Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 13: An unfortunate accident (3)

Chapter 13: An unfortunate accident (3)

The society is not hypocritical, it's the people who live in it that are.

Whenever something good happens, we often hear phrases like "Thank heaven for it, everything that happens in the world happens because of heaven's wish..."

But when something bad happens, like a murder or a terrorist attack or a rape, why does no one say "This is also God's wish, everything that happens in this world happens due to his wish..."?

What happens then?

People twist and use words and phrases to suit their own convenience.

Only by facing the true nature of humanity, without any shelter or protection, can we learn the truth of good and evil.

Good and evil are just words, nothing more than that.

Zhang Wei was a product of this cruel world, raised on his own.

Killing someone wasn't considered evil in his mind, but the police certainly thought otherwise.

Therefore, he had to dispose of Hao Yue's body as secretly as possible.

He wasn't an immortal cultivator who could obliterate the body into particles, so he had to resort to more mundane methods.

Shifting her body to the side, he drove her car inside the container truck he was driving.

He got inside the truck, and drove it towards the city, feeling the weight of his actions on his shoulders.

He knew that he had to be careful, as any mistake could ruin everything he had worked so hard for.

[Host, why don't you throw the car off the death cliff? No one will ever know,] the system suggested with an intrigued voice.

Zhang Wei raised an eyebrow, impressed by the system's sentience.

Regardless, he explained the real reason behind his actions.

If he threw her car off the death cliff, the police might search the area and find clues.

Even though the pressure at the waterfall was enough to crush metals, he wasn't willing to take that risk.

His explanation left the system speechless. It couldn't help but think that its host killed people in his free time. Zhang Wei had devised such a proper plan that would put serial killers to shame.

Now, the police would search the area between Xianghui city and the north district of Qingyun city, thinking that was where the car disappeared.

But Zhang Wei was driving the truck in the opposite direction, towards the south district of Qingyun city.

His destination was "The Abyss," located at the end of the district, in the Golden Dragon Falls.

Located on the southern outskirts of Qingyun city, just opposite the Northern Qingyun highway, lies a breathtaking waterfall known as the Golden Dragon Falls.

This waterfall is known for its sheer size and power, and is a popular attraction for tourists and locals alike.

As the name suggests, the water of the Golden Dragon Falls has a golden hue, which is particularly striking when the sunlight hits it just right. The waterfall itself is more than 200 meters tall, making it one of the largest in the region. The water crashes down onto the rocks below with such force that the sound can be heard for miles around.

However, the beauty of the Golden Dragon Falls belies its danger. The water is extremely fast-moving and turbulent, and there are many treacherous rocks and eddies that can easily trap unwary swimmers. In addition, there is a large cliff face located just behind the waterfall that drops down into a deep, dark pool. This pool has earned the nickname "the Abyss" due to its seemingly bottomless depth. Many stories have been told of people who have ventured too close to the edge of the cliff, only to be sucked down into the Abyss by the powerful currents of the waterfall.

The law enforcement wouldn't even think in their wildest dreams that Hao Yue's car would be disposed of at the very south of the city.

Driving the truck in heavy traffic was a hassle and it took hours before Zhang Wei finally arrived at the Golden Dragon Falls.

The entire scenery was shrouded in mystery, as there wasn't a single sign of a living being in the vicinity.

The area was covered by dense forest, adding to the eerie atmosphere.

He unloaded Hao Yue's car and sat in the driver's seat.

With narrowed eyes, he glanced at the sight of the dead woman. After a bit of contemplation, he took a knife out of his pocket.

'She should be dead, but what if she is only pretending?' Zhang Wei contemplated, and his suspicion fueled his rage.

He repeatedly stabbed her neck with the knife he held in his trembling hand.




The blood spurted out like a geyser, drenching his clothes and hands.

He was startled by the intensity of the blood flow but managed to maintain his composure and continued to stab her two more times.

Her body was soaked in blood, and there was no movement from her, indicating that she was indeed dead.

A bitter taste rose in his mouth, and he couldn't help but glance at her belly.

With gritted teeth, he stabbed her there as well, fearing that the child might grow up one day and seek revenge against him.

If anyone saw him in that state, they would be petrified with fear and could only perceive him as a monstrous being.

He didn't wear gloves as he planned to throw the car and her body in the abyss to erase any fingerprints.

However, many people may still wonder why he killed her.

What drove Zhang Wei to commit murder was the fear of his perfect life being destroyed.

He wasn't someone with superpowers or cultivation abilities. He knew Hao Yue would do anything to protect the child and wouldn't consider aborting him.

