Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 215 Unexpected Encounter!

Chapter 215 Unexpected Encounter!


As they continued to make their way along the empty road, Wu Xue suddenly shivered, her arms tightening around Zhang Wei in a reflexive response to the distant rumble of thunder.

Her instinctive reaction to the sound was unmistakable, her grip on him growing even tighter.

Zhang Wei finally sighed and came to a halt. Wu Xue looked up at him in confusion. "Why are we stopping?" she inquired, perplexed by his sudden decision.

Zhang Wei pointed toward her, his expression patient. "It's you," he explained.

"Me?" Wu Xue's eyebrows furrowed in surprise.

Zhang Wei nodded in affirmation. "If you keep fearing and cowering like this in the rain, how are we supposed to even get somewhere?" he asked, his voice gentle but firm.

"Huh?" Wu Xue blinked at him, her confusion deepening.

Her phone had been destroyed in the explosion, and she knew that Zhang Wei's phone, which had been left on the car's dashboard, had met a similar fate.

They were currently without any means of communication, and calling for help was not an option.

The reality of their situation was beginning to dawn on her, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of helplessness.

The rain poured relentlessly, drenching them both. Wu Xue, her face adorned with glistening droplets, spoke with a hint of confusion, lost in the downpour.

"But it's raining heavily!" she exclaimed.

Zhang Wei, nonchalant and seemingly unfazed, casually rested his hands behind his head. He started walking leisurely, leaving her to her own devices. His actions spoke volumes, as he spoke loudly, "What's the big deal?"

"I-I would get sick like this!" Panic gripped Wu Xue as he continued to walk away, his bare back disappearing into the rainy haze.

Quickly, she scanned her surroundings and then darted forward, high heels in hand, determined to catch up with him.

"Then walk quickly; the faster you move, the sooner we'll find shelter," Zhang Wei challenged convention, leaping onto the elevated flyover's edge and striding along its length with daring grace.

"Stop doing stunts like this!" Wu Xue's eyes widened in alarm as she watched his audacious maneuver. Panic coursed through her veins, urging her to run faster. High heels in hand, she chased after him, her heart racing with a mix of exhilaration and fear.

"Zhang Wei! Be careful, you might fall! It's slippery because of the rain!" Wu Xue yelled, her voice filled with panic as she chased after him.

Zhang Wei, on the other hand, quickened his pace along the edge, his eyes closed, savoring the sensation of raindrops splashing across his face.

He had almost forgotten how many days it had been since he last enjoyed a moment like this.

When Wu Xue finally caught up to him, she was stunned to find him walking with closed eyes on the edge. "What!?" she exclaimed in horror, taken aback by his daring.

In an instant, she grabbed his hand, and a small electric shock seemed to pass through her body as their hands connected. Ignoring it, she pulled him down forcefully.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed!?"

"Why are you behaving so recklessly?"

"Zhang Wei, please, stop scaring me half to death!"

"I'm already terrified!"

But Zhang Wei couldn't contain his laughter, which only further irritated her.

"What's so funny!?" Wu Xue asked, her voice tinged with both surprise and frustration.

Zhang Wei, however, was far from unreasonable. Unbeknownst to her, he wasn't walking blindly on the edge but instead using electrical currents to sense his path in advance.

He channeled electricity near his legs to ensure he wouldn't lose balance, which was why Wu Xue received a small shock when she made contact with his skin.

With a shake of his head, Zhang Wei urged her forward, and Wu Xue reluctantly complied, quickening her pace, her bare feet now soaked.

As they descended from the flyover onto a dimly lit street, with flickering streetlights casting eerie shadows in the persistent rain, Wu Xue's mood shifted. A somber melancholy enveloped her, replacing her earlier panic.

The world around them seemed to mirror her emotions, as if nature itself had taken on the mantle of her disquiet.

"How can you still smile in this darkness?" Wu Xue asked, her voice tinged with concern. Despite both of them being drenched, Zhang Wei seemed to revel in the rain.

The cold and sharp wind whipped around them, making Wu Xue shiver uncontrollably. She rubbed her shoulders in a desperate attempt to generate some warmth.

Seeing her shivering, Zhang Wei pulled her closer, his body offering some respite from the cold.

