Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 72 An unknown entity?

Chapter 72 An unknown entity?

As Zhang Wei drove back towards the southern heights, the vivid recollection of his conversation with the unknown entity seized his mind, refusing to be ignored.

Casting his thoughts back a few hours, Zhang Wei found himself enveloped in a monochromatic world, devoid of vibrant hues.

It was as if reality itself had been stripped of its vividness and reduced to a mere grayscale.

Bewilderment consumed Zhang Wei as he frantically reached out to establish a mental connection with the system, only to be met with resounding silence.

The once reliable conduit between him and the system had been severed, leaving him feeling disoriented and disconnected.

Anxiety began to creep its icy fingers into his core, its grip tightening with every passing moment.

The prospect of death, though unsettling, paled in comparison to the chilling thought of being forever trapped in this desolate realm.

Desperate to find solace amidst the chaos, Zhang Wei rummaged through his pocket, his fingers stumbling upon a familiar object—a cigarette.

He hastily retrieved it, seeking refuge in the calming ritual of lighting it, hoping to quell the rising tide of unease that threatened to overwhelm him.

"Ehehe~ Are you frightened now?" a voice, neither distinctly male nor female, resonated from all directions, causing Zhang Wei's brows to furrow in annoyance before he emitted a weary sigh.

"Not nearly as frightened as someone who dares not to show his face," he retorted, his words laced with a hint of derision.

"My apologies for the lack of proper introduction," the enigmatic entity responded, its form materializing before Zhang Wei as wisps of ebony mist coalesced into a humanoid shape.

However, the face and gender remained shrouded in an enigmatic haze, rendering them indiscernible to Zhang Wei's probing eyes.

"Still lacking the courage, I see," Zhang Wei sneered, his defiance radiating from him in waves.

The unidentified entity before him emitted a soft, eerie laughter, causing the sky to suddenly darken.

It was an uncanny sight that sent a shiver down Zhang Wei's spine, stirring a sense of trepidation within him.

"While I do revel in the allure of mystery, I must advise you to cease your futile attempts at seeking help. The voice in your mind cannot hear your pleas," the entity declared with an air of authority.

Zhang Wei narrowed his eyes, suspicion etching its way across his face. "How do you possess knowledge of the system?" he questioned, his voice tinged with caution.

The figure before him shook with laughter, a ripple of dark energy emanating from its form.

In a sudden, fluid motion, the entity extended its hands, causing a swirl of inky mist to encircle its palm.

Startled, Zhang Wei's eyes widened as something emerged from his own chest, catching him off guard.

"What?" he exclaimed, his voice filled with surprise.

With a whoosh, the book floated out from Zhang Wei's chest, finding its place in the grasp of the unknown entity.

"Are you referring to this?" the entity inquired, a hint of amusement dancing in its eyes.

Zhang Wei's shock intensified as he stared at the book held within its hands, his mind racing with questions.

"What is that? And why was it inside me?" he demanded impatiently.

"This is the Book of Destiny," the entity revealed, a touch of fascination evident in its tone.

"Surprisingly, it fused with you. However, it holds no use for me. Return it to its rightful place." With a wave of its hand, the book was swiftly sent back inside Zhang Wei's chest.

Dumbfounded by the bewildering turn of events, Zhang Wei stammered, "Book of Destiny? Like one of the Nine Heavenly Treasures?" Suspicion colored his words as he sought clarification.

The entity nodded affirmatively. "Correct! But for now, refrain from disclosing our brief encounter to anyone, especially her. Not that she can save you, but I have no desire to deal with nuisances, and that book might just be of use to you."

Zhang Wei's eyes narrowed as he carefully considered the entity's words.

"Does that mean I can assume you are not my enemy?" he questioned, his voice laden with skepticism.

Once again, the entity erupted in laughter, its voice grating on Zhang Wei's nerves, causing his brows to furrow in irritation.

"Enemy? Do you truly believe you would survive if I were?" the entity taunted, its amusement evident.

Zhang Wei shrugged, a defiant glint in his eyes. "Then go ahead and kill me."


Silence fell upon them, interrupted only by the entity's giggles, echoing through the air, stretching the moment into a tense pause.

"I must say, I am amused by your fearlessness in the face of death. However, there are far graver things than mere mortality," the entity's presence wavered, fading from its previous location only to reappear beside Zhang Fei.