If the child was born, Yu Lei, Zhang Wei's legal wife, would likely become insane with despair or leave him altogether.

After all, another woman was carrying his child, and Yu Lei loved Zhang Wei more than her own life.

Yu Lei was the one who provided him with money to play around, and he had spent time molding her to his liking.

On a scale of importance, Yu Lei weighed much more than Hao Yue.

If Yu Lei went insane, there was no way to fix her since the world still doesn't have a cure for mental illness.

Additionally, he wasn't fond of the idea of having a child who might become a monster like him or even bigger than him, possibly one day eating him alive.

Zhang Wei feared no one in this world, believing himself to be the biggest monster.

However, his child could potentially surpass him and consume him one day, presuming it was a son.

If it had been a daughter, he could have dealt with the situation in various ways, but there was no guarantee that the child would be a girl.

Nevertheless, he had already crafted a story in which Hao Yue would disappear forever.

Her death had become inevitable.

Once he was twenty meters away from the large waterfall, he stepped out of the truck. Opening the car door, he placed a stone on the accelerator.


The car revved up with great speed and shot forward in the direction of the waterfall. Finally, it fell into the abyss.

There was no sound, but it was clear that the car and Hao Yue's body would be torn to shreds by the extreme pressure of the waterfall.

"What an unfortunate accident. Women really can't drive these days," he sighed and whispered to himself.

He lay down on the lush green grass, gazing at the evening sun. The system observed everything in silence.

Zhang Wei wasn't going insane.

He was just a man who did what he had to do to protect his perfect life.

But now, a nagging feeling tugged at the back of his mind.

What if Hao Yue's death wasn't enough? What if her death was just the beginning of something bigger and more dangerous?

The thought made him shudder. He knew that he had to be careful. Very careful.

His thought were too disarray due to a foreign reason.

It was a feeling that everyone experience for the first time after taking a life... Void...

Zhang Wei was overwhelmed by a strange sense of emptiness, as if a void had opened up inside him after taking a life.

Before he had killed her, he had anticipated a flood of emotions: guilt, anger, sadness.

But in reality, he felt nothing.

It was as if he had been plunged into a bottomless pit of numbness and apathy.

It was a curious realization that one did not feel guilty after taking a life, at least not until someone else made them feel it.

Guilt, it seemed, was a matter of perception.

As he lay there on the grass, lost in thought, a notification suddenly appeared.

[Congratulations, you have successfully completed the task. You will now be rewarded.]

He couldn't believe it. He had just killed a person, and now he was being rewarded for it? But then again, he had always known that this was the way of the world.

The strong survive and the weak perish.

He had just proven himself to be the stronger one.

As he lay there, contemplating his actions, he couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness.

He had achieved what he wanted, but at what cost? He had taken a life and destroyed a family.

But he quickly shook off those thoughts. He had to focus on his reward. He wondered what it would be. Money? Power? He didn't care, as long as it helped him achieve his ultimate goal.

With a sigh, he got up from the grass and made his way back to his truck. He had a long drive ahead of him, but he didn't mind. He had accomplished what he had set out to do. He had eliminated the threat and secured his future.

Inside the vehicle, series of transparent notification started to show up...


Progress: 100%

Congratulations, Host!

You have completed the mission!

The system is analyzing your actions to determine the appropriate system to assign to you.

Analysis in progress...










Your actions match those of a villain, so the villain system will be assigned to you.

Congratulations, Host, for meeting all the criteria for possessing the villain system.

Welcome to the Villain System!





Authors note: Leave the review for any constructive feedback.




Recently, a snowflake reader got offended by the MC's actions and left an idiotic review.

I won't tolerate any such reviews. Let me be frank: you're not feeding me, and I'm not feeding you. This is a free novel, and I don't owe you anything, nor do you owe anything to me. So, if you curse me, expect to be cursed back and vice versa.

For the reviewers with a dynamic ability to limit there scop of thinking, who still can't read properly and see that there is a villain tag in the novel: keep yourself in control. This author has a history with crimes and someone with a grudge. One day, you might just be chilling on your sofa and find someone knocking at your door. Once you open it, that will be me, standing right in front of you!

Jokes aside, there was a villain tag, and MC will be villain, other webnovel authors misuse the villain tag without actually making MC a villain character...

Don't expect me to do the same, if there is a tag for Villain, he will be a villain!

[Check my another novel for proof]

I spent a whole day to write last chapter, to purposefully make Hao Yue death seem as painful as possible, to justify MC character as villain and make readers hate him.

Villain is meant to be hated, and you will naturally hate him!


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