Magical Girl Gunslinger

Chapter 4: Gate

Chapter 4: Gate

[Im sure youve heard of Magical Guardians summoning items from thin air. It is a fairly well-recorded and discussed phenomenon.]

Yeah I trailed off slowly. It would have been hard not to hear about it with all the videos people constantly took whenever an MG did well, anything. In the clips Id seen, the MG would make a dramatic motion, a glowing magical circle of light would appear, and some item would pop out of it. People had theories about what was really happening, but Id simply chalked it up to magic and moved on.

[Yes, well they are making use of what is called the Gate, and it is one of the two major boons you have access to now. Simply put, it is an interdimensional network of magic that allows Guardians to purchase something with points they have earned. The item is then teleported directly to the Guardian from the Zenith. Half-second delivery or your money back!]

I squinted at my Familiar, trying to see if it was joking or not. It stared back with unblinking eyes. The feeling of hot, sticky warmth spreading beneath my hands drew me back from the moment.

Okay, I finally groaned, shifting as my wound throbbed. What do we need to do? How bad is my injury anyway?

[I am sorry to say your injury, while not immediately fatal, is extensive. Fomorian Hounds consume their victims in a way similar to how lampreys eat. Using the suction cup of their mouth and teeth, they dig into the flesh. Then they use their serrated knife-tongue to rasp away any protective layers before they puncture and gouge into their victim. Whirling their tongue around, they mulch the flesh within the wound to be easily sucked up. Right now, your intestines look like they went through a blender.]

I felt an intense nausea rise in me as I stared in horror at the rabbit. It seemed entirely unconcerned by what it had just described. I swallowed, the pain of my injury becoming more prominent as I thought about it.

Is there anything I can even buy to fix that? I asked, my heart in my throat.

[Of course. There are items that fit any number of situations! It is not an exaggeration to say there are millions of different items and Vaults in total. As such, I have taken the liberty of selecting what I believe to be the best options. First I would recommend unlocking the First Aid Vault (Common) for 100 points. With that, you will be able to purchase the three items needed to stabilize your condition and begin the healing process. The total cost will come to 140 points. Would you like more information on the individual items, or-]

Just do it, I shook my head, the pain in my stomach bubbling up in intensity.

[First Aid Vault (Common) Unlocked!]

[-100 Points]

[Purchased: Pain-Relief Inhaler]

[-10 Points]

[Purchased: Emergency Clot Spray]

[-10 Points]

[Purchased: Greater Restoration Gum]

[-20 Points]

[Remaining Points: 130]

Words flashed in my vision along with the Familiars voice, and then a spot next to me on the ground began to glow. A magic circle bloomed into existence with deep violet light. It consisted of two concentric circles forming a thin ring filled with runic letters. The inner circle was wrapped around a seven-pointed star drawn like my Familiars eyes had been, seven straight lines intersecting and overlapping. There was a hum from the magic circle, and a small matte black box rose from within its glowing interior. Then the circle dimmed until it disappeared completely.

I stared at the box for a shocked second.

It really had just teleported in.

[Open it,] my Familiar urged.

I reached out and grabbed the box. It wasnt big, maybe the size of two particularly thick hardcover books placed next to each other. There was a silver button placed in the center, between the seams, so I pressed it. With a click, the top came unlatched and popped open slightly. I pulled and flipped it the rest of the way, forcing myself up slightly as I looked inside.

It was filled with some kind of black foam that wrapped around three distinct items. The first looked like a simple inhaler, the second a spray paint can with a cone-shaped nozzle, and the third, a purple marble wrapped in a clear plastic wrapper. The inhaler and can were colored black, but both also had some kind of icon on them: a crescent moon with a silhouette of a bunny head around it, both in a metallic silver.

[First, the inhaler,] the Familiar said. [It operates the same way as a normal one might. It is filled with a fast acting medication that will target any nerves sending pain signals over a certain threshold.]

I fumbled the inhaler to my mouth, exhaled deeply, and then depressed the top of the inhaler even as I took a deep breath in. The air that entered my mouth tasted of mint, and was somehow fresh like morning air filled with dew. I held the breath in my lungs as long as I could, and then gasped out, causing my abdomen to move in response.

