Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 30: *Beautiful Celebrity Neighbour*

Chapter 30: *Beautiful Celebrity Neighbour*

The key to writing a villain character is that you must feel it... The scream, the terror ridden faces, and cries... All must be felt and enjoyed.

Extreme content ahead, readers advised to be cautious, curse all you want this author for, because he is going to enjoy all of it, laughing at your misery like a true villain...


In the tranquil haven of Southern Heights, where the wealthy elites sought refuge from the chaos of the city, a disturbance erupted from within one of the opulent apartments. Rong Meili cowered in terror as Zhang Wei's vice-like grip kept her captive, unable to escape his wrath.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she stuttered, "W-Why are you doing this?"

Zhang Wei's sinister grin sent shivers down her spine as he seized her chin, "Why? Because you're too weak, of course!"

The words reverberated through Rong Meili's mind like a never-ending echo, a brutal reminder of her perceived inadequacy.

"I'm weak?" she whispered to herself.

Was that why she had succumbed to the whims of her media company, bending to their every command?

Was that why the director felt entitled to abuse his power over her?

The brutal truth of power hit Rong Meili like a ton of bricks, leaving her stunned and helpless.

She didn't even realize when Zhang Wei's face drew closer to hers, and it was only when she felt something cold on her lips that she snapped out of her daze.

"G-get away!" she cried out, trying to push him off, but her futile attempts only made him push her further back until she was pressed against a soft cushion.

Zhang Wei and Rong Meili crashed onto the large sofa, the impact knocking the breath out of both of them. Zhang Wei quickly regained his composure, using his brute strength to pin Rong Meili's body to the sofa.

Rong Meili struggled to break free, but his grip was too strong. She felt completely helpless and vulnerable, trapped beneath him as he continued to ravage her body with a fierce hunger.

Zhang Wei continued to ravish her lips, ignoring the beating of her fists on his back and the desperate struggles of her legs. Rong Meili's face showed nothing but despair and defeat as she realized the extent of her powerlessness in this situation.

Rong Meili's mind raced in panic as she realized that she was trapped, with no way out of this situation. She tried to push Zhang Wei away with all her might, but he was too strong for her. His lips and hands roamed over her body, leaving her feeling violated and helpless.

As Zhang Wei continued to ravish her lips and neck, Rong Meili's struggles intensified. She kicked and punched him, but he only laughed and tightened his grip on her. The thought of being overpowered and used against her will made her heart race with fear and disgust.

But despite her resistance, Zhang Wei showed no signs of stopping. He seemed to be enjoying her struggles, taking pleasure in her helplessness.

He wasn't sure if it was due to the situation or Ron Meili herself, but he was experiencing a unique and delightful sensation from her skin.

Every inch of her body, from her luscious lips to her slender figure, provided an unparalleled sensation that he had never experienced before.

Suddenly, he released her from his grip and she attempted to scream out, "HelUuuu!"

Little did she knew, that was precisely what he wanted.

Seizing the moment, he passionately kissed her, exploring the depths of her mouth with his tongue.

Rong Meili felt a wave of disgust wash over her, causing her to cry out in terror.

In her desperation, she attempted to bite his tongue, prompting Zhang Wei to open his eyes and give her a menacing glare. "If you do that again, I will kill you," he threatened, his hand crackling with lightning.

The woman was easily frightened, and she dared not bite him again as he continued to explore the inside of her mouth.

When he finally released her, she gasped for air and broke down into sobs.

Rong Meili had been strong for too long, and now she couldn't hold back her tears any longer.

Zhang Wei ignored her cries as he sucked on her tongue, slowly removing her oversized white t-shirt with his other hand.

The shirt slid down until it rested on her waist, exposing her breasts. She wasn't wearing a bra, making it easier for him to access them.

Rong Meili continued to cry out in terror, her screams echoing through the room.

Rong Meili's cries filled the room as Zhang Wei continued to explore her body. Tears streamed down her face as she struggled to comprehend the situation she was in. "Please... stop," she begged silently in her mind, but her words never left her lips.

As Zhang Wei sucked on her breasts, she felt violated and disgusted.

She couldn't believe that this was happening to her, and she wondered what she could have done to deserve such treatment.

Her mind raced as she tried to make sense of the situation, but all she could feel was the overwhelming sense of fear and despair.

She closed her eyes, hoping that it would all be over soon.

But as Zhang Wei continued to ravage her body, Rong Meili's cries grew louder and more desperate. She felt helpless and alone, trapped in a nightmare that she couldn't escape from.

Her body shook with sobs as the tears continued to fall, and she wondered if this was how her life would end. In that moment, all she could do was cry and hope that someone would hear her and come to her rescue.

Zhang Wei's mouth hungrily suckled on Rong Meili's soft cherry nipples, causing her to cry out in pain and despair.

Her body trembled as she begged him to stop, her sobs echoing through the room.

As he continued to ravage her body, his hand moved down to her shorts, pulling them down with a swift motion.

Rong Meili's panty needed to be torn away using his qi, leaving her feeling vulnerable and exposed.

"P-please.. .sir... *sob* I beg you... stop," Rong Meili whimpered, the tears running down her face. "I'll do anything you want... just please... please let me go."

But Zhang Wei didn't listen to her pleas. He continued to explore her body with an insatiable hunger, causing her to cry out in pain and terror.

"Please... I don't want this," she begged, her voice barely above a whisper. "People love me... Please don't do this to me."

Her words fell on deaf ears as Zhang Wei tore away her panties, leaving her completely exposed and vulnerable.

