combined with placing her pinky near her lips.

We~ll then. If that's the ca~se, there's just a li~ttle something I want to reque~st.

After he saw that Master looked like he wanted to run away, but he still nodded.

Well, that's fine, but... you're hopelessly unsuited to that way of talking.


Even though that stupid younger brother said he would happily jump into a dragon's mouth..Kazane thought, keenly aware of her lack of girl power. Furthermore, Tiara behind her was repeatedly mutteringIt's good, it's good,so it seemed that it was simply a problem of demand. By the way, of course Naoki didn't really jump into a dragon's mouth.

Since Kazane got Master's acceptance she took the Power Orb (small) that she obtained from the Dragon Boat this morning out of her Item Box and handed it to Master. The orb resembled a soccer ball sized Childstone, and Master looked very interested as he stared at it.

Is this a Heart Orb? No, it isn't, right? This is the first time I've seen this, but it resembles a Childstone from a deep floor. Where did you get this?


Of course she couldn't talk about the Dragon Boat matter or the Infinite Key. Recently there were many things she had to keep secret. Kazane-chan was a woman of many secrets.

Tch, well then, customer. What are you going to do with this guy?

Master resigned himself to not hearing where she got it and asked how to use it.

I want to attach this to Hippomaru-kun.


Master was amazed. If this Power Orb (small) had the same function as a Childstone, considering its size it would be able to power a fully-operating Tatsuyoshi-kun Dragoon with power to spare. In fact, this size was often used as a power source for castles, forts, and major facilities.

Well, I obtained an interesting summon, so I thought with this I could use it for battle.

This would definitely be sufficient for battle.

Later on I want to make it the main power for this.

So saying Kazane took a blueprint from her pouch and handed it to Master. Master examined it and looked at Kazane with an even more surprised expression.

This is ... certainly this thing would be the most suitable way to power this guy, but won't there be a problem with the strength when it's separated?

Even though you say that, with its size immediately having you make it so we can bring it along would be difficult. It's meaningless to worry about that now. I'll work out the details with the strength and make a request to produce the rest when we reach Gordias City.

After Kazane's request Master groaned hmm while examining the blueprint.

Well, since it involves machining existing things it shouldn't be a problem, but we'll have to remake the joints using Magic Ore. Or perhaps I should say

Master looked at Kazane reproachfully.

How long have you been thinking about this? It's obvious you were already planning this during your previous request, so couldn't you have just told us to use Magic Ore in the first place?

Well, you know...

Kazane feigned ignorance. Tiara beside her completely failed to understand the discussion, but she was able to sneak a peek at the blueprint and saw a strange huge-looking thing drawn on it. Although it seemed like some time would be necessary for it to become a reality.

Master changed the arrangement of Muscle Clay, and after adjusting the armor he immediately succeeded in implanting the Power Orb. Some Muscle Clay was removed to make room for the Power Orb, but the armor was loosened and it was reused by stuffing it into the chest area and the legs. As a result, the appearance of Hippomaru-kun became thicker and rougher.

After that, Kazane adjusted Hippomaru-kun in the Creator Mode of Golem Maker to optimize the balance of the changed arrangement. Kazane nodded with satisfaction after her flawless completion.

By the way. What did you mean when you said you obtained an interesting summon?

After everything was completed, Master asked about something that caught his attention from Kazane's earlier words. Kazane wore a complacent smile and started by sayingActually~.And after Master heard about it he was very interested, and they immediately went outside so it could be introduced by taking it for a spin.

Resurrect City, Outskirts

Well then, Hippomaru-kun's previous speed of 120 kilometers per hour was now further increased by the introduction of the Power Orb. Even if it freely used magical power for control, it seemed that 150 kilometers per hour could be delivered with room to spare. It was a speed that already seemed like cheating for something with four legs.

And the burden that speed previously caused for the passengers had been improved by the Thunder Chariot'sPurple Lightning Barrierability. The coach seat was protected by some kind of electrical barrier so that the driver wouldn't be subjected to excessive wind pressure. This seemed to be because it was assumed that the Dullahan would be driving and fighting with this carriage by itself.

Furthermore, with the wide wheels and the stabilizing effect from the electrical discharge the quality of the ride for those in the interior was kept comfortable with almost no swaying.

There was no problem at all. The faster the Thunder Chariot went, the higher the discharge from the wheels, even if it was not in Battle Mode. Beyond that, the current speed of Hippomaru-kun was over 150 kilometers per hour. The Thunder Chariot would release a dreadful amount of electric discharge thanks to achieving a speed unprecedented in the history of the Dullahan.

The carriage with that formidable amount of electrical discharge was now running around Resurrect City. It was racing down the road with a terrible roaring sound while firing fierce flashes of lightning.

Due to its speed and the light of the electrical discharges, no horse or carriage was visible from outside. Lightning continued running along the ground. That was the only thing that could be seen.

Gahahahahahaha, incredible, this thing is incredible, Kazane!

I have done it! Today I have become wind!


Kazane was operating Hippomaru-kun in a good mood, Master was watching in a good mood, and Tiara was in the center with tears in her eyes. They didn't recognize how they were being seen. They were intoxicated by the drug called speed and couldn't see their surroundings.

And the inhabitants of Resurrect City that saw that spectacle trembled with fear.

They had never seen such a strange thing as lightning running along the ground. Moreover, far from attacking everybody, the lightning avoided people as it passed by, and when a child jumped out around the corner the lightning immediately exploded (it seemed to be something like retrofiring) and stopped. At that time the child witnessed the lightning's true identity as a horse-drawn carriage being driven by a young girl, but even though he told the adults no one believed him. Another child that realized that adults just don't understand was born.

And before it became night that figure flashing lightning disappeared, but to the end its identity was unclear.

Although all members of the party that overheard the story while they were returning from intensive training except Minaka realized the true identity. They didn't know the full story, but they were certain it was Kazane's work.

And after they returned to the inn Jinrai headed towards Kazane, who had returned earlier, with a remarkable expression. Everyone who saw it expected Kazane would be scolded harshly, but on the contrary Jinrai only lightly rebuked her by saying,

Next time you should drive where there are no people. So, is tomorrow good?

Apparently he wanted to ride it.

The lightning was seen again at a place distant from the city the next day. Since it was a sighting in a fairly distant place, the residents were relieved by thinking that yesterday's lightning had left the city.

By the way, in the Adventurer's Guild it was registered as a monster calledCrawling Lightning.It was an unidentified incarnation of lightning, a mysterious monster with only two sightings.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer

Equipment: Staff White Blaze, Two Handed SwordBlack Fang, Adhesion SwordGum, Spell Dagger, Dragonscale Breastplate, Drake Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Sylphyn Skirt, Plasma Pants, Dragon Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Magic Accumulator, White Magic Accumulator

Level : 29

Health: 101

Magic Power: 170+420

Strength: 49+10

Agility: 40+4

Endurance: 29

Wisdom : 55

Dexterity : 33

Spell : Fly Torch Fire HealFirestormHealer RayHigh Heal

Skill : Warrior's Memory Night Vision Crushing Blow Dogs Sense of Smell Golem Maker: Lv2 Rush Fire Principle: Third Chapter Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter Air Jump: Lv2 Killing Leg: Lv2 Fear Voice Invisible Tiger Eye Wall Walking Intuition Cheat Death NimbleChargeMaterial ShieldInformation LinkOptical CamouflageDashBloodsucking BladeDragonizationRegenerateRear PresenceStealthy PlacementThunder Chariot

Yumika: What's this thing called Crawling Lightning?

Kazane: It sounds strong.


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