Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 223 Mr. Poo!

Chapter 223 Mr. Poo!

Contrary to Zhang Wei's assumption, Wu Xue didn't reside in the plush apartments hosted by Lin Group.

Instead, she had a rented unit in Westlake, a nearby residential area situated close to the Little Lotus Orphanage—a place that held a special connection for Zhang Wei, being where he found Feng Xinyue.

As they drove past the Little Lotus Orphanage, another figure caught his eye.

It was Shi Jingjing, standing just outside the orphanage. She was dressed in a bright white furry coat, braving the cold with bags in hand, laden with a variety of items.

In an instant, Zhang Wei's eyes sparked with recognition and understanding.

He recalled what the orphanage caretaker had told him about a school teacher who had left Feng Xinyue at their doorstep and regularly came by to check on her.

It seemed Shi Jingjing was that very person, whom he had rescued from the clutches of the Wang family.

He still had her contact information; he had simply never bothered to reach out to her again.

"Do you know her?" Wu Xue inquired, her eyes following the young woman they passed on the street.

Zhang Wei shook his head, his gaze momentarily fixed on the passing orphanage. "She's just one of my lovers," he mentioned casually.

Wu Xue's lips twisted, contemplating whether he laid claim to every passing woman as his lover.

In the end, she let out a sigh, occasionally finding Zhang Wei's narcissistic tendencies exasperating.

But this time, Zhang Wei was being truthful. Although Shi Jingjing wasn't a lover, her figure was attractive enough to consider, perhaps a reward for his act of saving her.

The taxi rolled to a stop in front of a charming two-story building, nestled by the tranquil West Lake. The view was truly splendid, even if the area was a tad secluded.

"Does the company own this property too?" Zhang Wei asked, his eyes scanning the surroundings as they alighted from the taxi.

"Uh-huh, I rented this place for myself. Didn't want to live in the constant shadow of my work and needed some personal space; otherwise, it can be quite overwhelming," spoke Wu Xue, taking the lead. Stairs awaited them outside, guiding them to the second floor.

Zhang Wei nodded, increasingly impressed. The more he interacted with her, the more he realized this seemingly ordinary woman possessed an extraordinary character.

The entire upper unit was Wu Xue's domain. As she swung open the door, she invited Zhang Wei inside for a tour of her modest abode.

Wu Xue's small house had an understated charm. The soft, warm light from a corner lamp bathed the living room in a cozy glow. A scattering of vibrant paintings adorned the walls, giving the space a touch of her personality.

"This is my little sanctuary," she said with a warm smile, gesturing to the comfortable-looking couch. "Feel free to make yourself at home."

Zhang Wei took a seat, appreciating the homely atmosphere. "It's good," he commented genuinely.

As they moved through the compact but well-organized kitchen and a small dining area, Wu Xue explained, "I like to keep things simple. Helps me clear my mind after a long day at work."

The tour continued to a comfortable bedroom with a window overlooking the serene West Lake. A gentle breeze rustled the curtains, and the tranquil view outside was breathtaking.

"I can see why you chose this place," Zhang Wei remarked, his gaze fixed on the picturesque scenery.

Wu Xue smiled, a hint of contentment in her eyes. "It's my escape from the chaos of the city."

Wu Xue entered her minimalist-styled room, her cheeks tinged with a delicate blush as she saw a few things left unorganized on the bed.

With a sheepish smile, she began tidying up while Zhang Wei settled onto the bed, his eyes curiously exploring the room.

Amidst the neat simplicity, a small plush baby panda caught his attention. It lay innocently on the bed, close to her pillow, and for a moment, Zhang Wei couldn't help but feel a twinge of irritation.

'Men fight wars to earn the privilege of sharing a bed with these beautiful ladies, and here, this piece of fluff gets it every day?' he thought wryly to himself.

Wu Xue noticed his amusement and picked up the stuffed panda, arranging it next to her face with a playful grin. "Meet Mr. Poo! Isn't he cute?" she asked, her face beaming with enthusiasm.

Zhang Wei burst into laughter and shook his head, finding her endearing. Wu Xue's face turned crimson in realization, the innocent mistake dawning on her instantly. It was a charming, light-hearted moment, bringing a genuine smile to both of their faces.

Zhang Wei found Wu Xue's actions undeniably cute but remained unswayed by them.