Sharp pain flashed through my stomach only to be washed over with a cool, relaxing feeling. I blinked in surprise as the agony seemed to disappear as fast as it had come.

[Very good! Next is the emergency clot spray. Press the cone of the nozzle over the puncture tightly and then hold the button on top of the can. Do not release the button until the can stops spraying. The spray itself is a fast forming foam that will close your lacerated internals. It will also serve the function of helping lock your intestines in place and prevent further agitation.]

I followed my Famliars instructions. When I pressed down on the nozzle, there was an odd feeling of some kind of thick liquid spraying into my abdomen. It didnt hurt, but it was slightly cold, and the sensation of it packing into me was downright weird. I did my best not to squirm, and the can stopped a moment later. When I pulled it away, I saw a small mound of foam over the injury. It quivered slightly, and then seemed to lose its viscosity, slipping off me until only a thin seal over my injury remained.

[Excellent,] my Familiar said. [Finally, you have the gum. Remove the wrapper, place it into your mouth, and chew. As a greater restorative agent, it will work to repair what it can of your internals while also promoting an increase in blood reproduction. Your blood levels should be back to full within the hour. Should you grow tired of chewing on it, you can also swallow it.]

I took the small little wrapper and pulled out the gum ball. Even the candy had the same silver crescent moon and rabbit head icon branded on its violet surface, and I shook my head as I popped it into my mouth. When I bit into the candy, it didnt explode in flavor but sensation. It was like drinking hot chocolate on a cold winter day, a gentle warmth filling my body with satisfaction. Id only experienced that taste and sensation once before, and it was a soft, comforting bliss that I wanted to let myself slip into.

Unfortunately, I was still in a mall filled with hostile alien creatures.

I forced myself to start getting up. My abdomen let out a distant and dull throb, but left me otherwise unhindered as I stood on shaky legs. Only now did I notice the entire lower half of my clothes were covered in either my blood or sticky alien ichor, and I forced myself to ignore the queasy sensation that began welling up.

I looked back and forth down the hall in a quick check, but found nothing coming. As swiftly as I could move, I stumbled to my backpack, picking it up and grabbing my discarded ice axe along the way. Then I ducked into a clothing store, crouching near the back while keeping a view of the outside.

[Now that you are mobile and we have a moment,] my Familiar said from seemingly nowhere. [May I suggest going through a small portion of the introductory tutorial? There are some important matters that must be discussed.]

What do you mean? I hissed, looking around for the rabbit. I was very loud about how much pain I was in. More Anathema are probably coming, and we need to find Brian. Where are you, anyway?

[It is unlikely more are heading this way. The mall is made of a hyper sound-absorptive material to prevent echoing and excessive noise pollution, a necessity due to its size and layout. Except for the hallway you were just in, the noise would not have traveled far. The only rooms you must worry about noise traveling in are the larger, more open rooms such as the food court. Otherwise, you can rest easy that any noise made will not escape your immediate vicinity.]

Oh, I frowned. Now that the rabbit mentioned it, the noise of the mall had been oddly subdued when I was going through it earlier.

[Besides, most Anathema dont respond to human screams unless they have a specific reason to.]

Why? I asked, furrowing my brow.

[Because a scream means they are winning.]

I shivered as a chill went down my spine.

[As for where I am, the quick answer is that I exist within you now. Where you are, I am. I can create an apparition of my form in your vision, but only you will be able to see me. If you wish to spend some of your magical energy, your mana, I can also produce a physical manifestation. My enchantments will still render me invisible to all who I do not wish to see me, but it does allow me to move about independently from you.]

Thats really cool, actually.

[Indeed. I am quite the catch, as it were.]

A breathless, surprised laugh left me, and I felt my shoulders relax slightly.

[Now, you expressed your wish to find the child you were protecting first. This seems like a reasonably safe decision. From what I observed before the Contract Ceremony, he ducked into the toy store across from you. Unless he has moved, he will still be there.]

I bit my lip softly as I looked at the stores exit. Are you sure theres no more of those monsters coming?