Rong Meili felt a sense of despair wash over her as she realized that she was completely at his mercy.

"Please, sir, have mercy on me," she pleaded, her voice shaking with fear. "I promise I won't tell anyone about this... Just please, let me go."

But Zhang Wei remained silent as he continued to ravage her body, causing her to cry out in pain and despair.

Rong Meili felt like she was trapped in a nightmare that she couldn't escape from, and she wondered if she would ever be free from this ordeal.

The moment Zhang Wei's bare skin touched hers, Rong Meili let out a bloodcurdling scream.

She felt him pressing her against his naked body, but there was no time to appreciate his toned muscles as she saw something huge entering her most intimate area.

Zhang Wei positioned his throbbing member at her tiny vaginal hole, and under Rong Meili's horrified gaze, he slammed his waist.


She let out another scream that echoed through the room.

"Please stop! It hurts so much!"

"I-I-I will give you money, No! I will give you anything, please stop!... I beg you!" Rong Meili begged, her voice shaking with pain and fear.

Zhang Wei was surprised by her excessive reaction, but as he looked down, he saw blood dripping from her vagina.

It wasn't because she was a virgin, but because his entry had been too sudden and forceful.

Despite the agony-filled cries and pleas of Rong Meili, Zhang Wei ignored them and made a mental note to be more careful with Yu Lei, the size of his dragon has soared after assimilating the diamond body.

With that in mind, he started to move his waist, with Rong Meili pinned down, her fists closed as she tried to endure the humiliation and trauma she have to go through.

Maybe it was due to her fear, but Zhang Wei felt her insides very tight, the most narrow hole he had even been in, but that didn't discourage him as he immense amount of satisfaction, feeling her walls vaginal tightly suffocate his dick as he went in.

He kept shaking his hips like a madman.

Pa! Pa! Pa!

The whole place was only filled by cries of Rong Meili and the sound of flesh clashing against each other.

Rong Meili's screams intensified as Zhang Wei continued to pound into her.

Tears streamed down her face as she begged him to stop.

"I can't take it anymore! ... It hurts!... I'll do anything you want... just please stop!" she cried out, her voice hoarse from the pain.

But Zhang Wei only seemed to get more aroused by her cries. He gripped her hips tightly and thrust harder, causing Rong Meili to scream even louder.

"Stop!... Please... stop!" she wailed, the pain becoming unbearable.

Her screams only fueled his arousal, and at last, Zhang Wei reached his climax, pouring his load inside of her. Rong Meili gasped as she felt the hot liquid filling her insides.

"C-cummed inside?" she asked, her eyes heavy with terror.

But before she could react, another wave of pain and pleasure assaulted her as Zhang Wei went for another round.

It felt like an eternal torture to Rong Meili, but after two hours of continuous, strenuous activity, it finally ended.

By then, her eyes were half-closed, and she had no strength left to scream or beg.

All she wanted was for it to be over so that she could sleep, a deep slumber that she would never want to wake up from.

Zhang Wei's back was covered in deep scratches, he could have avoided it, but he didn't mind.

It felt better to let it be.

He circulated the flow of qi and all the marks disappeared from his back, Zhang Wei felt being a cultivator have given him too many benefits.

Now he don't have to wreck his brain, to think how to remove scratch or marks from his body.

Nobody would even know, until he want them to.

Once he was finished, he ignored Rong Meili's miserable state and put his clothes on.

He finally felt as if he had taken his revenge, inflicting the same torment he had once suffered on someone else.

It filled his heart with content.

As he dressed himself, he couldn't help but feel stunned at how much his stamina had increased. It wasn't a bad thing for him, of course.

With one last glance at Rong Meili, he moved to leave the room.

Rong Meili saw his departing figure, and stammered out few words, "W-wait..."

She had hoped that Zhang Wei would help her leave the industry, but her hopes were shattered when he took out the SD card and pocketed it.

"Don't tell anyone about this or it'll be all over the internet tomorrow," he warned before leaving, ignoring the disbelief and shock on her face.

She had never expected him to be so heartless, but maybe it was the world that was heartless to her.

After some time, she dragged her tired body to clean up and get ready for her next job.

It was only 1 pm, and the agreed-upon time was 2 pm.

She couldn't afford to be late.

Her whole body screamed in pain, but she somehow managed to walk.

But as she tried to leave, she realized that her phone had been crushed by Zhang Wei.

She didn't remember the address, and despair consumed her.

She could have contacted the director with her laptop, but something inside her snapped.

She decided to sit down and do nothing at all.

Why bother trying anymore?


Zhang Wei halted in the hallway, his mind a whirlwind of possibilities.

What should he do today?

His body buzzed with an unusual vigor, thanks to the vanishing of the excess yang energy.

Oddly enough, the system remained quiet as a mouse, which gave Zhang Wei pause.

He shrugged it off, though.

He held the SD card tightly, knowing Rong Meili wouldn't dare to pull any stunts with it in his possession.

So, what to do now?

Should he gather more intel on the Song family?

Or perhaps go give that snobbish president of his wife's company a taste of her own medicine?

He could always head back to the apartment and play with Feng Xinyue...

Ultimately, Zhang Wei rejected all of his prior options and settled on something far more exciting.

He chose to rendezvous with an old friend at a trendy bar nestled in the bustling Waterfront district.

This area was a hub for commerce, featuring a variety of charming cafes, delectable restaurants, and lively bars.

But it was also notorious for its seedy underbelly, being a prime location for nefarious gangs to conduct their business, as it was located near the ports.


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