Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 65: Guild Request Part Two

Chapter 65: Guild Request Part Two

With guild cards in hand, the four of us walked over to the F rank requests board. The board was filled with requests, from gathering herbs, to kill requests, some were even for cleaning the public toilets in the city. But my eyes stopped on one request that required you to enter a newly discovered dungeon. 

"Able what about this one?" I asked. Since it was a dungeon, we could kill the monsters inside and gain some loot, right? This should bring in quite a bit of income.

"With four people it should be okay. But we have to be careful since the lower floors of dungeons can be high ranked. Although we will need to prepare for going to this place since it is a week away from here in the mountain range to the north." Able replied.

"Then let's head home first. We will also need to settle Sam's two sisters as well." This actually brought a question to mind, so I turned and looked at Sam. "Sam, how old are your sisters?" 

"One is six and the other is seven. Why do you ask, Miss Lancaster?" Sam asked.

"Well, this trip will take one week just to get to the location and an unknown time within the dungeon. Then a week back so it can take more than a month or two. I was thinking we could get your two sisters into the maids guild so they can learn some skills for the future and have a firm roof over their head with three meals a day. They will also be protected for the time being as well. Later we can just buy their contracts when they come of age." If we were to bring Sam with us it would be great, but he still has his younger sisters to take care of.

Sam looked at me with an angry expression and seemed as if he was about to yell when Able stepped in front of me. "Sam, what Rei said is right. The girls from the Maids guild are protected until they are of age. Nothing bad will happen to them and they do inspections all the time to make sure the maids are well taken care of. Not only will they learn some life skills, like reading and writing they will also earn money as well. All you need to do is work hard to rebuy their contracts. This is not slavery, it is a chance to give them a better life than they have now. If you leave for a month or two on a request who will be there to take care of them?"

Sam slowly calmed down and retracted his gaze. "Fine" Whether he was still mad at me or not I did not care. But if he continues to give me an attitude, I might just need to spank his butt!

"Alright then, since Sam has agreed, let's register this request and then go to his place and pack his sisters up. We can then go to Able and I's house for a meal. Then we will head to the maids guild, I also want to see Corn." I had actually been meaning to visit the maids guild to visit the little girl I met that day when I was kidnapped. 

"Let's get going!" Able said with a smile as he grabbed the request from the board. All four of us went up and registered for the request. As new adventurers, the receptionist kept telling us to be careful and not try to fight anything above our level. After we were done we headed off to the Shadow of Forelonia. It was a place the governor of the city refused to even admit existed.

The fancy buildings became less and less presentable. Some had windows broken out, while others were bordered up completely. Able told me that at some point in the past this used to be a very high end district until a famine hit and these sections of the city quickly declined. Now it was a place for the homeless and those who dealt with the underground lived. The further you went in the fewer buildings you saw and the more shanties came into view. It was basically a sea of shanties and I do not even want to start talking about the smell. There was no plumbing in this section of the city so it really didn't take a genius to figure out where their excrements were going. 

It was a forty minute walk to Sam's little shanty but before we even got there we heard a young girl scream. "No! We will not go with you! My brother will be back soon!"

"Hah! Yoru dreaming. That little shit had already died. You two sisters should come with me. I will make sure to sell you to a nice master!" Once I heard the man's voice I couldn't even stop myself as I rushed forward. There was no way I was going to let those two little girls fall into that man's hands.


"Rei!?" Able cried out. He was very surprised at how fast Rei was moving and it was not only him but also Marsil and Sam as well. 

Only Able actually caught a glimpse of her shadow. Marsil and Sam only saw her disappear before their eyes causing them to be stunned. But very quickly they heard a man's agonizing yell come from around the corner. "Ahhh! You bitch let go of me! Ahhh!" 

"You dare touch innocent little girls!? You want to sell them off!? It seems you have no use for these hands since instead of trying to find a job you are lowering yourself to selling kids!"


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