[Reasonably. Unless a random patrol comes through this area, it should be clear. After Anathema enter through their rift, they work in a preset search pattern. Only the stronger and more intelligent deviate, neither of which should be active at this stage.]

I swallowed. So far, I hadnt really had a choice but to blindly trust what my Familiar had said. I didnt have a reason not to, but that didnt help the unreasonable fear swirling in my belly. I didnt want to go back out there, to throw myself into danger again. The memory of that things tongue stabbing into me and swirling

A blender, my Familiar had said. It looked like my insides went through a blender.

I shivered, trying to keep the phantom sensation away. Id almost died a slow, painful death only a few moments ago, and now I had to go back out there and potentially face more of those things. I hated that I was scared, that the anxiety and terror were beating me into meekness. It was the same, suffocating feeling I got whenever Katie was near.

Trying to push the fear away, I reached blindly for a thought that could give me the courage to move.

The image of Lily giving me a bright, laughing smile, her eyes filled with mirth flashed through my mind.

And then the image of Brian, scared and hiding, hands clamped over his mouth as he cried.

Suddenly I was moving, my fingers clenched so tightly around the ice axe it hurt.

I had someone to protect, and I had someone to get back to. What more could I possibly need?

I moved quickly, hunching over slightly as I crossed the hallway and went into the toy store. It was one of the smaller ones with only an aisle or two, its few shelves lined with various action figures and dolls. The only real place not in view of the entrance was behind the cashiers counter. I stopped halfway in and knelt, setting my ice axe down.

Brian? I called out gently. Its me, Mai, the girl you were with. Im okay, and the monster is gone now. Come on out. Weve gotta keep moving to the shelter. Your mommy and daddy are probably waiting for you.

I waited as a shuffling sound came from behind the counter. A few seconds later, Brians head popped out. When he saw me, he let out a cry and came running. I caught him as he leapt into my arms, wrapping his arms around my neck.

I was so scared! he whimpered. I thought the monster got you!

Shh, its alright, I gently rubbed his back, swallowing the lump in my throat. Dont you worry. I took care of the monster.

You did? he asked in shock, pulling away and looking at me with wide eyes.

Yup! I gave him a false grin of confidence. He was a real meany, but I managed.

That seemed to settle him down, and his look of shock and fear turned into awe. I gave him what I hoped was a reassuring smile as I considered my next moves.

I had Brian with me again, but now I needed to talk to my Familiar and figure out how we were going to get to the shelter. While I didnt know much about Magical Girls beyond the shows Id seen, I did know most tried to keep their real identities hidden for a variety of reasons. Id also heard that after they did one of their infamous transformation sequences into their Magical Girl outfit, there was some kind of magic that made it so people wouldnt recognize them from their normal appearance.

Unfortunately, I had no idea how any of that actually worked, which meant I needed some privacy to converse with my Familiar again. I wasnt keen on the thought of people finding out I suddenly had access to magical powers. I could easily see how that would go, and I had enough problems to deal with already. I gave Brian a quick squeeze on the shoulders.

Now, how about you go hide back behind the counter. Im going to get some more things ready before we leave, just like before. Ill be right here, but I have something I need to take care of quick, alright?

He seemed unsure, but after I gave him another quick round of reassurances, he left.

Alright, I whispered at the Familiar in my head. Now what do we do? You said something about a tutorial?

[You know,] my Familiar replied, [you dont have to actually speak aloud to talk with me. Simply direct your thoughts at me, and I will hear them.]

You can read my thoughts!?

[Only if directed at me,] my Familiar emphasized dryly. [As for what to do next, while I would like to give you the introductory tutorial, your unsafe location demands a more expedited approach. Thus, after one short task, we should work on getting you to the shelter.]

Okay? I replied with a frown. Thats fine, as long as it doesnt take too long.

[And youre still talking aloud. No matter. Some Magical Guardians prefer to do the same. Moving on, this is the first matter of importance: You must give me a name as I currently do not possess one.]

I blinked, then felt my cheeks beginning to warm. O-oh. Im sorry, I never really even asked

[I suppose I shall forgive you, as you were slightly preoccupied bleeding out. However, we should formalize a name for me. It will make things easier.]

