Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 252 Night Eagle vs Monks (3)

Chapter 252 Night Eagle vs Monks (3)

He Ming, though wounded and in pain, showed resilience. "We sought answers, but it seems there is more to this than we anticipated," he acknowledged, his eyes meeting Lian Shen's with a shared understanding.

The barrier had been resurrected, and their initial restraint was no longer a concern.


Suddenly, with a swift motion, Lian Shen propelled his body forward, a trail of azure energy following the trajectory of his extended fist.

*Screeee!* The Night Eagle let out a deafening cry as the powerful blow struck true.


The creature staggered in agony, a pained shriek resonating through the air, sending worry rippling across the faces of Rose and others.

In the midst of the chaos, He Ming moved stealthily from behind, clutching a glowing talisman in his hand.

He intended to surprise the Night Eagle and neutralize its threat.

However, the creature proved cunning, swiftly turning and sinking its sharp beak into He Ming's shoulder.

"Arhhhh! You vile beast, release me!" He Ming's cry of anguish filled the air as blood flowed from the grievous wound.


The Night Eagle swiftly tore a portion of flesh away, leaving a scene of gruesome brutality that shocked Wu Xue.


Yet, amidst the horror, an explosion erupted as the talisman He Ming held detonated, causing the creature to scream in agony.

"Hahaha! This is what you get for defying the sacred one!" He Ming laughed triumphantly, pain etched on his face as he ignored the excruciating wound.

Lian Shen, however, was alert to the situation, knowing the Night Eagle still possessed formidable strength.

His eyes narrowed in concern as the creature's sharp gaze locked onto them.


The Night Eagle ascended into the sky, flapping its wings fiercely, generating gusts of wind that crashed into Lian Shen and He Ming like a roaring tornado.

They braced themselves, their feet firmly planted as the ground shook beneath them.

"Elder, I will be the bait. You go and halt this creature's rampage," He Ming suggested, his injuries restricting him from unleashing his full strength.

Lian Shen nodded, acknowledging the plan. "Be careful," he urged, concern etched in his voice as he prepared to fulfill his part of the strategy.

The battle was far from over, and the outcome remained uncertain.

Amidst the chaos of the intensifying battle, He Ming clenched his teeth, summoning his courage despite the searing pain in his shoulder.

He knew he had a vital role to play as the bait, diverting the Night Eagle's attention and providing an opening for Lian Shen to strike.

Lian Shen seized the moment, his eyes narrowing in determination.

He lunged forward, agile and resolute, evading the tempestuous winds unleashed by the Night Eagle's beating wings.

He knew this was their chance to gain the upper hand.

As Lian Shen closed in, he summoned the essence of his martial arts prowess.

His fist crackled with energy, a vibrant blue aura surrounding it.

He aimed to strike the Night Eagle at its most vulnerable point, aiming to weaken the formidable creature.

The Night Eagle, sensing the impending danger, twisted its body in a lightning-quick maneuver, narrowly evading the incoming attack.


Its eyes blazed with a fierce intelligence, and its wings fluttered, creating a powerful gust that sent Lian Shen staggering backward.

He Ming seized the moment, the pain in his shoulder momentarily forgotten as he hastily conjured an array of talismans.

With a swift incantation, he released them, sending the talismans hurtling toward the Night Eagle.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The talismans detonated upon contact, engulfing the Night Eagle in a burst of energy and smoke.

The creature let out a piercing shriek, its form momentarily obscured from view.

"Strike now, Elder!" He Ming shouted, his voice ringing with urgency and determination.

Lian Shen, undeterred by the Night Eagle's attempt to evade, closed in once again, his movements fluid and precise.

He gathered his energy, his martial prowess focused and unyielding.

Just as Lian Shen prepared to deliver his strike, the Night Eagle emerged from the dissipating smoke, its eyes blazing with renewed determination.

It extended its wings, generating a powerful gust of wind that disrupted Lian Shen's attack, sending him reeling.

The Night Eagle seized the opportunity, swooping down with incredible speed.

Its beak aimed at Lian Shen, intending to strike a decisive blow.

He Ming, witnessing the peril, acted swiftly.

Despite his injury, he channeled the last reserves of his strength, intervening just in time.

With a cry, he released a burst of energy that intercepted the Night Eagle's deadly assault, redirecting its trajectory.

The Night Eagle screeched in frustration, its attack stopped.

This diversion provided Lian Shen a precious opening, a chance to regroup and prepare for the next phase of their battle against this formidable adversary.

Lian Shen, undeterred by the prior interruption, gathered his inner strength, preparing for another assault.

He Ming, gritting his teeth against the pain, took on a defensive stance, acting as a barrier between the Night Eagle and Lian Shen.

He knew their only chance lay in coordinated efforts.

The Night Eagle, its frustration evident, circled above, its eyes locking on He Ming.

It recognized him as a threat, having witnessed his tactical skills and determination.

With a powerful flap of its wings, the Night Eagle descended in a swoop, aiming directly for He Ming.


The ground trembled as the creature closed the distance with alarming speed.

"Arghhhh!" He Ming, bloodied yet resolute, summoned his remaining strength.

He channeled his energy, creating a barrier of light in front of him.

The Night Eagle collided with the barrier, its beak and talons striking the impenetrable shield.

Lian Shen, seizing the opportunity, prepared his most potent technique.

He focused, drawing from the deep reservoir of his martial expertise.

"EAT THIS!", With a roar that resonated through the battlefield, Lian Shen unleashed his ultimate technique—a cascade of ethereal blue energy that streaked towards the Night Eagle.


The creature screeched in surprise and pain as the onslaught enveloped it.

The clash of forces was a sight to behold. The Night Eagle fought with all its might, but the combined efforts of the monks proved formidable.

As the energy dissipated, the Night Eagle staggered, weakened but not defeated.


It flapped its wings desperately, attempting to regain control.

Lian Shen and He Ming seized the moment.

With unyielding determination, they closed in for the final assault, their movements perfectly synchronized.

He Ming conjured a brilliant talisman, infused with his determination and sacrifice. "For the greater good," he whispered, flinging it towards the Night Eagle.

The talisman struck true, enveloping the Night Eagle in blinding light.


The creature let out a deafening shriek as its form began to disintegrate, the essence of darkness dissipating.

"It's finished...." He Ming, his strength depleted, collapsed to the ground, his injuries finally catching up to him.

Lian Shen, weary yet triumphant, approached his fallen disciple.

He offered a reassuring smile, acknowledging the sacrifice made.

The battle had been won, the threat vanquished, but the toll it exacted would forever linger in their memories.


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