Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 134 Delaying Wang Family! Costume play? (2)

Chapter 134 Delaying Wang Family! Costume play? (2)

Leng Yan blinked her eyes, a look of confusion playing across her face. "How are they even related to the Wang Family?" she asked, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Zhang Wei chuckled softly, shaking his head. "Surprised, aren't you? Well, it's true. Ye Feng managed to defeat Wang Haoran, and now they've come storming into the Lin Group headquarters for revenge. The Wang Family must be oblivious to the fact that Ye Feng is already imprisoned."

Leng Yan fell silent for a moment, letting out a weary sigh. "This won't be easy. Those thugs are probably well-prepared, given their close ties to the Wang Family. Until we have solid proof linking Tang Shen to the Wangs, our efforts will be in vain."

A mischievous smile danced on Zhang Wei's lips as he reached into his pocket, retrieving his phone. "Proof, you say? Well, have a look at this." He handed the phone to her, the screen displaying a damning recording of Tang Shen confessing his allegiance to the Wang Family.

The moment had been captured when Zhang Wei had tempted his underlings with money, hoping to lure them away from their loyalty to the Wangs.

Tang Shen had been trapped, left with no other choice but to use the name of the Wang Family to intimidate his subordinates into staying loyal.

The incident had transpired right within the company premises, and Zhang Wei had managed to obtain the damning footage from Wu Xue while Leng Yan was changing her clothes.

Leng Yan's eyebrows shot up in surprise as she watched the video, her mind racing, contemplating the course of action against the formidable Wang Family.

In her eyes, the Wang Family seemed insignificant and feeble, but the harsh reality was far from it.

They had an extensive network, and there was a world of difference between merely causing temporary damage and completely uprooting an organization.

Zhang Wei knew that if he were to confront them head-on at this moment, he would have to permanently eradicate their presence.

However, such a ruthless massacre would inevitably draw the attention of the higher-ups, rendering even Leng Mei powerless.

Thus, their only option was to engage the Wang Family in a series of cunning tactics, hoping to slow down their progress until he had fully tamed and controlled Lin Ruoxi, ensuring their victory.

Enslaving the leader of the Wang Family had always lurked as a shadowy option, poised to be unleashed if things spiraled out of control.

Zhang Wei, however, hesitated to add more males to his captive collection unless it became an absolute necessity, the final straw in a cascade of complications.

Having meticulously assessed every conceivable option, Zhang Wei had defied the system's expectations.

Instead of erratic impulsiveness, a well-crafted plan simmered beneath the surface, tantalizingly close to fruition.

With the subtle execution of his scheme, the Wang Family would be momentarily incapacitated, their attention siphoned away from the pressing matters of the Lin Group.

The looming threat of delay had been deftly fabricated - a strategic disruption with profound implications.

Zhang Wei's plan earned the faint admiration of Leng Yan, who nodded approvingly. "This will temporarily disrupt them, but why bother to save the Lin Group?" he questioned, an intrigued furrow creasing his brow.

"Why bother, indeed?" Zhang Wei's lips curled into a knowing smile. "Because it will be mine, from this moment forward!" Abruptly, he intercepted Leng Yan's hand, halting any further shoulder massage.

A wicked grin danced on his face as he surveyed the office, electrified by a newfound vigor that permeated the air.

Leng Yan's senses tingled, an instinctive feeling that something was off in the air.

She couldn't shake the eerie sensation as Zhang Wei's next words reached her ears, resonating like a hauntingly dissonant melody.

"Come to the front," Zhang Wei motioned towards his thighs, gesturing for her to take a seat.

Momentarily taken aback, Leng Yan sucked in her breath and moved with a rigid hesitation, finally settling onto his lap.

The moment she settled above him, a jolt ran through her as if she had been struck by electricity. Her voice trembled as she stammered, "Y-You?"

Zhang Wei's composure remained unphased, replying nonchalantly, "It's instinctive. I can't control it," his words met her disbelief with indifference.

Caught in a state of confusion, Leng Yan grappled with conflicting emotions. Should she admire his audacity or his ability to maintain a straight face despite his shameless actions?

Regardless, her immediate concern was the searing heat that pressed against her buttocks, demanding her attention.

Perched on his lap, Leng Yan struggled to find a comfortable position, unsettled by the constant surge of his lust that seemed to radiate from him.

"Are there cameras here?" Zhang Wei inquired, his hand swiftly encircling her waist.

"N-No," Leng Yan managed to respond, her voice stiff with unease.

She could feign strength in his presence, but his direct advances had already plunged her mind into chaos.

And then, without warning, he leaned in, his face dangerously close to her neck, inhaling the scent of her hair and skin. It sent shivers down her spine, making her squirm with discomfort.

'Always putting on a noble facade, while hiding a shameless man within,' she thought, biting her lip to keep the words from escaping.

If she had learned anything, it was the extent of Zhang Wei's thirst for revenge.

His hands continued to roam her waist, his command to discard her blazer leaving her no choice but to carefully remove it, fold it neatly, and place it on the desk before them.

"Hm...?" Zhang Wei's surprise was evident as her actions took him off guard. It struck him that she had always seemed to champion justice.

Almost forgetting, he mused, 'Wasn't this woman the epitome of righteousness?'

Her meticulous treatment of her uniform reinforced the notion, cementing her reputation as the embodiment of justice.

Right at that very moment, Leng Yan anxiously asked, "Can I take off my uniform first?" Her voice trembled with a mixture of bitterness and hesitation.

Zhang Wei's smile widened, his eyes filled with desire as he turned her head around and planted a passionate kiss on her soft lips.

With fervor, he lightly kissed her from behind, his warm breath tickling her skin, and whispered, "Don't you think uniforms are more exciting...? The deputy chief, slowly succumbing to the intoxicating allure of her desires, forgetting her duties. Isn't this a good movie plot? Shall we rehearse it?"

Leng Yan's voice quivered, "B-But-"

Zhang Wei's voice grew authoritative, "Enough. If you refuse, I will order Leng Mei to come here and accompany me right now," he warned, his tone laced with resoluteness.

Leng Yan obediently silenced herself, her lips pressed tightly together.

Her body weakened under his relentless teasing, until she finally leaned against him, her face flushed crimson with embarrassment and desire.

Zhang Wei, driven by an insatiable curiosity, began measuring her breast size for educational purposes.

However, he found the clothes to be a hindrance, so he deftly unbuttoned the top two buttons, allowing his hand to slip inside, exploring eagerly.


In that moment, Leng Yan felt her senses overwhelmed, her body teetering on the brink of fainting.

The room was enveloped in a thick silence, aside from the sound of her irregular breathing, as she silently begged him to end this soon.


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