Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 250 Night Eagle vs Monks (1)

Chapter 250 Night Eagle vs Monks (1)



"A-Ah, yes!" Rose snapped out of her vision, her voice trembling with urgency. "We have to go inside, right now."

Raven and Xu Jiali exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of how to breach the invisible barrier.

"Use the gun, or anything, I don't care, we need to go in!" Rose implored, signaling for Raven to use her firearm.

Raven hesitated for a fleeting moment, her fingers trembling as she pulled out the handgun and aimed it at the barrier. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for what was to come.


The deafening gunshot echoed through the area, capturing the attention of anyone nearby. But time was now a luxury they couldn't afford.

Raven's astonishment mirrored on her face as the bullet failed to penetrate the barrier, leaving them trapped outside in a state of helplessness.

Rose's face assumed a solemn expression as she sighed, recognizing that conventional methods weren't going to breach the formidable barrier.

Determination in her eyes, she extended her hand toward the invisible obstruction, attempting to channel her inner strength.

However, as she focused her energy, she encountered a dense layer of power within the barrier, one that her current strength couldn't overcome.

"Ugh! Why is this barrier so strong!?" she muttered in frustration, aware that time was slipping away.

In a surprising turn of events, Rose suddenly declared, "Get away from me," and concentrated all her energy into her hand.


With a resounding crash, she delivered a powerful strike to the barrier, the force of which sent ripples through the invisible wall.


Rose's powerful punch sent a noticeable ripple through the barrier, but it still held firm, proving to be an exceptionally formidable obstacle.

Xu Yifen and Xu Jiali watched in astonishment, their earlier attempts and the gunshot paling in comparison to Rose's display of strength.

Even the bullet hadn't caused such a significant reaction.

Rose, however, was undeterred. She continued to strike the barrier until her hand began to bleed slightly, her determination unwavering.

As a few droplets of her blood fell to the ground, an unforeseen consequence occurred.

The spot where her blood touched the earth began to emit a faint glow, and a circular formation appeared beneath her feet, its runes aglow.

The sudden emergence of the formation caught Rose's attention. She took a step back, her curiosity piqued. "What is happening?" she muttered, eyeing the mysterious symbols below her.

In the tense stillness of the night, the runes beneath Rose's feet began to pulse with an otherworldly light.

A hush fell over the small group, their collective breath held in anticipation. And then, like a scene out of ancient legends, a magnificent transformation unfolded.

From the heart of the glowing runic formation, a creature of awe-inspiring majesty materialized.


A colossal eagle, its wingspan stretching a meter wide, emerged with a regal poise.

Its feathers were an obsidian black that absorbed the moonlight, and its eyes blazed with an intense, almost unearthly crimson.

The eagle stood sentinel before Rose, its presence commanding reverence. Its crimson eyes surveyed the perplexing scene, taking in the invisible barrier that held everyone captive, as if assessing the challenge before it.

Xu Yifen and Xu Jiali, standing nearby, could hardly believe their eyes.

Their faces mirrored a mix of wonder and disbelief as they beheld this magnificent creature that had appeared out of thin air.

Stammering with disbelief, Xu Jiali managed to utter, "What... What just happened?"

Rose, too, was struck by awe and astonishment.

Yet, amidst the bewildering spectacle, she felt a connection, an unspoken bond with the majestic eagle.

It was as if the creature bore a message of hope and resolve, silently urging her onward.

Summoning her courage, Rose addressed the magnificent bird, her voice unwavering. "Can you break the barrier?" Her gaze locked onto the eagle's penetrating crimson eyes, her determination unwavering.

She understood that this extraordinary creature held the key to their salvation.


The heavens echoed with a piercing screech as the mighty Night Eagle, a creature of pure awe, descended with fierce precision. Its wings sliced through the very fabric of the shimmering barrier that sought to hold it at bay.



The onlookers stood spellbound, their eyes widening as the seemingly impenetrable barrier yielded to the Night Eagle's power, parting like a curtain before a grand reveal. Rose, undaunted by the awestruck spectators, leaped into the breach, propelled by determination and purpose.

"Wait!" Raven's voice rang out, a desperate plea, but she found herself frozen in the wake of the ensuing brilliance. The blinding light radiated from the epicenter, disrupting her vision and leaving her momentarily blinded.

"What are these two doing?!" Rose muttered in disbelief, her gaze shifting between the focused monks and the talismans adorning the structure, each glowing in synchrony with the chants, as if orchestrating an otherworldly symphony.

The majestic presence of the Night Eagle momentarily compelled Lian Shen and He Ming to break their concentration. They cast astonished glances at Rose and the awe-inspiring creature. Yet, their resolve remained unshaken, and they swiftly returned to the sacred incantations. The ritual brooked no interruption; to falter would court devastation, reducing the realm to charred ruins.

With unwavering determination, Rose pressed forward, the mission paramount in her mind. Sprinting towards the house, she was quick to spot an open window. In a display of agility and determination, she vaulted through the aperture, her eyes meeting Wu Xue's.

As if fate itself was in play, the blinding light surged, causing Wu Xue to instinctively shield her eyes.

"Shit," Rose cursed under her breath, quick to act. She dashed towards Wu Xue, scooping her up and leaping out.


The resulting explosion was a cacophony, a resounding shockwave rippling through the fabric of reality. The once proud structure, a bastion of secrets, crumbled to nothing but a swirling cloud of dust, vanishing into the annals of oblivion.

The Night Eagle spread its mighty wings, forming a protective sanctuary for Rose and Wu Xue amidst the tumult. Debris scattered and the air crackled, leaving a void where a house once stood—an echoing silence that heralded the birth of a new chapter and the revelation of mysteries yet to be unraveled.

Amidst the fading echoes of the explosion, a hush settled over the landscape, the remnants of the house dispersed like ashes on the breeze.

The tranquil expanse of the west lake stretched out, a backdrop of serene beauty that belied the tumultuous events that had just transpired.

Rose and Wu Xue, shielded by the Night Eagle, stood amidst the aftermath.

The air shimmered with residual energy, and the ground bore the scars of the ritual's climax.

Lian Shen and He Ming, their faces etched with solemnity, completed the final incantations, sealing the ritual's effects and restoring a semblance of calm.

The talismans, once radiant, dimmed and fell silent, their mission accomplished.

"T-Thank you," Wu Xue finally spoke, her voice trembling with a mixture of lingering fear and gratitude. "I don't know what just happened, but you saved me."

Rose nodded, her gaze still fixed on the spot where the house had stood moments before. "I'm not sure either, but it was something dark and powerful. We should be cautious."

Raven, who had been slowly regaining her vision, approached them, her expression a mix of curiosity and concern. "What was that light? And those monks, who are they?"

Wu Xue exchanged a glance with Rose, uncertainty flickering in her eyes. "I wish I knew, but we have to find out. This can't be the end of it."

As they contemplated the mysteries that had unraveled before them, the Night Eagle let out a low, haunting cry, its wings spreading wide.


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