Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 246 Lei Juan wants to negotiate?

Chapter 246 Lei Juan wants to negotiate?


The unsuspecting Wang Xiaoying stood frozen, unable to react in time as the water cascaded over her, drenching her clothes and leaving her thoroughly soaked.

Stunned, Wang Xiaoying raised trembling hands to wipe the water from her face, her mind struggling to comprehend what had just transpired.

"What!?" she exclaimed, her voice filled with shock and disbelief. "How did you...?"

Zhang Wei chuckled softly, enjoying her reaction. "You see, martial arts isn't just about breaking bricks and running on walls," he explained, his voice dripping with amusement. "It involves mastering the elements, like water. Something your grandfather failed to mention."

Wang Xiaoying's eyes widened in astonishment, her drenched clothes clinging to her body, utterly forgotten as she grappled with this newfound revelation. "So, you're saying... you're a magician?"

Zhang Wei responded with a sly grin, a glint of mischief dancing in his eyes. "Indeed, you can call me as such. So, do you now want to marry me for real?"

As Zhang Wei's gaze wandered, lingering on her chest, Wang Xiaoying instinctively took a cautious step back, shaking her head firmly. "No, you can't go back on our deal!"

A hearty chuckle escaped from Zhang Wei's lips. "I was merely inquiring."

Wang Xiaoying let out a sigh of relief. "So, you won't seek revenge against our family, will you...?" She asked with a hint of suspicion, her concern for her family's well-being evident.

Zhang Wei nodded solemnly. "I won't break our promise," he assured her, prompting a gentle smile to grace Wang Xiaoying's face.

However, he couldn't resist adding, "Though the price has just gone up."

"..." Wang Xiaoying fell into a moment of exasperated silence, fully aware that this sudden price hike was nothing but a ploy to unsettle her.

"What do I need to do?" She asked, taking a deep breath to steel herself for the undoubtedly absurd request that was to come.

His persistent gaze fixated on her chest made her acutely aware of his intentions.

Her legs fidgeted uneasily under the weight of his stare, convincing herself that enduring it for just a bit longer was a necessary evil.

Zhang Wei's eyes were inevitably drawn to her chest, the wet fabric subtly outlining her form. Despite the potential for mischief, as he observed the determination etched across her face, he couldn't help but stifle a chuckle.

Is she mentally preparing herself to sleep with him?

Why so tense?

"Come closer," he suddenly stated, the air thick with tension as Wang Xiaoying took hesitant, almost mechanical steps towards him.

He swiftly caught her small, cold hands, sending a shiver through her body.

Her eyes betrayed her nervousness, flickering with a mix of anticipation and anxiety.

In an unexpected move, he pressed his lips against hers, leaving her utterly stunned, her mind momentarily unable to process the sudden intimacy. "Huh?"

Before she could make sense of the situation, a minute had passed, leaving her in a whirlwind of complicated emotions.

She had anticipated something more, something grander perhaps. The simplicity of the encounter left her grappling with the unexpected.

"Why are you lost? Did you expect something more?" he asked, breaking the silence, his eyes gleaming with a hint of amusement.

"... No," Wang Xiaoying managed to utter, her cheeks ablaze, stealing a last glance at his face, trying to decode his intentions.

Zhang Wei nodded in approval. "Good. By the way, on your way back, you can let your mother know she can come inside," he calmly instructed, adding another layer of surprise.

"Mom is outside?" Wang Xiaoying's face registered astonishment as she glanced towards the closed door.

Lei Juan had indeed been attempting to eavesdrop, but Zhang Wei had been one step ahead, keeping his voice low.

Wang Xiaoying pressed her lips together, a mixture of embarrassment and determination propelling her towards the door.

As she opened it, her eyes met a startled Lei Juan, her mother, standing just beyond the threshold, inadvertently caught in the act.

The mother and daughter exchanged a brief dialogue.

Lei Juan entered, her demeanor reflecting a mixture of concern and determination.

The click of the closing door emphasized her desire for a private conversation with Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei looked at the slightly mature yet confident Lei Juan.

Her face held a charm that spoke of life's experiences, a face that held both elegance and strength.

He wondered what she sought from him, curiosity shining in his eyes.

"Doctor Zhang," she addressed, her gaze sweeping across the room, taking in the wet couch and floor, her surprise evident.

Zhang Wei responded with a calm demeanor, "You can address me by name; we would be family soon, mother-in-law," he added, aiming for an air of casualness.

Lei Juan's face darkened with a shadow of worry, "No, Doctor Zhang is fine. I wanted to make a small request," she conveyed her intentions, her voice tinged with worry for her daughter's fate.

Zhang Wei gestured for her to continue, leaning slightly against a wooden table nearby.

Lei Juan, her appearance reflecting grace and concern, inquired further, "What would be the price for letting my daughter go?" She asked, her mind recalling that Zhang Wei had taken 5 billion for assisting Wang Liang last time, suggesting that he must have a price for this situation as well.

Zhang Wei suddenly relaxed, leaning back, and clicking his tongue in annoyance. "What made you believe you could bribe me to let her go?" He retored.

Lei Juan took a deep breath, her resolve unwavering even under Zhang Wei's piercing gaze. "...You aren't serious about my daughter. You already have a lover, and a wife," she stated firmly, her voice laced with conviction.

Zhang Wei's eyes glinted with interest, a hint of intrigue dancing in his gaze. "Okay, so what price can you offer me?" he inquired, his tone nonchalant.


Lei Juan's eyes widened, taken aback by how smoothly the negotiations were unfolding. Gathering her composure, she took another deep breath and finally named a figure, "Ten billion."

Zhang Wei responded with a disappointed shake of his head.

Gritting her teeth, Lei Juan upped the ante, "12 billion!"

Once again, Zhang Wei shook his head, denying her offer.

Undeterred, Lei Juan pushed further, "15 billion!"

She continued to increase the price, her expression resolute, until Zhang Wei eventually halted her with a sigh. "Mother-in-law, why don't we cease this game? I'm willing to agree to not pursue this marriage proposal and gradually distance myself from Wang Xiaoying, but there's one condition," he proposed.

Lei Juan's eyes widened in surprise, "What condition?" she asked instantly, eager to know his terms.


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