Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 103 Wang Haoran beaten like a pig!

Chapter 103 Wang Haoran beaten like a pig!

"...Will you marry me?"


Silence engulfed the room, a heavy tension permeating the air.

Lin Ruoxi's face darkened, her emotions churning beneath the surface.

She remained silent for a few seconds, her forced smile masking her growing discomfort.

With a determined tone, she addressed Wang Haoran.

"Young Master Wang, I believe I have already given you my answer. If the Wang Group no longer wishes to cooperate with our company, we will find alternative arrangements. Now, if you will excuse me..."

Before she could finish her sentence, a sudden numbness engulfed her entire body.

Panic flashed across her eyes as she realized something was terribly wrong.

Her eyelids grew heavy, and she struggled to maintain consciousness.

"Rouxi, I have tried to convince you. Don't blame me for what happens next..." Wang Haoran's last words echoed ominously in her mind, the gravity of his intentions sinking in.

Her face contorted in horror as she came to a shocking realization - 'the wine had been drugged'.

She desperately glanced at the cup of wine before her, but it was too late.

Darkness swiftly overtook her senses, leaving her incapacitated and helpless.

Meanwhile, Wang Haoran stood up from his seat, a mixture of triumph and anticipation flickering across his face.

He approached Lin Ruoxi with a sinister determination, preparing to carry out his wicked plans.

He had intentionally lured her to the presidential suite, knowing that the bedroom was within reach. He was confident that once everything fell into place, she would have no choice but to acquiesce to his desires.

However, before he could execute his sinister intentions, a deafening explosion shattered the tranquility of the room.

The forceful impact demolished the door, sending debris flying through the air.


The story is often portrayed from the perspective of the hero, with side characters being overshadowed and often defeated by the hero's actions.

But have we ever considered things from their perspective?

What led them to become the antagonists, the so-called "evil" characters?

In this case, it is precisely the beauty, or rather, a woman. Society tends to favor beautiful and cute women, often perceiving them as flawless beings who can never be wrong.

They seem to effortlessly glide through life, playing on easy mode, with no one daring to acknowledge their faults.

What many fail to see is the tremendous effort and resources invested by someone like Wang Haoran in his pursuit of Lin Ruoxi.

Yet, when the time comes for repayment, she turns cold and withdraws her hand, completely forgetting that she would be torn to shreds in this ruthless society and business world.

Lin Ruoxi seems to have either never truly experienced or has conveniently forgotten the cruelty and cutthroat nature of the business world.

Without a powerful backer or influential connections, no person, let alone a beautiful woman who is an easy target, can successfully navigate the treacherous waters of the business world.

Each character in the story possesses their own unique perspective, with their actions always appearing justified when viewed through their own eyes.

Zhang Wei's decision to kill Hao Yue was a justified one, just as Wang Haoran's current actions are justified in his own mind.

From their individual vantage points, they all believe they are in the right.

Even Ye Feng, driven by his desire to avoid upsetting Lin Ruoxi and win her affection, finds justification in his actions.

But what sets them apart? It's Lin Ruoxi herself, radiating with breathtaking beauty. It's often said that beautiful women are masters of ingratitude, growing accustomed to the kindness of others.

Zhang Wei's justified actions involve repeatedly reminding Yu Lei of his worth, ensuring she becomes dependent on him, wrapped in gratitude.

In the grand scheme of things, this justification raises the question: what distinguishes Yu Lei from the present-day Lin Ruoxi?

The truth is, all women are portrayed as opportunistic creatures or gold diggers, and science even has a polite term for it: 'Hypergamy.'

Within this narrative, psychological distancing and human hypocrisy are displayed in their full, glaring glory.

But it's not just women; men, too, display similar tendencies, albeit from a slightly different perspective.

People like Zhang Wei already knew this, so they understand how to deal with women like Lin Ruoxi.

Wang Haoran and Ye Feng tried to chase her, but they would continue to chase while she kept running, until some accident disrupted this endless pursuit.

The things you relentlessly chase will forever elude you, and this applies not only to women.

Men often find it easy to attract average women without chasing them, but when they encounter a beautiful woman, they change their approach and superficially treat her like a sacred being.

This is where they fail.

The key is to never chase after things. If you chase, they will only run farther away.

Meanwhile, Wang Haoran stood there, dumbfounded by the sudden appearance of an intruder. "Who allowed him to enter? Guards! Throw him out!" he commanded, his voice filled with frustration.

Yet, Ye Feng's eyes were fixated on the now unconscious Lin Ruoxi.

Consumed by a surge of protective instinct, he threw caution to the wind.

Without a second thought, he lunged at Wang Haoran, his fists raining down upon him with unrelenting force.




Blow after blow, Ye Feng's anger propelled him, his strikes landing with a vengeance. With each punch, Wang Haoran's once handsome face distorted, resembling that of a beaten pig.


