Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 87 The Reincarnation Land?

Chapter 87 The Reincarnation Land?

The room erupted in a blinding cascade of light, its brilliance searing through every corner.

Zhang Wei found himself defying gravity, suspended in mid-air.

A dazzling radiance poured forth from his gaping mouth, his wide eyes, and even from within his very being.

Silence enveloped the room, broken only by the absence of sound.

The blood and fluids within Zhang Wei's body had either evaporated or been consumed by the intense heat, leaving behind a hushed void.

Amidst this ethereal display, a magnificent book of destiny spun outside Zhang Wei's body.

Its swift rotation cast an emerald glow, attempting to pacify the chaotic situation.

Yet, despite its efforts, the book proved powerless to alter the grim reality unfolding before Zhang Wei's eyes.

Bitter curses escaped Zhang Wei's lips, his voice muffled by the overwhelming spectacle.

He lamented the absence of plot armor, realizing that even his coveted golden finger, the very system that had guided him thus far, might ironically become the harbinger of his demise.

But fate, in its capricious nature, afforded him a final respite.

Just moments before his inevitable demise, the world transformed, reverting to a monochromatic existence.

Time itself froze, trapped in a standstill.

In that fleeting instant, as the light gradually waned, Zhang Wei descended towards the solid ground.

His descent was accompanied by violent, throaty coughs that rattled through his weakened frame, echoing the toll his trials had exacted upon him.

"Hack! Hack! Cursed fate... *cough*... and this cursed book!" Zhang Wei's coughs reverberated through the room, punctuating his frustration and agony.

Each convulsion of his body was accompanied by an anguished curse that swelled within him.

Driven to the brink of desperation, he clenched his fist and unleashed a ferocious punch directly at the magnificent book of destiny.

The blow, fueled by his resentment and the pain coursing through his veins, collided with the suspended book in the air.


A crackling sound filled the air, like thunder clashing against an unyielding force.

"Cursed artifact!" Zhang Wei bellowed, his voice raw with defiance. "You fucking wanted to kill me!"

The room trembled, as if resonating with Zhang Wei's rebellion.

The book, once a symbol of his destiny, now lay on the floor without any movements, its ethereal glow flickering and diminishing every passing moment.

The soft hum it once emitted now replaced by an ominous silence.

Zhang Wei's eyes blazed with a mixture of fury and satisfaction as he witnessed the frailty of the very object that had orchestrated his torment.

Yet, amidst his fleeting triumph, a lingering sense of uncertainty gnawed at him.

He had defied the book, but had he truly escaped its grasp, or had he just triggered something even more treacherous?

Just as he entertained his thoughts, a chilling voice suddenly erupted from the depths, piercing the silence and sending shivers down Zhang Wei's spine.

"You truly love to indulge in the sucidal acts, don't you?" Once again, the air crackled with a haunting chuckle, emanating from an ambiguous source, leaving Zhang Wei feel goosebumps.

He despised this voice with every fiber of his being.

"What do you need now?" Zhang Wei turned around, his face still contorted with annoyance.

How unjust it felt to be confronted with imminent death when he bore no responsibility for it!

But as he completed his turn, the world around him underwent a breathtaking transformation.

An involuntary gasp escaped Zhang Wei's lips as he raised his eyebrows, a sudden chill creeping through his entire being.

Before him now stood a majestic mountain peak, its rugged slopes adorned with a pristine blanket of glistening snow.

The frigid air bit at his skin, and he could almost taste the frost in each breath.

Above, the sky seemed to have donned the dark hues of a moonlit night, its canvas adorned with ethereal ribbons of shimmering green light that danced like celestial spirits across the heavens.

The surreal sight left Zhang Wei awestruck, as if he had been transported to a realm beyond the known boundaries of reality.

As his gaze wandered, he noticed a striking contrast to the serene landscape – an ominous vortex in the distance.

This immense whirlpool, like a voracious cosmic maw, hungrily swallowed people who were being herded by guards in strange, enigmatic armor.

The guards themselves seemed otherworldly, their features shrouded in mystery, their motives unclear.

The massive vortex seemed to stretch infinitely into the heavens, as if reaching for the very stars themselves.

Zhang Wei couldn't help but wonder if this enigmatic portal connected this world to some distant cosmic realm, or perhaps even to the very fabric of time and space.

Feeling both dwarfed and intrigued by the vastness of the scene before him, Zhang Wei marveled at the sheer scale of this mysterious landscape.

The distant vortex, though far away, commanded attention like a cosmic colossus, its allure drawing his eyes as if it held secrets of the universe.

The vortex, now more pronounced with its vibrant colors, shimmered with an otherworldly radiance.

Rainbow hues swirled within its depths, creating a mesmerizing spectacle that seemed to defy the laws of nature.

The mountain peak itself now appeared bathed in the flickering shades of the vortex, the pristine snow reflecting the prismatic lights that emanated from its core.

The dark blue of the night sky acted as a stunning backdrop, amplifying the ethereal beauty of the phenomenon before Zhang Wei's eyes.

"What in the world is this place?" he muttered in awe, his confusion only deepening as the allure and enigma of this extraordinary setting enveloped him.

For a brief moment, he forgot that he had just narrowly escaped death mere seconds ago.

And to make matters worse, this wasn't even the first time.

"This is the land of reincarnation," the dark entity spoke, turning around. Its face remained shrouded in a mist-like chaos, constantly shifting and undulating. Sounds emerged without any visible movement, unsettling Zhang Wei. "Yet, here you are, defying my plans once again. Didn't I make it clear that I require you as my future slave? Aren't you the epitome of disobedience?"

Zhang Wei, who had initially intended to show proper gratitude since this entity had saved his life, felt his motivation wane in an instant.

The dark entity's voice dripped with a monotonous tone, fueling Zhang Wei's desire to smash that unrecognizable face and make it even more hideous.

Taking him as a slave? Not a chance!

However, Zhang Wei took a deep breath, restraining his urge to engage in a futile fight.

The unknown figure, with its human-like appearance, sat a few steps away from Zhang Wei, gazing out over the expanse of the vortex.

Zhang Wei knew better than to engage in a losing battle unless absolutely necessary.

He understood the importance of strategic retreat and preserving his strength for the right moment.

In the end, a chuckle escaped Zhang Wei's lips as he mustered the audacity to approach and settle down at the very edge, right beside the enigmatic entity.

"Who in their right mind wants to die? That treacherous system tricked me," he muttered under his breath, unable to resist voicing his frustration.

Indeed, while Zhang Wei may not fear death, he doesn't intend to meet his demise in 'vain'.

Only after taking his seat did Zhang Wei realize the gravity of his impulsive move.

A peculiar sense of unease settled over him, as if a disconcerting gaze bore down from above, the unknown entity seemingly offended by his audacity.

The weight of that unsettling presence hung in the air, making Zhang Wei acutely aware of his own impertinence.

To make matters worse, as he peered downward, the cliff seemed to stretch into infinity.

The abyss below was shrouded in impenetrable darkness, concealing the true depth of its descent.

Zhang Wei strained his eyes, but no glimpse of the bottom met his gaze, leaving him with a disconcerting sense of uncertainty and insignificance in the face of the vast unknown.

Regret crept into Zhang Wei's thoughts, realizing the potential consequences of his impulsive actions.

Yet, even in the face of uncertainty and the unsettling presence around him, he summoned his resolve.

With a deep breath and a flicker of determination, he braced himself for the trials that lay ahead, determined to navigate the enigmatic realm and carve his own path amidst the mysteries of the abyss.


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