Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 90 System narrowly escaped!

Chapter 90 System narrowly escaped!

"Host, you're alive! The operation was a success!" The voice erupted with uncontainable excitement, reverberating through the dimly lit room and filling the air with electric anticipation.

In an instant, Zhang Wei's elated expression twisted into a fiery mask of fury, his eyes blazing with an intensity that could scorch the very fabric of existence.

Oh, the system was in for a severe beating.

'Indeed, I am alive, thanks to you, dear system,' Zhang Wei sneered, his voice dripping with both mock gratitude and a deep undercurrent of seething rage.

Behind his facade of false joy and relief, a sinister satisfaction danced in his eyes, like playful flames licking at the edges of his consciousness.

The mere thought of tormenting this system lady, of subjecting her to his twisted desires, sent a dark thrill coursing through his veins, intoxicating his very being.

'By the way, System,' he hissed, his voice laced with a venomous edge, 'can you please materialize in front of me?' His words hung in the air, pregnant with menace and a sadistic hunger for control.

The system recoiled, caught off guard by Zhang Wei's sudden request. [Why, host?] It stammered, its voice trembling with a mix of joy and curiosity.

'I want to reward you for your good work,' Zhang Wei replied, his words coated in a silky smoothness that masked the wicked intentions pulsating beneath the surface.

It was a reward the system would never forget, one that would leave scars etched deep into its digital essence.

Of course, the reward he had in mind was far from the system's liking. It was a torment, a calculated dance of suffering and anguish that would twist and warp its very existence.

The system was about to be subjected to a twisted form of torture, an exquisite agony meticulously crafted by Zhang Wei's malevolent mind.

The prospect brought a maleficent smile to his lips, a twisted grin that hinted at the darkness lurking within.

However, Zhang Wei's day seemed to be tainted by ill fortune, or perhaps it was the system that had dodged its wretched fate, narrowly escaping the clutches of misery.

[Sorry, host, but I can't comply. The remaining strength in the artifact is insufficient, and if I draw more from your body, it won't be enough.] The system's voice quivered with genuine regret, a tremor of relief slipping through its digital facade.

Zhang Wei's self-restraint wavered, the urge to unleash a torrent of curses and fury bubbling up within him.

He fought against the tempest brewing inside, reminding himself of his role, the game he had chosen to play.

He was the puppet master, orchestrating a delicate dance between the system and the enigmatic dark entity of hell.

Which was the greater evil, he wondered, the calculating system or the nameless horror that sought to claim his soul?

Both seemed to conspire against him, plotting his downfall with their insidious machinations.

He was but a pawn caught in their cosmic game, yet he refused to surrender without a fight.

Zhang Wei had entertained a brilliant idea earlier—a scheme to make them clash, to pit one against the other.

Yet, he quickly realized the system would be utterly crushed in such a battle, a mere casualty in the war waged between two formidable forces.

Witnessing the crestfallen expression on Zhang Wei's face, the system misunderstood and proposed, [How about you give me the reward later, host?]

A gleam of mischief flashed in Zhang Wei's eyes, a spark of malevolence igniting the darkness that dwelled within him.

In that moment, a devious plan took shape in his mind, intricate and wickedly captivating.

Feigning skepticism, he spoke, his voice dripping with calculated doubt, 'That could work, but what if, at that time, you refuse to materialize before me? How about making an heavenly oath?'

[Okay, host!] The system's innocent agreement only served to seal its own doom, a grave mistake that would come back to haunt its virtual existence.

It had unknowingly stumbled into a treacherous trap, unaware of the depths of malevolence it had provoked.

As Zhang Wei's lips curled into a sinister grin, his eyes shimmered with a predatory hunger, reveling in the raw power he held over the system.

The tantalizing prospect of tormenting this digital lady, of subjecting her to the twisted desires that thrived within his dark heart, fueled a primal ecstasy that surged through his veins like a toxic elixir.

Suddenly, exhaustion swept over Zhang Wei like a tidal wave after the tumultuous episode with the ominous being of hell.

The constant mental strain had taken its toll, and he yearned for a moment of respite.

With a weary sigh, he retreated under the comforting embrace of the quilt and surrendered to the sweet escape of slumber, all the while stealing a quick glance at the clock.

The red digits glowed in the darkness, revealing the time to be 5:30 am.

Tomorrow was a day off for Yu Lei, but Zhang Wei had no intention of letting her plans succeed, he would just let her have a break of one day, before sending her off to work again.

Zhang Wei has a complete good reason behind it, he wanted her to don't meet her often, and let her feel the void in her life, developed due to lack of his presence.

A wry smile curved on his lips as he contemplated the complexities of relationships and human nature.

He understood all too well the dangers of suffocating a woman with constant attention, aware that the law of diminishing marginal utility would inevitably rear its head, eroding the allure of his presence over time.

His thoughts drifted to the ancient emperors, who kept their concubines at arm's length, making each encounter a rare and highly anticipated event.

That longing, that anticipation, fueled desire in a way that constant availability never could.

Today's men, he mused, had forgotten this timeless wisdom.

They were readily available to their partners 24x7, unwittingly slipping into the realm of complacency, where they became taken for granted.

As interest waned, he knew the woman would begin noticing habits and quirks that grated on her nerves.

The emotions that once blinded her to these flaws would dissipate, leaving her disillusioned and, worse, disgusted.

It was a pattern he had witnessed too many times, a cruel truth of human relationships.

Women, when attracted to a man, had a remarkable ability to overlook his imperfections. But as that attraction waned, those very imperfections would magnify, transforming the man into a loathsome creature in her eyes.

Conflicts would inevitably arise, and the scientific evidence was stark: a mere expression of disgust during a conflict could spell doom for the relationship, often leading to its demise within four years.

Zhang Wei had a plan, a calculated strategy to keep Yu Lei's desire alive, to maintain the allure of his presence.

Sending her to work was just the beginning, allowing her to yearn for him as though he were a rare and precious gem.

As she longed for him every day, her infatuation would grow stronger.

And in the midst of it all, he would continue his affairs with other women, a web of deception spun with wicked intent.

With these sinister thoughts swirling in his heart, Zhang Wei drifted off to sleep, a self-satisfied grin playing on his lips.

Beside him, Yu Lei sensed his touch and instinctively pulled him closer, her head finding its resting place on his chest, oblivious to the malevolent machinations hidden beneath his calm facade.


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