Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 67: Running Into Trouble

Chapter 67: Running Into Trouble

Before leaving the slums I helped the two girls get cleaned up as much as possible with water magic before taking them with me to go to the shopping district. "Now Liz, Beth, do not get lost. Hold on to either my, or Marsil's hands." 

The two girls split up and the oldest at seven years of age took Maril's hand while the youngest at six years old took mine. As we walked into the richer part of the city we gained looks from all over. Most I could tell were on Marsil which ticked me off a little. She was now my friend and also would be working for me. I couldn't help but look back and check to see her expression but she seemed to be happily chatting away with Liz so I felt a little relieved. Luckily it was only staring and no one was actually saying anything. 

That was until we passed one of the restaurants and I heard a young man yell out: "Hey look at that dirty halfbreed! She is even holding a human girl's hand. The poor little girl might catch some weird disease from touching a halfbreed." 

This was followed by a round of laughter. I turned to look at who was saying such things to see a teen boy around sixteen years of age surrounded by other kids around his age both male and female. They were all laughing and making disgusted faces at Marsil. I cocked my head and looked at them, my gaze as cold as ice. The teen boy who had yelled out was very familiar. If I remembered correctly he was Marquis Tealwood's son, Trent Tealwood. In the game, Magical Love, he was what I call an asshole character who would start with people and get yelled at by Alissa. Although he was not a romanceable character, the game did hint at him liking Alissa. It could be that tease the one you like, type of deal, where he teased everyone around him except the one he liked in order to get her to speak to him. Now that I think about it, wouldn't that make him an "M"? I mean all Alissa ever did was yell at him in the game. If so, he has strange tastes...

Normally I would care less about who he picked on but today just to impress his friends he decided to pick on my new friend Marsil because of her race. I stopped my steps and handed Ayase over to Marsil before turning my attention to the second floor of the restaurant. In a loud voice, I yelled out: "Just because you think she is cute does not mean you should try to pick on her to get her attention. It will cause her to hate you."

Trent's face flushed red as he became mad and yelled out: "You! Do you know who I am!?"

"A playboy trying to hit on my attendant?" My question back seemed to cause his friends to begin laughing. Which seemed to make Trent grow purple in his face. I wondered if he had high blood pressure issues.

"Who are you! State your family name now! I will have my father take everything they own!" And here it was, the old routine of, 'I'm gonna tell my daddy on you!' 

But I couldn't help but widen my smile as I said: "Ronstine. Well, in the future that is. You see I am living with my fiance Able Ronstine, so basically I am already part of their family. Able just told me before going to turn someone in with the guards that I should hit first then ask questions later. Since you want to harm the family that has been very kind to me and treats me as one of their own, even though Able and I are not legally married, I guess out of respect for them, I should hit you once." 

I could see the facial expression on Trent's face as I stated my background. This caused not only him but also his friends' faces to all pale. It seems he knows that Able has a fiance, which is not surprising since Ruth has a habit of boasting about me to all her friends. It was rather embarrassing when I walked out in the nightgown that didn't fit right, to go to the breakfast table to find a bunch of noble wives, sipping tea in a side room I passed. Cedric had given me the morning off and told me to rest up which I gladly did. But there I was in my nightgown, my hair all over the place, in front of all these important people. Not only that but Ruth even called me over and introduced me saying: "See, even when she is half asleep she is still such a beauty. My grandchildren are going to be the most beautiful in the whole world." It was very embarrassing

"You! You are Rei Lancaster! I..." Was all he could get out before I suddenly appeared in front of him and punched him in the face. I used internal energy to leap from the ground to the second floor railing, held on to it, and with no internal energy socked him one with just enough strength to send him flying back onto the floor. This of course caused his friends to all scream out in fright. 

I glared at each and every one of them as I said: "The girl down there with green hair may be a halfbreed, but she is also my friend and personal attendant. I will not tolerate anyone bad mouthing her, do you all understand? If so, pass the word on that the halfbreed named Marsil is protected by me."

After saying my words, not caring by the stupefied and frightened looks I was getting, I jumped down and met back up with Marsil. I took Ayase's hand and glanced at Marsil with a smile and said: "Let's go shopping!"


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