Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 243 Wang Xiaoying made the choice, Mo Chen tossed away?

Chapter 243 Wang Xiaoying made the choice, Mo Chen tossed away?

The grueling journey to the Wang Family manor had left Mo Chen drained, a metaphorical storm raging within him as he stumbled out of the car, clutching at the remnants of his composure.

He glanced back at Zhang Wei, eyes wide with astonishment, watching as Zhang Wei calmly exited the vehicle, seemingly unaffected by the harrowing ordeal.

Ignoring Mo Chen's state, Zhang Wei led the way, and the trio followed, their steps echoing through the grand entrance of the Wang Family manor.

Mo Chen, wrestling with the chaos in his mind, followed suit, attempting to gather himself for what lay ahead.

"What's the plan?" Xiong Mei asked, her voice tinged with nervous anticipation, her gaze shifting around the premises.

Zhang Wei turned to Wang Xiaoying, who had fallen strangely silent, a knowing smile playing on his lips, the depths of his intentions remaining a mystery.

"What's next?" he mused, directing his question to Wang Xiaoying.

"Hey, girl," he continued, addressing her directly, "do you want to stand by him, or by me?"

Wang Xiaoying flinched at the unexpected question, torn between the presence of Mo Chen and the charisma of Zhang Wei. She looked from the grumpy Mo Chen to the ever-charming Zhang Wei, contemplating her response.

"I... I don't want to be with either of you," she finally summoned the courage to admit.

Zhang Wei raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "Oh, then why is the flower protector following you 24x7? Do you enjoy keeping toys around?" he quipped, his amusement evident.

He couldn't fathom why Mo Chen was fighting for her when it seemed like he had nothing to gain. The complexities of human emotions often baffled him.

Wang Xiaoying hesitated, feeling the weight of their gazes. "He had a bet with me," she explained, her expression tangled with uncertainty. "If he manages to achieve a top score in the upcoming college examinations, I... I promised to be his girlfriend."

Zhang Wei's response was one of mild surprise, tinged with a touch of amusement. "Oh, just that?" Zhang Wei remarked, unsurprised that this girl fell for such a silly bet.

It was clear she was quite naive.

If Wang Xiaoying knew what thoughts were passing through Zhang Wei's mind, she would undoubtedly pounce on him angrily!

After all, she was the class leader; how could she be considered dumb?

Yet, in this particular matter, she was indeed oblivious to the intricacies of the situation, unable to perceive the disconnect between academic achievements and emotional intelligence.

"Only that?" Wang Xiaoying blinked in confusion, wondering why Zhang Wei didn't seem more upset about her bet.

Zhang Wei flashed a mischievous smile, sensing her bewilderment. "Don't worry," he assured her, "he can't write if he doesn't have hands..."


Wang Xiaoying's eyes widened in shock, her voice catching in her throat. "You...!?"

Zhang Wei playfully patted her on the butt, urging her to continue walking.

The unexpected gesture left her flustered, and Mo Chen, trailing behind them, began to question his life choices.

As they entered what felt like a lion's den, Mo Chen's confidence waned.

He may possess certain abilities, but the imposing bodyguards around them made him acutely aware of his lack of strength.

Wang Xiaoying, recovering from her initial shock, turned her attention to Zhang Wei. "What about you, then?" she inquired, her voice filled with hesitation.

Even if she doesn't have Mo Chen chasing her, she would still have Zhang Wei!

And she can't even shoo him away, as he would bite back!

Zhang Wei smiled, anticipating her reaction. "I can leave you alone," he said suddenly, gauging her response.

"Really?" Wang Xiaoying asked, a surprised yet hopeful smile gracing her face.

Xiong Mei flinched briefly, an awkward smile playing on her lips as she witnessed their interaction.

She shook her head with a wry smile, knowing the sister had already fallen for Zhang Wei's trap.

What could she do?

Wang Xiaoying should have known better than to trust him; after all, Zhang Wei lies with a straight face!

Ignoring Xiong Mei's accusatory glances, Zhang Wei nodded seriously at Wang Xiaoying. "I can, but on one condition," he whispered.

"What condition?" Wang Xiaoying's cautious tone revealed her wariness.

"It's nothing much, just act along with me," Zhang Wei replied, outlining a small act she had to put on once they were inside.

He assured her he wouldn't force her beyond that.

As Wang Xiaoying contemplated his words, she found the acting part reasonable and not too difficult.

She nodded in agreement.

But as events unfolded, she couldn't help but wonder why?

From start to finish, she failed to grasp Zhang Wei's true motives.

Zhang Wei's motives, however, were as clear as day to him. He explained to her, pointing to Mo Chen behind, "It's because of him. That guy came to my casino a few weeks ago and won a lot of money. The catch was, he cheated, and I have to teach him a small lesson. Don't worry, I don't harm women and children," he asserted, patting Wang Xiaoying's forehead, which made her slightly flustered.

Her expression shifted as his words began to sound somewhat credible. "What if you're lying?"

"What if I'm not?" Zhang Wei replied, a soft laugh bubbling up within him, realizing she was digging a pit for herself with her doubts.

Wang Xiaoying's voice suddenly cut through the air, firm and resolute. "If you're lying, you'll never come near me again, and you'll leave me alone. Deal?" Her outstretched fingers sought a pinky promise, her gaze carrying an unwavering determination.

The weight of her seriousness brought a faint smile to Zhang Wei's lips.

"Deal. But if I'm right," he spoke, trailing off with a glint in his eyes.

"If you're right, I—I'll follow all your words for one month, except for anything sexual," she stated with a new profound resolve.

Zhang Wei's eyes danced with amusement as he chuckled softly. "Good then, it's a deal. Now, go and ask your friend whether he has earned his money by betting in some casino or not," he suggested.

"Hmm!" Wang Xiaoying nodded positively with steely determination, already pivoting to confront Mo Chen.

The inquiry had already been posed before, questioning the legality of Mo Chen's earnings.

At that time, he had sworn it was all clean money.

Now, as Wang Xiaoying approached Mo Chen with a resolute demeanor, he caught a glimpse of her determination and paused.


"Mo Chen, tell me, did you earn the money by gambling in some casino?"


Mo Chen's face betrayed surprise, his eyes widening. "H-how do you know...?"

A tremor of realization passed through Wang Xiaoying. "So, it's true..." she murmured, disappointment etched across her features.

"Wait, Ying'er, I didn't do anything illegal," Mo Chen interjected, sensing her misunderstanding.

While he had indeed made money from the casino, the majority came from legal stone betting.

The casino was a mere fraction of his earnings, and even that was from lawful bets.

"Leave me alone," Wang Xiaoying uttered, her disappointment evident, her ears deaf to any further explanations.


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