Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 79 Three again?

Chapter 79 Three again?

[Caution: Remember, Yu Lei has been in a relationship with Zhang Wei for years, so their interaction might seem a little weird to the audience who are used to seeing new flowers.]


Zhang Wei closed the deal with the system, feeling a wave of relief wash over him.

He took a moment to catch his breath, realizing that this peculiar arrangement might just work in his favor.

'Well, I suppose if this is the way things are going to be, then so be it,' he muttered to himself, accepting the situation.

This unexpected turn of events, though unconventional, had spared him from being the loser in this situation.

His wife, whom he never expected to involve in such matters, had agreed to help him seduce another woman.

And to top it off, the system had assured him of protection against any potential nuclear threats.

It was a strange combination of circumstances, but Zhang Wei couldn't help but wonder if there was a place in the world where he could enjoy some luxury amidst all this chaos.

Regardless of his musings, Zhang Wei knew he had to focus on the current problem at hand.

His eyes scanned Yu Lei suspiciously, observing her innocent facade as she obediently awaited further instructions.

He had grown accustomed to her meek demeanor, but he couldn't help but wonder how she would react if faced with another woman vying for his attention.

Would she remain as composed as she appeared to be?

As thoughts of the potential complications danced through Zhang Wei's mind, he felt a throbbing headache coming on.

The idea of navigating the intricacies of a threesome, especially considering Yu Lei's unpredictable nature, seemed like an arduous task.

However, the allure of such an arrangement, involving both Yu Lei and Leng Mei, brought a hint of excitement to his face.

He weighed the risks against the rewards and concluded that the rewards far outweighed the potential risks.

As long as Zhang Wei remained close to Yu Lei, he believed he could prevent any untoward incidents from occurring.

Nevertheless, he needed to hear Yu Lei's perspective directly from her own lips.

Taking a tentative approach, he addressed her with a hint of caution, "Wife, are you sure about this? It's not going to make you jealous?"

Yu Lei responded with an awkward, and nodded.

How can she not feel jealous, but there were many reasons behind her quick agreement.

She smiled faintly before extending her hand, presenting three fingers to Zhang Wei.

The unexpected gesture took him by surprise, and he murmured, "Three again?" There was undoubtedly a deeper significance behind Yu Lei's attachment to the number '3,' and Zhang Wei couldn't help but feel a pang of curiosity.

Was it merely a personal quirk, or did it hold some hidden corporate significance or policy?

Delving into her reasoning, Yu Lei leaned forward, bringing her chest in contact with Zhang Wei's, locking her gaze onto his.

"First, you have to promise me to teach me those magic tricks and help me... heal."

Zhang Wei furrowed his brow, not quite understanding what she meant by "heal."

'Heal? What does she mean?' he asked, genuinely confused.

The system explained, breaking the news to Zhang Wei. [Host, she still believes she has a mental illness.]

Zhang Wei nodded in agreement, acknowledging her delusion, but the conviction in her crystal-clear eyes left him with no choice but to honor her request.

He had deceived her into believing she had psychosis, and now it seemed he would have to follow through with his promise.

He assured her that as she delved into cultivation, her condition would naturally improve—a lie intended to maintain the charade.

In reality, Yu Lei had never suffered from psychosis to begin with.

A faint sense of relief washed over Yu Lei's face as the first condition was established, leaving Zhang Wei eager to know the second reason.

Yu Lei's gaze swept over Zhang Wei, from head to toe, as she revealed her excitement.

"I always believed you possessed all the qualities of a womanizer; the only thing holding you back was some superpowers!"

Zhang Wei couldn't help but shake his head in exasperation.

The third reason, however, wasn't vocalized but whispered softly into his ear.

A slight blush colored Yu Lei's cheeks as she managed to utter the words.

The revelation left Zhang Wei momentarily stunned—a stark contrast to the general reasons she had shared earlier.

It seemed her third reason dwelled in the realm of sexuality, highlighting the disparities between men and women.

