Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 109 W-Hotel in flames!

Chapter 109 W-Hotel in flames!

Wu Xue couldn't make sense of the current events at all, eveything was happening so fast!

Ye Feng's heart pounded with panic, but the urgency of Zhang Wei's words propelled him forward.

He sprinted towards the left, his footsteps echoing through the corridor, until he reached the designated spot.

Breathless, he approached cautiously, his senses on high alert.

"Why did he ask me to come here?" Ye Feng murmured, his brows furrowed in confusion. Suddenly, the innocuous-looking white ball embedded within the vent sprang open, and a sinister gas began to seep out.

In an instant, the air was torn apart by an earth-shattering explosion.


"Wh-What now?"

Wu Xue stood frozen in a state of pure horror, her eyes wide as she surveyed the scene behind her.

The once elegant hotel was now a raging inferno, flames consuming every corner.

Frantic guests raced towards the exits, their bodies enshrouded in the fiery blaze.

"Ahhhh! Someone save me!"

"Save usahhhh!!!"

The agonizing screams filled the air as their agonized forms stumbled and writhed, their charred flesh peeling away like macabre petals in a grotesque dance of agony.

The series of unfathomable accidents had left Wu Xue speechless, her mind struggling to comprehend the unforgiving reality unfolding before her very eyes.

Meanwhile, Ye Feng's expression darkened, his attire bearing scorch marks from the intense heat. Although he had escaped the blast's devastation, confusion gnawed at his core.

Unbeknownst to him, the camera positioned behind him had captured the precise moment when he innocently placed his hands over the air vent, unknowingly triggering the cataclysmic explosion.

With a mix of disbelief and concern etched across his face, Ye Feng retraced his steps, his legs carrying him swiftly back to the bewildered Wu Xue.

In an instant, Ye Feng's eyes locked onto a vibrant red convertible Porsche parked nearby. Its owner, quick on his feet, made a dash towards the car, ready to flee the chaos.

Reacting swiftly, Ye Feng intercepted him, forcefully ejecting him from the driver's seat, and bellowed, "I'll return it later!"


"Hop in!" Ye Feng yelled towards Wu Xue, who remained entranced by the harrowing aftermath of the explosion. His words snapped her back to reality, and she hastily opened the door of the red Porsche, sliding inside.

"Hey, wait!" The car owner staggered to his feet, bewildered and shouting in protest.

"Thief! He stole my car!"

Amidst the pandemonium engulfing the surroundings, no one paid any heed to his frantic cries. The entire area was already caught in a maelstrom of confusion and turmoil.

Soon, the wailing sirens of police vehicles pierced the air, their arrival imminent.

The firefighters swiftly joined the scene, but the once majestic building had succumbed to the unrelenting flames, reduced to a charred skeleton.

Rumors of a terrorist attack began to circulate throughout the city, amplifying the sense of panic and unease. The morning had dawned with news of a serial killer, and now a terrorist strike?

The entire city had been turned upside down, its residents gripped by a sense of collective fear and uncertainty.


In the entrance of Willow Breeze Medical Institute, a luxurious Bentley roared to a halt, creating a commotion among the onlookers.

After ten minutes, another striking red Porsche was parked nearby, emulating the earlier scene.

Inside the hospital, an air of anticipation lingered. Thirty minutes later, a doctor emerged from the critical care center, his countenance revealing a mix of relief and reassurance. Clearing his throat, he addressed the gathering anxiously awaiting news.

"The head suffered minor damage and required standard bandaging. We have conducted a thorough examination, and there are no critical issues with the patient. However, due to the substantial blood loss, we recommend she stay overnight for observation. Is there any family member present? Please come forward to sign the necessary forms."

Zhang Wei rose from his seat, his face etched with worry, and proceeded to complete the required paperwork. Standing by his side were Lin Ruoxi, Wu Xue, and Ye Feng, their concern palpable.

Lin Ruoxi hesitated for a moment before placing a comforting hand on Zhang Wei's shoulder. "She's going to be fine. There's nothing critical, and she can be discharged tomorrow morning. You don't have to worry," she whispered, mustering reassurance, mindful of Zhang Wei's younger age and her role as the more senior figure.

Zhang Wei managed a faint smile amidst his apprehension. "Thank you, President Lin."


Lin Ruoxi, momentarily taken aback by the somber expression on Zhang Wei's face, stammered, "I-It's nothing. Please don't mention it."

Meanwhile, Ye Feng's anger flared within him, his teeth clenched tightly as he observed Lin Ruoxi's momentary fluster.

"Bastard," he muttered under his breath, his fury barely contained. Wu Xue, standing beside him, frowned and promptly reprimanded him.

"What are you saying? Keep your mouth shut," she chided, recognizing the inappropriateness of personal animosity in such a situation.

In that moment, a twinge of dislike towards Ye Feng crept into Wu Xue's heart.

This was not the time for personal conflicts; their focus needed to be on their colleague's well-being.

The group then arranged for Yu Lei to be transferred to a premium ward. Amidst the process,

Zhang Wei, seeking solace, lit a cigarette.

However, he was quickly reprimanded by the hospital staff, prompting him to discreetly slip outside for a smoke.

After indulging in a brief cigarette break, Zhang Wei returned unnoticed. However, the tires of the Bentley had mysteriously become flat during his absence.

Inside the ward, Zhang Wei wore a faint smile as he gently brushed his hand over Yu Lei's bandaged head. She lay unconscious, her ethereal beauty captivating the eyes of onlookers, even in her vulnerable state.

Lin Ruoxi let out a resigned sigh, realizing that she couldn't linger in the hospital indefinitely. She stood up, feeling a sense of awkwardness surrounding the situation.


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