Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 259 Slaves meetup? (1)

Chapter 259 Slaves meetup? (1)

As Leng Yan hesitated, Rose's voice grew slightly impatient. "What are you waiting for?" she urged, her concern for Zhang Wei's well-being evident in her tone.

With a resolute nod, Leng Yan continued her task, methodically inspecting Zhang Wei's body for any concealed injuries.

Only after a meticulous and tense examination did she finally release a relieved breath, signaling to Rose that, at least physically, Zhang Wei appeared to be unharmed.

In another room, Raven maintained her vigil over Wu Xue, who remained in an undisturbed slumber.

Meanwhile, Xu Jiali and Xu Yifen remained at Westlake, engaged in a detailed account of the extraordinary events with Huang Kai, the head of their department.

All those involved had been strictly instructed to maintain absolute silence regarding the night's bizarre occurrences.

Concurrently, the monk's lifeless body was in transit to the Public Security Bureau, awaiting its own mysteries to be unraveled.

Although the immediate crisis had been contained, the ripples of this extraordinary incident would inevitably reach the ears of influential figures in the city, setting the stage for a cascade of unforeseen consequences.


As they patiently waited for Zhang Wei to regain consciousness, an unexpected moment occurred when both Rose and Leng Yan's eyes met, and their gazes simultaneously drifted towards his lower body.


A faint flush crept onto Leng Yan's face, and she hastily used the quilt to discreetly cover him.

Rose couldn't help but notice Leng Yan's reaction and found it rather amusing. She chuckled, her earlier tension dissipating. "What are you so embarrassed about? Don't tell me you haven't seen it before?" she teased, her expression softening as she spoke.

Rose had made a commitment to stand by Zhang Wei's side from the moment he had imparted the cultivation technique to her.

The financial support he provided was nothing short of astronomical, far beyond anything she could have dreamed of.

It was a stark reminder of the investment he had made in her, and she was keenly aware of the expectations that came with it.

Leng Yan's response was swift and clear, her eyes narrowing in displeasure. "I have nothing to do with him," she asserted firmly.

Rose was taken aback by this unexpected declaration. "Huh?" she stammered, surprised by Leng Yan's apparent denial.

Leng Yan's expression shifted, and she tried to clarify, "It's not what you think."

But her explanation only seemed to deepen the confusion in Rose's eyes.

Rose fell into a momentary silence, processing the situation.

She couldn't help but wonder whether Leng Yan was being a tsundere or if she genuinely had no connection with Zhang Wei.

Her curiosity got the best of her, and she couldn't resist probing further.

"So, how is it? Explain to me," Rose inquired with a hint of mockery in her gaze, her eyes fixated on Leng Yan.

She doubted that Zhang Wei would have spared this woman, especially after witnessing her exceptional long legs!

Furthermore, the way Leng Yan had remained composed while inspecting Zhang Wei's body left Rose with a lingering suspicion.

Leng Yan found herself tongue-tied after being called out by Rose.

She took a deep breath, then replied with a hint of defiance, "So what if I do have something with him? Who are you, anyway?" Her retort carried an air of challenge, suggesting that she wasn't one to be easily cornered or questioned.

"Me?" Rose pointed to herself, feigning innocence before suddenly leaning forward, bringing her face close to Zhang Wei's. "I used to be the leader of the White Tigers, but now I'm simply his slave and subordinate," she clarified mischievously, noticing Leng Yan's suppressed reaction.

Rose was undeniably toying with Leng Yan, well aware of the discomfort it caused.

In their last encounter with Yu Lei, Rose had anticipated a fierce battle, only to be outmaneuvered by Yu Lei's cunning.

It had taken Rose some time to realize that those innocent eyes concealed a clever mind, one that aimed to assert dominance in Zhang Wei's eyes by not engaging with his lovers directly.

It was an act of calculated restraint that infuriated Rose, akin to being shown mercy.

"White Tigers? Isn't that an underworld gang?" Leng Yan muttered, her brows furrowing in thought.

Rose nodded, her expression serious now. "Yes, it used to be a gang. Now, it has two separate divisions—one under Tang Bo overseeing illicit activities, and another under my leadership, operating under the guise of a security company for our new organization."

This rearrangement had been decided upon later, stemming from the desires of some members who preferred to work under Rose's guidance rather than under Tang Bo's command.

It was a strategic move to maintain unity and loyalty within their ranks.

Leng Yan's eyes flickered with surprise. "So everything belongs to him?" she asked, grappling with the notion.

Rose affirmed with a nod. "The gang and the company, both are under his control."

Leng Yan's expression shifted, a mix of astonishment and contemplation.

The pace of growth was astounding—what had once been a small gang had now expanded rapidly.

The future seemed uncertain, leaving her pondering what would become of it all.

In that moment of reflection, a realization dawned on Leng Yan. "So that's why he has so many women," she muttered to herself, connecting the dots.

"Did you say something?" Rose asked, noticing Leng Yan's reaction.

Leng Yan shook her head with a wry smile. "It's nothing."

Inwardly, she decided she wouldn't disclose her thoughts to Rose.

Yet, her mind couldn't help but wander—what was Zhang Wei's plan for her?

She was inching closer to the truth, and she understood one of the reasons behind her enslavement: to eliminate Zhang Wei's fear of the police.

Amidst their conversation, Zhang Wei began to regain consciousness.

His head felt heavy, aching from the continuous chatter of the two women.

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The sudden voice of the system made Zhang Wei frown even more. "Shut up!" he yelled, clutching his head as the pain intensified.

Though the system was unaffected, it seemed to deliberately irritate Zhang Wei.

The same couldn't be said for the two women in the room.



Leng Yan and Rose froze, exchanging glances as they observed Zhang Wei, who was now sitting up, still clutching his head in obvious discomfort.

The unexpected turn of events had temporarily silenced the banter in the room.

Rose was the first to break the silence, concern etched on her face. "Zhang Wei, are you okay?" she asked, leaning in closer to him.

Leng Yan also shifted her attention, her features betraying a hint of worry. "Should we call for a doctor?" she inquired, her voice laced with concern.


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