Simultaneously, he tapped into his inner energy, mobilizing a bit of qi to warm his own body, hoping to lessen her suffering.

Suddenly, Wu Xue felt a new warmth enveloping her, and she looked at Zhang Wei in astonishment.

His face seemed to glow majestically in her eyes, his actions speaking volumes.

"Stop associating rain with sadness," Zhang Wei suggested suddenly, his voice carrying through the constant noise of water falling to the ground.

"But how?" Wu Xue asked, finding his words somewhat ridiculous. She had to speak louder to be heard over the relentless downpour.

No matter how she looked at it, she couldn't find pleasure in the rain like Zhang Wei did.

Zhang Wei spoke, his words carrying an unexpected depth amid the torrential downpour, "You know, guerrilla warfare always tries to avoid the rain. It leaves footprints, making their movements traceable. However, the noise of rain can mask their steps, rendering them stealthier—ideal for launching ambushes."

Perplexed, Wu Xue inquired, "So, should they fight in the rain, or should they avoid it?"

Zhang Wei chuckled softly, "I mean, it's up to you how you perceive things. Stop associating rain solely with tears and sorrow. Consider it a season of growth. Roses bloom their brightest after the rain. Think of it as something that brings life rather than death and despair."

"Huh?" Wu Xue was left momentarily stunned by his philosophical perspective. She smiled wryly, still somewhat skeptical, but willing to give it a try.

As they continued to walk together, their steps closer, she began to notice a subtle shift in her perception.

The rain, once a symbol of sadness, seemed to take on a new meaning—a season of renewal and possibility.

Zhang Wei had, in his own way, shared a profound truth with Wu Xue – that nothing in the world inherently carries meaning; it's always us who attach value, positive or negative, to things.

He often employed this perspective to reshape the perceptions of the women around him, usually with more manipulative intentions. But this time, he had no ulterior motive; he was genuinely savoring the moment.

"Hmmm... By the way, how did you know lightning was about to strike us?" Wu Xue suddenly inquired.

Zhang Wei's eyes narrowed as he caught sight of a figure lurking in the street's shadow. He unconsciously muttered, "Heaven has tried to kill me many times. I've become accustomed to it."

Wu Xue, taken aback, asked, "What!?"

Zhang Wei quickly corrected himself, "I mean, the hairs – I read somewhere that right before a lightning strike, your hair stands up against gravity."

"Oh," Wu Xue nodded, and she too had spotted a person seeking shelter from the rain in the nearby shadows.

The feeble light cast a shimmering glow upon the stranger's face, revealing the delicate contours of her features. Her drenched hair clung to her skin, and her clothes clung uncomfortably to her form.

Zhang Wei's gaze continued to intensify as he approached the stranger, Wu Xue following closely, assuming he intended to ask for the person's phone to make a call.

Yet, with every step he took, Zhang Wei's certainty grew stronger. What he had glimpsed that fateful night, on his way to meet Lin Ruoxi, wasn't a mere illusion. She was undeniably here, standing before him.


Chen Yulan found herself in the midst of a bustling shopping district, her partner Liu Ming by her side as they prepared for their upcoming engagement ceremony.

However, their plans took an unexpected turn when Liu Ming had to rush off for an urgent discussion with the provincial party members of the influential Liu Family in Qingyun City.

Chen Yulan hailed from the quaint Heilong Village, while Liu Ming was the son of the mayor of Fengshen Town, situated near the bustling Beicheng City in the northern province.

Remarkably, Fengshen Town was just a stone's throw away from her own Heilong Village, connecting their lives in a peculiar way.

Initially, their intention was simple – to shop for their forthcoming engagement. However, Liu Ming's father had other aspirations.

He suggested approaching the prominent 'Liu' family in Qingyun City, foreseeing a valuable connection for their future. Despite the absence of direct ties between the two families, Liu Ming's father believed that this relationship could yield long-term benefits.

While he may have been a minor party official as the town's mayor, the Liu family in Qingyun City held significant clout.

The old man Liu there served as the deputy secretary of the provincial party, overseeing affairs in the central province.

With Liu Ming's sudden departure, Chen Yulan found herself stranded amidst the hustle and bustle of the city.

Before she knew it, rain began to fall, drenching her.

Now, she had no choice but to wait patiently for Liu Ming to finish his business and come to pick her up.


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