Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 62 Sucide? Zhang Wei learned a lesson? (1)

Chapter 62 Sucide? Zhang Wei learned a lesson? (1)

"Master, why the hell are you writing this gibberish?" a small disciple sat near a narcissistic man, asking with an exasperated tone.

The Narcissist paused his pen and replied, "I am getting old, and it's time to transfer some of my twisted wisdom to my fellow daoists, so they don't get misled by the damn believers of light." The Narcissist let out an evil chuckle.

He wasn't going to die without sharing his forbidden secrets with the world, even if it meant the world going to hell.

He also had a hidden motive behind his writing, to corrupt innocent readers and add to his army of evil daoists.

But who cares, right?

He put down his pen, finally finishing his new evil script. "Master, is it done?" asked the disciple.

The narcissist nodded and said, "Yes, take a look."

The child leaned over to peek at the text, but before he could, a hand clamped onto the back of his neck, and just like that, a new disciple died due to lack of breath.

"Sigh, now I have to find a new assistant," the narcissist muttered with amusement, "one who asks fewer stupid questions."

[A/N: This chapter have some extra explanations.]




Leng Mei was beyond frustrated. Her foot pressed down heavily on the accelerator as she muttered to herself in agitation, "Ugh! Why am I doing this?"

Beside her sat a man, reclining in his seat as if he hadn't been affected by the sudden acceleration.

She couldn't help but feel a twinge of irritation at the small smirk on his face.

"Why indeed," he replied, his voice dripping with amusement. "Perhaps because your daughter was exhausted after being bounced around all night? And as a responsible mother, it's your job to take care of her and, of course, drop me back home."

Leng Mei's eyebrows furrowed at his words, but she had to admit he had a point.

"Don't talk about Yan like that," she huffed, aware that the man was testing her patience.

Zhang Wei, the man beside her, nodded with a small chuckle and said, "Of course. My apologies. So, may I assume that I can speak explicitly about you instead?"

"What?! ...When do I say that?" Leng Mei's eyes widened in surprise as she looked at Zhang Wei, not knowing whether to laugh or cry at his strange comment.

The rest of the journey was meant to be peaceful, or at least that's what Leng Mei had hoped for.

However, Zhang Wei's hands had other plans.

They started to wander up her thighs, despite her efforts to push them away.

She was wearing a green knee-length mini skirt, and Zhang Wei's hands easily slipped beneath the cloth, causing Leng Mei to gasp in shock.

"You?!" Her voice was laced with disbelief as she turned to face him.

Zhang Wei simply leaned back in the seat, pretending to be stoic with his eyes closed, while his hands continued to misbehave.

Leng Mei felt frustration and even a hint of fear creep in, unsure of what to do next.

"Better focus on the road, if you don't want both of us to die," Zhang Wei added, slightly opening his eyes.

Suddenly, the car tires screeched, and Leng Mei quickly veered the steering wheel to the right just in time to avoid a collision.

Her heart was pounding, and she felt beads of sweat form on her brow.

Despite her shock and the creeping hand down her legs, Leng Mei tried to keep a straight face and focus on driving, determined to reach their destination safely.

Zhang Wei's actions held an undeniable purpose, driving him towards an end goal with unflinching determination.

The reason why most men fail to progress past acquaintance status with women is due to their 'ability' to respect their privacy.

It's like trying to grasp a bar of soap- the tighter you grasp, the more it slips away.

Yes, that right folks, if you respect a women personal space like a gentlemen, then you would be forever stuck into her list of men that she 'likes' but don't want to date or progress with...

If you truly want to progress with a woman, you must tread lightly and occasionally invade her personal space, but always be ready to pull back at the right time.

It's a delicate dance, one wrong move and the music stops.

Subtly brushing your hands against her breasts or back, holds the key to deciphering her desires and intents.

The reaction she gives is the signal that guides you through the labyrinthine maze of attraction.

Evading their space is important, but knowing when to pull back is crucial.

Otherwise, the consequences will leave you red-faced and embarrassed - or worse, behind bars in a jail cell.

This is a game of risk and the rewards are high - but so are the stakes.

It's like playing with fire; the heat can warm you or burn you.

You may consult the same with a woman, but her advice will be sugar-coated with platitudes such as "you must respect a woman's privacy and space if you want her heart."

It's all smoke and mirrors, a magician's trick.

Ask the fisherman, not the fish.

Only a fisherman knows the intricate secrets of the bait, the lure, and the catch.

Anyone may drop the line, but only a skilled fisherman can reel in the prize.

Women always struggle with being honest and speaking straightforwardly.

They can never bring themselves to say sentences like, "Oh, I don't like him because he is poor!"

Instead, they would rather say something like, 'As a woman, I would prefer a partner who is capable, takes care of himself, etc.' It's as if they are afraid to say what they truly mean.

"Never trust a woman's words on getting women." ~ quotes a narcissistic author.

It's a bleak outlook on women and their intentions, but is there any truth to it?

Zhang Wei, the fisherman, was a true master of his craft. He knew all the tricks and had a deft touch.

Being one of the finest artists, his hands easily climbed up Leng Mei's thighs, ignoring all obstacles as if they weren't even there.