He had spent enough time with women to understand that such moments were sporadic and should be taken as simple expressions of personality.

After all, these "trophies" were living, dynamic beings, often sprinkled with an element of unpredictability.

Hastily, Wu Xue led him outside, her earlier embarrassment prompting a quick change of scene. She wore an apron, looking determined, and asked, "What would you like to eat?"

Zhang Wei raised an intrigued eyebrow. "Can you even cook?"

Wu Xue hummed confidently, "I cook for myself every day. Don't doubt my skills."

Zhang Wei nodded and requested a simple soup, considering that he could endure getting wet in the rain, but the same couldn't be said for her. She needed something to ensure she wouldn't fall sick.

As Wu Xue cheerfully prepared the soup, Zhang Wei's mind was suddenly filled with a flurry of questions. There was something about this woman, something intriguing and mysterious that he couldn't quite put his finger on.

As Wu Xue savored the soup, Zhang Wei's observation finally slipped from his lips. "You seem strangely normal."

Wu Xue's eyes narrowed suddenly. "Don't even think about escaping your responsibilities after you've stolen my first kiss!" she said with mock seriousness, echoing a line from dramas. However, her tone quickly shifted to soft laughter.

Zhang Wei blinked, gazing at her beautiful face. "First kiss? Then shouldn't you be held responsible for taking my first kiss as well?"

Wu Xue rolled her eyes, clearly not believing his claim. "Bah!"

She knew he was teasing, but there was an inexplicable feeling that his words left behind.

Zhang Wei's body began to heat up, but Wu Xue was a deliberate eater, and he could only watch her while she enjoyed the meal.

Suddenly, he asked, his eyes locked onto hers, "Aren't you afraid I'm just a playboy who will abandon you after today?"

Wu Xue's response came with ease, a sense of self-assuredness in her words. "I can't control what I can't. I've been single for a long time and wanted to experience something new. What's wrong with trying? And if you do leave me, then it would be a lesson for me, maybe the result of my own choice."

She left unspoken the part about secretly enjoying his initial actions, reminiscent of the dominant CEO characters she had read about.

That was supposed to be her little secret.

Zhang Wei observed her, his initial curiosity evolving into a deeper understanding.

She appeared like any other person looking to explore new experiences, ready to embrace whatever came her way.

However, he had no intentions of abandoning her; he wasn't one to easily hand over his belongings to someone else.

The now soft rain outside painted the windows with delicate streaks of water, casting a tranquil ambiance within Wu Xue's cozy apartment.

She returned from the bathroom, her breath fresh from a quick tooth-brushing session and a gentle wash. But as she entered her bedroom, she found Zhang Wei's patience had reached its limit.

"Hey, wait!" she called out, her voice carrying a hint of surprise.

However, her plea fell on deaf ears. With a swift and unexpected motion, Zhang Wei scooped her up and playfully tossed her onto her own bed.

The sudden impact sent a shockwave through the room, causing Mr. Poo, the stuffed panda that had been nestled on the bed, to bounce and tumble onto the floor.

In the heat of their union, Mr. Poo was swiftly forgotten and discarded, it's presence fading into insignificance.


Wu Xue's gaze met Zhang Wei's, and the intensity in his stare made her feel like his prey.

The composed facade she had carefully crafted to rationalize the situation crumbled, and she found herself caught in a surge of heightened emotions.

Her heart raced, and her face glowed in the soft light, further stoking Zhang Wei's desire. Without hesitation, he reached out and captured her lips, igniting a passionate embrace.

But even though she had somewhat expected this, his actions still took her by surprise. She had to halt him before he tore her dress apart. "Don't! I'll remove the dress; don't destroy it!" she exclaimed hastily, noticing that one corner of her dress was already torn.

She couldn't help but look at Zhang Wei with complicated eyes, wondering just how much strength he possessed to rip the fabric like that.

Zhang Wei paused, surprised by her reaction, before burying his face between her neck and hair. "Why are you worried? It's just a dress; I can buy you a few more."

"No..." Wu Xue whispered, struggling slightly. "I-It's not just a dress."

"Hm?" Zhang Wei raised an eyebrow, the sudden change in her demeanor catching him off-guard.

He finally paused and took a step back, his gaze scanning her figure once more, now filled with curiosity.


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