Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 42 The Dragon Lady

Chapter 42 The Dragon Lady

[A/N: The chapters would be limited to 1600 words, as anything past that two fast passes. Just doing preparations in advance, as I realized this problem just now.]

Zhang Wei made his way back to the bar, the scene there was still chaotic, but a few people were now starting to come around. Suddenly, Tang Bo appeared, looking panicked and worried. "Brother, what happened?" he asked, with a quiver in his voice.

Zhang Wei could see the concern etched on Tang Bo's face and shook his head, deciding to keep the details of the kidnapping to himself. He simply told Tang Bo that he had rescued someone and left it at that.

As Tang Bo listened to Zhang Wei's words, his eyes widened with realization that the kidnappers would have been ruthless, and yet Zhang Wei had still managed to save Yu Lei. He couldn't help but feel a deep sense of admiration for his friend's courage and bravery in the face of danger.

"Tsk, brother Zhang! Why do I feel like you've changed?" Tang Bo's voice was tinged with suspicion as he leaned in closer. "Hey, brother, how did you disappear into thin air a few hours ago? Don't keep me in the dark, teach me as well."

Zhang Wei narrowed his eyes in suspicion, but then noticed that Tang Bo was not entirely sober. Shaking his head, he decided to ignore the question and made his way up the stairs towards the Dragon Lady's room.

Tang Bo stumbled after him, still muttering under his breath about Zhang Wei's mysterious disappearance.

As Zhang Wei ascended the iron stairs, they creaked and groaned beneath his feet, producing a metallic noise that echoed throughout the bar.

The sudden noise grabbed the attention of everyone present, and they all turned to look at him.

Even in their sober state, they knew better than to ignore someone climbing up to the Dragon Lady's lair.

Zhang Wei continued up the stairs, ignoring the stares and whispers of the people around him.

Finally, he reached the top, where two intimidating bodyguards stood guard before the Dragon Lady's door, their eyes like those of fierce tigers, ready to pounce at any moment.

Tang Bo, who had recovered from his initial shock, watched in disbelief as Zhang Wei continued towards the Dragon Lady's room. "Is brother Zhang insane? Why is he going there?" he thought to himself, before quickly running after Zhang Wei, hoping to prevent him from making a grave mistake.

The two bodyguards stepped forward, arms crossed in front of their chests, effectively blocking Zhang Wei's path. "Hold on there, buddy. You can't just barge in here," the male bodyguard gruffly spoke. "This room belongs to the Dragon Lady and you need her permission to enter."

The first bodyguard, Brick, was a burly man with a shaved head. His muscular arms, covered in tattoos, and his deep voice rumbled like thunder.

The second bodyguard, Raven, was a lean and wiry woman with short-cropped hair. Her piercing blue eyes glinted in the dim light and she moved with a lithe grace that belied her strength.

Suddenly, Tang Bo appeared from behind, stepping forward nervously with a smile, trying to explain the situation. "Please, guys, my friend here is new in town, and he doesn't know the rules," he gestured towards Zhang Wei. "He means no harm. He only wanted to see the rumored Dragon Lady. Don't worry, I will educate him on the rules so that he doesn't repeat this mistake."

As Tang Bo spoke, Brick and Raven exchanged a skeptical glance.

They had heard countless excuses before and were unimpressed.

However, Tang Bo's earnestness gave them a moment of hesitation.

"Make sure he understands the rules," Raven warned, her voice low and serious. "We won't be so forgiving next time."

Tang Bo nodded gratefully, relieved to have avoided trouble.

Zhang Wei, on the other hand, was undeterred.

He brushed past Tang Bo and headed towards the door, his eyes fixed on the Dragon Lady's room. His conviction was evident in his voice as he declared, "I know what I'm doing. I need to speak to the Dragon Lady, and I won't leave until I do."

The bodyguards were caught off guard and tensed up, their hands hovering over their weapons.

They were used to dealing with troublemakers, but Zhang Wei was different. He was determined and fearless, and they didn't know how to handle him.

Finally, one of the bodyguards stepped forward, his voice low and menacing. "I'm sorry, but you leave us no choice. You need to leave now," he said firmly.

Zhang Wei stood his ground, his eyes blazing with determination. "I won't leave until I get what I came for," he said, his voice rising with each word. "Dragon Lady, I'm here to make a deal with you!"

The bodyguards tensed up at the sound of Zhang Wei's voice, and one of them raised his hand to stop him. "You can't just barge in here and demand to see the Dragon Lady. She has better things to do than deal with the likes of you," he growled.

Zhang Wei was undeterred by the warning and continued to shout, hoping to catch the Dragon Lady's attention.

Suddenly, a loud creaking sound interrupted the standoff, and the door slowly opened.

The Dragon Lady peeked out, her eyes narrowing as she looked at Zhang Wei. "What do you want?" she asked, her voice cold and sharp.

Zhang Wei took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. "I have information that you might find valuable; information that could help you in your business dealings," he said, trying to sound confident.

The Dragon Lady studied him for a moment before nodding her head. "Come inside," she said, stepping back to allow him entry.

Tang Bo watched in amazement as Zhang Wei disappeared into the Dragon Lady's room. "I can't believe he did that," he muttered to himself, shaking his head. "That boy has got some guts."

Inside, the whole room was glowing with a faint red light, giving it a similar appearance to a love hotel.

There were even flowers on the bed, as if the Dragon Lady was waiting for someone.

There was another single door, probably leading to the bathroom.

Overall, it was spacious but not a luxurious place to live.

This showed that the Dragon Lady wasn't one to chase after luxury.

'Was it Ye Feng?' Zhang Wei couldn't help but mutter to himself.

Today was the dragon lady's birthday and her room had been extravagantly decorated. It seemed like there was no doubt that it was all for Ye Feng.

But what surprised Zhang Wei was that the rose petals on the bed were untouched. 'Did they do nothing?' he couldn't help but think of Tang Bo's earlier words.

Feeling caught, the dragon lady snapped, "What are you staring at?!" Her eyes narrowed and her annoyance was palpable as she realized Zhang Wei was blatantly spying on her place.

Zhang Wei chuckled and said, "It's you, of course," as he casually took in her striking appearance. "For a gang leader, you sure are quite a beauty."

The Dragon Lady's gaze narrowed as she found Zhang Wei's comment unpleasant.

Although she was indeed beautiful, she wasn't accustomed to men flirting with her.

Zhang Wei couldn't help but notice the Dragon Lady's stunning appearance.

Her long black hair was subtle yet striking, cascading down her back in loose waves. But it was her piercing dark blue eyes that truly captivated him. They sparkled with a fierce intensity that could both intimidate and enchant.

As his eyes roamed over her body, he couldn't help but notice the intricate tattoos that covered her skin.

But upon closer inspection, he realized that they weren't just for decoration. They were used to cover marks, possibly from numerous violent fights. And there were even some gun shot marks that were cleverly concealed within the tattoos.

Despite her fierce appearance, the Dragon Lady's aura didn't exclude a certain vulnerability that intrigued Zhang Wei.

He could sense that she was a strong woman who had been forced into her current circumstances, becoming the leader of a gang. But beneath that tough exterior, he sensed a woman who was in need of companionship and someone to confide in.




We are able to discern other people's personalities with a glance due to automatic appraisals and information contained in our DNA within our body, a concept given by Paul Ekman. There are even multiple relationships found between how the face structure itself grows and a person's personality. [A/N: I am not explaining it here.]


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