The room reverberated with the sounds of the confrontation, a symphony of grunts and thuds.

Ye Feng's assault continued until Wang Haoran's face was a grotesque sight, battered and bruised. Only then did Ye Feng's fury subside, his ragged breaths filling the air as he surveyed the aftermath of his outburst.

In the aftermath, Wang Haoran's face resembled that of a beggar, disfigured and bruised.

Hotel staff quickly rushed in to take him away, but none had the audacity to request that Ye Feng and the others evacuate.

After all, the owner had already been beaten—what can they possibly do?

In this case, they can't even call the police, as it involves Wang Haoran, the owner of the hotel.

Taking action without his permission is akin to losing their jobs.

Having spent more than enough time inside, Lin Ruoxi's absence began to weigh on Ye Feng's heart, causing his anxiety to escalate.

Just as his restlessness peaked, a swift message from Lin Ruoxi prompted him to take action. Without hesitation, he burst into the room, unleashing his wrath upon the bodyguards, leaving them in a state of shock and defeat.

Wu Xue observed the scene unfold before her, her eyes filled with astonishment. "W-Would President Lin be alright? Could she have been poisoned?" she anxiously inquired.

Ye Feng, checking Lin Ruoxi's vital signs, shook his head reassuringly. "She has merely fainted. Within an hour, she will regain consciousness."

Nodding in relief, Wu Xue gently placed Lin Ruoxi on the sofa, ensuring her comfort.

Time passed slowly until, after the passing of one hour, Lin Ruoxi's fluttering eyelashes indicated her awakening.

Her beautiful face contorted with a cute frown, revealing a softer side to her typically icy demeanor.

"President Lin!"

"Beauty Sister!"

Both Wu Xue and Ye Feng rushed to her side, offering their support and assistance in unison.

"W-Where am I?" Lin Ruoxi's eyes darted around the scene, her memory piecing together the events that had transpired.

The destroyed surroundings and the people present gave her a clear picture of what had unfolded.

Instantly, her expression twisted into one of displeasure, and she couldn't contain her frustration any longer.

"Get away, both of you! Leave me alone!" she shouted, her voice filled with anger and distress.


Ye Feng, taken aback by her outburst, was momentarily frozen in place.

After a few seconds, he exchanged a worried glance with Wu Xue before they silently retreated, leaving Lin Ruoxi to confront her emotions alone.

Clutching her head, Lin Ruoxi's mood soured further.

"Argh! We have already lost the cooperation of the Wang Group!" she exclaimed, her frustration echoing through the room.

After venting her frustration for a few minutes, she gradually regained her composure, her mind refocusing on the next steps she needed to take.

With a deep breath, she resolved to wait for her upcoming meeting, determined to salvage what she could from the situation.

Outside, Lin Ruoxi exuded a extremely cold and detached demeanor, a stark contrast to her usual self.

Witnessing this transformation, Ye Feng couldn't help but voice his concern. "Sister Beauty, why worry about Wang? I'll help you through any trouble you face! The company still has you and me!"

Lin Ruoxi let out a self-deprecating chuckle, her tone tinged with bitterness. "Oh, really? Can you retrieve the contracts we've lost because of this?" she retorted, her words carrying a hint of skepticism.

Ye Feng was momentarily stunned, his voice faltering. "I... I..."

Despite being unable to retrieve the lost contracts, hadn't he already accumulated a substantial amount of wealth?

In the event of the worst-case scenario, he could simply lend her some.

Lin Ruoxi didn't take Ye Feng seriously; she regarded him as nothing more than a poor man who could fight.

With a sigh, she stepped out of the presidential suite, no longer willing to remain in a place that served as a constant reminder of their recent setback.

The damage had already been done, and now Lin Ruoxi had to focus on mitigating the fallout.

Despite their desire to leave, there was another reservation for them in the hotel's restaurant—a private room where they were scheduled to meet Vice President Lei and her husband in one hour's time.

Lin Ruoxi made the decision to proceed with the meeting, recognizing the utmost importance of convincing Zhang Wei to join the company.

With the current situation, the real estate segment was bound to face a severe backlash, and Lin Ruoxi could ill afford to lose any senior executives from her companies.

The reasons cited by Yu Lei for leaving the company, such as not being able to spend enough time with her husband or cook for him, were deemed unacceptable by Lin Ruoxi.

She was determined to change Yu Lei's mind or persuade her husband to come and work for her instead.

The work-from-home arrangement Lin Ruoxi had initially proposed was merely a temporary solution to pacify Yu Lei at the time.

Thoughts of these challenges weighed heavily on Lin Ruoxi's mind, causing her to release a deep sigh.

As for Wang Haoran's return, it seemed highly unlikely.

His face bore the marks of his encounter—resembling that of a pig—making it evident that his recovery would take several days, at the very least.


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