Yu Lei pointed out that men often created multiple identities on social media, adopting female avatars to explore various aspects of their desires, tease their friends, infiltrate female-only groups, and bask in the attention bestowed upon them.

However, the reverse—women adopting male identities—was a rarity. It was clear that women garnered more attention, and they were reluctant to forgo that advantage.

Yet, these observations were merely superficial compared to Yu Lei's true motivation.

Sexually, she found women to possess a certain audacity, appreciating their own gender and unreservedly embracing their own bodily fluids.

In contrast, men recoiled at the thought of touching their own sexual fluids, let alone engaging in such acts.

This revelation stemmed from an incident when Yu Lei had attempted to kiss Zhang Wei after a particular intimate act, only to be met with his firm refusal, insisting that she brush her teeth beforehand.

Combining this reason with their long life spans that they would gain from cultivation, she thought it wasn't such a bad deal, just as Zhang Wei had earlier said.

Zhang Wei's eyebrows furrowed in surprise as he absorbed the words that had just left Yu Lei's lips.

The rapid transformation of her thoughts left him taken aback.

It was only moments ago that she had suggested the unthinkable: killing Leng Mei.

And yet now, she spoke of an entirely different direction—a life shared with even more women, creating an expansive harem, and seizing control over the world itself.

It was a jarring shift, but Zhang Wei couldn't help but think, 'That's women for you!'

In his experience, he had learned that women had an uncanny ability to change their minds swiftly, whether it involved their romantic partners or their life choices.

Their minds seemed to instantly rationalize and adapt to new circumstances, making them dynamic beings.

It was a quality that both fascinated and bewildered him.

Unable to contain his curiosity, Zhang Wei voiced his thoughts, unable to resist the urge to ask, "You changed your mind real quick, didn't you?" His words hung in the air, waiting for a response.

Yu Lei fell silent for a brief moment, her gaze shifting downwards as she pretended to let out a deep sigh, her head bowed in an act of submission.

"I suppose it's hard being a submissive wife," she replied with a hint of faked melancholy, her tone carefully calculated.

Caught off guard by her act, Zhang Wei couldn't help but probe further.

"Is it really?" he inquired, his curiosity tinged with a touch of skepticism.

Yu Lei nodded instantly, her expression displaying a profound sense of grievance.

"Uh-huh! Why don't you someday try being a submissive husband instead?" she retorted, her voice laced with a mischievous undertone.

Zhang Wei shook his head, dismissing the idea with a chuckle. "Nah, that wouldn't suit me," he responded confidently, aware that such a role would be incongruous with his nature.

Agreeing with his statement, Yu Lei shook her head in confirmation, a sharp glint flashing across her eyes as she scrutinized Zhang Wei from head to toe, silently assessing him.

A flicker of suspicion sparked within Zhang Wei as he observed her expression closely.

"Wait a minute," he interjected, unable to ignore the curious look on her face.

"Are you implying that you would actually make me one if it suited me?" he asked, his voice betraying a hint of suspicion.

"Hmm...." Yu Lei pressed her lips together tightly, her gaze averted, unable to meet his eyes.

The weight of guilt seemed to hang heavily upon her conscience, causing Zhang Wei's face to twitch in response.

In the next instant, everything shifted.

Yu Lei found herself lying beneath Zhang Wei, her face pressed against the softness of the mattress, while he held one of her hands firmly pinned behind her back.

The sudden reversal of their positions was startling, Zhang Wei acted really fast this time.

"Husband! I surrender!" Yu Lei exclaimed, her voice a mixture of playfulness and submission.

"Please forgive this little woman for her impudence!"

"I would never think of you as submissive!"

"I promise!"

Yu Lei's face remained motionless, maintaining a mask of surrender, before she was unable to maintain the act anymore and erupted into hearty laughter.

Zhang Wei couldn't help but shake his head, a mix of amusement and helplessness washing over him.

He attempted to conceal the smile tugging at the corners of his lips, and finally releasing his grip on her.


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