Leng Mei's eyes flickered as her face turned a deep shade of crimson.

She could feel the warmth spreading throughout her body as Zhang Wei's fingers brushed against her underwear.

A tingling sensation enveloped her, making her shiver involuntarily.

"Okay, that's enough," Leng Mei finally spoke up, removing one hand from the steering wheel to stop Zhang Wei's exploring hand.

She placed her own hand on top of his, hoping to convey that she meant what she said.

Zhang Wei smirked, moving his finger to tease her once again.

His eyes danced with a mischievous glint.

Leng Mei couldn't help but shudder under his touch.

It was like nothing she had ever experienced before.

She pressed her lips tightly together, unable to find the right words to refute him.

In the end, she settled for a diplomatic answer. "Just stop it already, or I can't drive."

It was a close call, but Leng Mei knew that she had to stay focused. She couldn't let Zhang Wei's charms distract her anymore.

This woman had completely forgotten that she was considering exploring other options besides Zhang Wei.

But it wasn't entirely her fault, as Zhang Wei knew exactly when to strike.

The first mover advantage always worked in his favor.

If he had done nothing and left her house after their previous conversation, perhaps Leng Mei would have stuck to her original thoughts.

But he had completely altered her mind and thoughts with his actions.

There was always one crucial moment where a woman might have second thoughts, and that's when a man must strike.

It's essential to confirm one's reservation during that critical moment.

However, new Daoists often have difficulty recognizing such moments and end up wondering why their date never calls them back, even though everything seemed to be going perfectly.

Zhang Wei chose to play Leng Mei's game on his terms, a smirk hanging on his face as he subtly hinted, "You do know you're my slave now, right? So logically, you can't resist, even if you want to." He spoke with a serious tone.

Leng Mei's face turned expressionless before she gave him a provocative smile and said, "What? Gonna use force to control this old lady now?"

She pouted and acted like a kid saying this, but it was merely a test.

If Zhang Wei didn't refute her, it would degrade his opinion in her mind.

However, there was also a hidden side to Leng Mei's question that she wasn't aware of due to her instincts as a woman.

This question was aimed at changing the power dynamics of their relationship.

Here, any other person would try to explain that slave seals are not meant for that purpose, and he wouldn't misuse it and blah blah...

Nothing was wrong with that...

But the power would shift to Leng Mei the moment Zhang Wei started to justify himself.

One should always look out for questions aimed at changing the power dynamics of a relationship.

Women often use them due to their manipulative instinct, and they may do so while acting cute and innocent, specifically to take advantage of regression to make you submit.

Their conscious mind may not be aware, but their unconscious is.

There are also many women who knowingly use this tactic to their advantage.

However, Zhang Wei remained stoic, his eyes fixed ahead and his face impassive as he refused to choose either of the routes presented to him.

Leng Mei saw his silence and felt her annoyance bubbling up inside of her, her fingers tapping impatiently on the steering wheel.

"Ignoring me, huh?" she muttered under her breath, her eyes narrowing as she searched for a sign of weakness in his stoic facade.

Zhang Wei remained unmoved, until suddenly his lips parted and he ordered, "Turn right!"


Leng Mei turned to look at him, her confusion replaced by shock as her hands seemed to move of their own accord, the car turning sharply to the right.

She felt like she was losing control of her own body, a wave of panic rising up within her as she tried to understand what was happening.

"What!?" she cried out, her voice laced with fear and disbelief.

Zhang Wei simply laughed softly, the sound like a cold wind in the confined space of the car. "This is what is meant by forcing - Old Lady, hehe," he said, his eyes glinting with amusement.

Leng Mei felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment at the old lady jibe. "I am not old!" she protested, her foot pressing harder on the accelerator as if to show him she still had control.

Zhang Wei merely smiled, but his silence added to her embarrassment.

He was once again very clever; he did not directly say that he was going to control or force her.

He only hinted that he had the ability to do so, but despite that, he wasn't doing it.

Leng Mei had unwittingly absorbed a small piece of information that would remain buried deep in her unconscious mind until the crucial moment.

Even if Zhang Wei were to ask her to do something outrageous at that moment, she might resist initially, but her unconscious mind would stir, questioning the utility of resistance, it might whisper, 'What's the use of resistance? You're already helpless against him, so why not just comply with his demands?'

And so, Zhang Wei continued to maintain his gentlemanly appearance, despite the fact that he was, in fact, forcing her mind to submit to him.

There was an insidious simplicity to his technique, akin to a father threatening his child, 'If you don't do as I say, I'll throw you out of the house!'

Even as a child, you might know that your father isn't speaking seriously, but the fear of the consequences alone would often be enough to convince you to change your mind and do the task that you had previously refused.

Your unconscious mind becomes aware that your father holds power over you, regardless of whether or not he exercises it.

And so, even if you're not consciously aware of it, you might feel that twinge of fear in the form of anger when he says those words.

The car soon arrived near Zhang Wei's residence. However, right in front of the building, a huge crowd had gathered along with many media personnel and vans.

"What is happening here?" Leng Mei knitted her brows, parked the car nearby, and stepped out.

Since the way was blocked, they couldn't move further. Zhang Wei also stepped out of the car, an ominous premonition hitting him.


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