


“I want to give you a reward.”

If a beautiful girl/woman said that to you, what would you think?

First, you would doubt your ears right? Then once your brain processed those words, your brain will surely be filled with joy.

Of course, that’s what I think as well. I have really worked hard lately. I won’t say it out loud but I tried my hardest. Obviously, I thought that it would be nice if I could get some kind of reward.



Nee-san tilts her head to the side and looks at me as if she wanted to ask what’s wrong.

So let’s ask that question again. What would you think about those words if the one who said that was Nee-san.

She suddenly said that to me when I just got back from the lively discussion about the details of my welcome party with my two new sempais after I decided to join the Shikibukai.

“Somehow my body feels really good today, my movements are so smooth, I feel mysteriously satisfied you know. is it just me being in top form?”

Said Claris-san, after we finished our usual training.

It happened after I took a bath and finished dinner.

Nee-san entered my room looking extraordinary happy, she takes Marianne and sits down on my bed.

“I want to give you a reward.”

That’s what she said.

Seems like she thought I didn’t hear her the first time from my lack of reaction, she repeated herself.

“Ah, sorry. I heard you the first time.”

Is it because I told everyone that I joined the Shikibukai or is this about the 40th floor–No, that doesn’t matter. For now, I have to do something about this situation.

Well, when you hear the words [I want to give you a reward] from a [beautiful woman], you surely would be elated.

Somehow my heart is beating like crazy and I have to reflectively swallow my saliva.

But there’s a but.

Along with said joy, I also get a sense of anxiety.

It is what both my mind and body crave for but there is also a part of me that tries to reject it. It is a mysterious feeling.

“Even if you don’t give me one, Nee-san has always helped me right? In the first place, the fact that I have Nee-san is the best reward I can get, you know.”

I decided to answer so.

This is the best answer I can think of. I can convey my gratitude toward Nee-san and also get the reward at the same time. What a perfect reply. There’s no mistake in that reply. I can’t come up with what I want right now anyway so I will let this conversation just naturally flow away.

Nee-san slightly opens her eyes and rapidly blinks a few times.

She got up and sat next to me. Then she places her hand on my head and gently pats it.

What a wonderful reward.

“I want to do something more. What should I do?”

But it seems like I picked the wrong choice.

What should I do? What should I ask of her?

“Hmm, what Nee-san can do for me huh, I can’t think of any particular thing right now.”

That was what came out of my mouth but it is actually the truth.

It would be nice to have Nee-san teaching me magic but since there are things I want to do right now I want to save that for later.

“Don’t you have anything you want?”

“Even if you say that......”

Of course, there’s something I want, but that’s not something I should ask from Nee-san, it is something that I can get from the dungeon anyway.

However, it doesn’t come out so easily and If I think about it then it might be nice to ask her for it. It just that if she has to go out of her way to buy it then I don’t want to trouble her.

“.....Then how about Nee-san giving me something that you no longer need and I can use?”

“New one, I will buy it.”

“No, what I have in mind is something that you don’t have to go out of your way to buy it for me.”

In the first place, since she is patting my head right now, that is already a great reward in and of itself.

That’s why it would kill two birds with one stone if Nee-san gives me her old stuff that I can use to cut the unnecessary expenses. On the contrary, perhaps this is more difficult than the first one?

[Something I don’t need....] Nee-san muttered and tilts her head.

“.....what about eight kilos of diet goods that Luigia used when we were a student?”

And why are you still holding on to them I wonder?

“Hmm, I don’t think I want that. If I ever want it then I will ask for Luigia-sensei’s permission first.”

Does she still have the pictures from that time, I wonder. If I try asking her and it turns out it is not something she wants to talk about I will stop. If it seems funny then I will have to ask her for more details though.

“Something that Nee-san doesn’t need but I can still should I put this, the feeling of getting your hand me down is kinda make me happy.”

Something like stationery would be nice. It’s not expensive and I can use it too.

“Consumables are fine with me too, and it would be good if it is something that has a practical use for it. Do you have something like that?”

Nee-san starts mulling over it again. Perhaps I raised the bar a little too high?

[Ah] Nee-san raises her head and looks at me. Then she does a little snort, and stare at me with a look of excitement on her face.

“I do.”

For Nee-san to get this excited, this is rare...... no, I feel like that happen a lot recently.

“Something that I have no use for that can make Kousuke happy and have a practical use.”


Nee-san shows off her chest by taking in a huge breath. She looks really confident. This must definitely be a good one!

“Kousuke will definitely be happy with this.”

“What is it!!”

Now, I’m very excited.

“Something that supported me, a wonderful item.”

Support and wonderful? What is it I wonder? Is it a doll? Nee-san’s important doll that cheer her up just by looking at it? A powerful item that wonderfully supports her heart? If it’s that then I will have to take good care of it.

“The beautiful thing that you will surely feel different once it’s gone.”

Somehow, I kind of get a bad feeling about this.

“.......Umm, and that is?”



What are you doing giving a brassiere to a man! What support!? How do I even use that! But I want it, I want it, I want it.


Nee-san’s expression hasn’t changed much but I can tell that she is surprised. But then, as if she remembered something, she nods with an expression like she understood something.

“It’s okay, I will make sure to use it before I hand it to you.”


“Mother told me that you would be happier if you get the used one.”

Just what did she teach her daughter.

I won’t deny the truth that I would be happier, if there were a poll for the gentlemen all across the country then surely the majority would combine their voices into the used bra army.


“In the first place, I want something unnecessary for Nee-san alright, that is something you need no matter how I think about it!?”

How is it possible that it is not something she has a use for, you have to wear that everyday right?

“It is a pair with my panty, but I already sacrificed it in the dungeon.”


“Um, umm you see. I, it certainly is something unnecessary for Nee-san but I don’t really have a use for it so.....”

“Like when you suddenly want to dress up as a woman......”


“I think it would suit you.”


“I see.....”

Why are you looking so disappointed?

“Then, what should I do.....?”

“R, right.”

Then it came to me, something with not that much of an expense. If we are talking about getting something for me then,

“How about we go shopping together next week? I would be happy if you buy me a present at that time.”

Isn’t it good if I came up with this from the start? She can buy me something that looks useful and inexpensive. At worst, she can just treat me to a meal. It’s a wonderful idea.

“Leave it to me.”

Nee-san gives me a thumbs up.

The only thing I am worried about now is that [Leave it to me] she said with so much confidence that basically doesn’t sound reliable at all.


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