"For instance, I could subject you to excruciating torment... a slow and agonizing ordeal. Or perhaps your wife, Yu Lei, was her name? I could pay her a visit as well," the entity's voice dripped with malice.

Zhang Wei swiftly slapped the entity's hand away from his face, his expression hardening with determination.

"I understand now. You wield greater power in this realm. So go ahead, do as you please, and cease these manipulative games already."

Zhang Wei had relinquished any hope of combatting this unfathomable entity.

Its influence far surpassed his imagination, casually halting time and dismissing one of the Nine Heavenly Treasures as if it were inconsequential, despite celestial beings willing to kill for it.

Now, all he yearned for was an understanding of his purpose in this bewildering predicament.

Recognizing that the entity's willingness to engage in conversation hinted at its desire for something from him, Zhang Wei shifted his focus, eager to grasp any semblance of comprehension amidst the enigma that enveloped him.

The entity, displeased by Zhang Wei's blunt retort, reappeared at a distance, expressing its disapproval.

"How impolite! I merely intended to ensure that you do not meet an untimely demise."

Zhang Wei struggled to comprehend the entity's cryptic words. "Untimely demise?" he repeated, his confusion palpable.

Once again, the entity materialized behind him, whispering into Zhang Wei's ear with a chilling tone.

A shiver coursed through Zhang Wei's body as he absorbed the whispered words.

"Your current methods are crude. You are accumulating enemies without forging any alliances. At this rate, even with the Book of Destiny, you may meet your end prematurely."

Zhang Wei's expression underwent a transformation, and he released a heavy sigh.

"Then what am I supposed to do?" he inquired, hoping to glean some valuable information.

The entity feigned contemplation, its form swirling with a hint of amusement.

"Simply alter your methods," it replied cryptically.

Zhang Wei's face twitched in frustration. "Which methods are you referring to?" he pressed, seeking further clarification.

The entity proceeded to elucidate its point. "Your usual approach involves coercion and manipulation, relying on the slave seal to ensure compliance. However, there exist realms of power beyond the authority of the Book of Destiny. By employing such tactics, you merely surround yourself with enemies who thirst for your blood."

"It is crucial to differentiate between blackmail and manipulation," the entity continued. "Blackmailing only serves to create adversaries, whereas manipulation allows for the formation of alliances. In one scenario, you forcefully seize what you desire, while in the other, you provide others with what they seek, thereby aligning their interests with yours."

With this concise explanation, Zhang Wei finally grasped the distinction he had failed to make before.

Manipulation entailed granting individuals their desires, in return getting what you desire back from them...

Salary is the biggest manipulation in today's world, where corporations grant individuals some money in exchange for making them do their bidding forever, using the 'stick and carrot' method.

In today's world, people can get away with any nonsense as long as they receive money.

They might sit the whole day and count from one to infinity if their boss tells them it would increase their chances of promotion.

However, despite this newfound understanding, Zhang Wei struggled to comprehend why a powerful entity would bother to offer assistance to someone like him.

The notion seemed unfathomable.

"I understand that your intention is to help me gain allies and protect myself from being ambushed in my sleep. But why would you go through the trouble of imparting this knowledge to me?" Zhang Wei inquired, seeking clarification.

The entity's voice, tinged with curiosity, responded, "Nothing much. I simply believe that our paths may intersect in the future. In any relationship, there exists a power dynamic where one party holds superiority and the other assumes a subordinate role, akin to that of a slave."

"I simply do not desire a weak slave," it hinted cryptically.

Zhang Wei's expression shifted, contemplating whether the entity implied that he would become its slave at some point.

Nevertheless, he nodded, absorbing the new understanding.

"So you have aided me now with the intent to manipulate me? Granting me what I desire? Should I accept that you are already molding me into a loyal slave?"

The entity froze momentarily before bursting into amused laughter. "You catch on quickly, I see."

Zhang Wei shook his head wearily. "What makes you assume that you won't end up as my slave instead?" he challenged, genuinely curious about the entity's unwavering confidence.

The entity chuckled as its form began to dissipate. "We shall discover that in due time. For now, farewell, my obedient little slave. Until we meet again."

Zhang Wei's lips twitched at the term 'little slave.'

Whoever this entity was, they had undoubtedly secured a prominent place on Zhang Wei's hit list.

He found himself contemplating the various ways he could exact vengeance once he successfully enslaved it.

His mind filled with visions of inflicting torment upon the entity, he allowed his imagination to wander freely.


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