R-right, I thought about it before I continued. Um, I dont mean to be rude, but you are female, right? Your voice is feminine, I mean, but I dont really know how genders work with creatures literally made by magic.

[My personality was created based on a feminine archetype as it was determined to be the best match for you, but I do not possess a true gender in the physical sense. Should you wish, I can switch to a more masculine voice.]

No, thats fine, I hurriedly said. I like your voice. Its soothing.

She didnt respond, but I got a weird sense of satisfaction from her silence that made me smile.

I tried to start thinking of names, but none immediately popped into my head. She was a rabbit, but with nine fox tails. So a kitsune-rabbit? It would need to be some kind of mystical name, then. Other than my Familiars crescent-moon shaped eyes, there wasnt really anything else to

No. No, that would work!

What do you think of Selene?

[The Greek goddess and personification of the moon Yes, that will do nicely.]

There was an undertone of approval in her voice that made me grin wider.

[Very well then,] Selenes voice whispered through my mind. Maybe it was my imagination, but her voice seemed stronger now, like there was more substance to it. [With that settled, we must prepare for the trip to the shelter. Because you are already fairly close, I would suggest you manifest me and use me to scout ahead as you move. Low level Anathema will be unable to detect me, and I will be able to communicate with you telepathically.]

Shouldnt I get some spells or weapons or something? I asked. I didnt like the idea of going back out there with only my ice axe, especially not when I had access to this Gate thing.

[There are a variety of reasons why I would recommend waiting, the first of which would be that you only have 120 points remaining, and it costs 100 points to unlock even the cheapest options of weapons or spells. I would highly recommend postponing any additional purchases until after the tutorial when you have gained a proper understanding of your options. Using your remaining points now would only serve to limit your future options.]

I mulled over the idea. What she was saying made sense, but at the same time, I was a Magical Girl now. If I had access to magic, it felt like I should utilize it. It felt weird to just ignore it.

[Do not worry,] Selene said suddenly. [I am confident in my scouting abilities. If you wish, I can go ahead right now and make sure the path is clear. If it is not, we can always revisit purchasing protective measures.]

Alright I sighed. Just be careful, alright?

[Your concern for me is appreciated,] she responded, a hint of surprise in her voice. [But I assure you, I am safe. This Usurpation started at a lower tier, and hasnt been going on for long. No Anathema should be high enough level to even detect me, and even if they could, they would be hard pressed to catch me. Barring any Aberrants, of course.]

I didnt know what an Aberrant was exactly, but if Selene was confident Well, shed already made me a Magical Girl and saved my life. There was no reason to start doubting her now. Besides, if I ignored the fear pounding in my heartbeat, she was right. She was literally an expert on what she was talking about. If she thought saving my points and using her to scout was the way to go, then I would.

Okay, I nodded. So, how does this work?

[Youll feel a sensation. Simply allow it, and I will do the rest.]

Before I could ask what that was supposed to mean, I felt it. It was like an odd warmth that started in my chest, swirling around slightly. It grew in strength until it finally paused, and a tendril of the warmth seemed to reach out, touching my heart tentatively. It took me a moment to realize it was waiting on me, and I forced myself to relax, letting the sensation proceed. The tendril made contact with my heart, and the warmth inside me flashed hotter. Then it disappeared, leaving a cold void where it had resided.

I shivered as exhaustion washed through me. It wasnt a lot, but it felt like Id suddenly done a sprint, the energy only now leaving my body in one sudden rush. I pressed a hand to the floor to steady myself even as the sound of pattering feet made me look to the side. From behind one of the few shelving units in the store, Selene stepped out and looked at me.

[Excellent. I will now scout out the path as well as all the stores along the way. I suggest you get Brian ready to travel. With the malls sound dampening, you will be able to run without worrying about the sound you will make. I do feel the need to inform you that I can only scout up to the shelters entrance hallway. All shelters in Arcadia have cameras equipped with the ability to see through invisibility, and I do not wish to give away your identity as a Guardian unless you state otherwise.]

Yeah, that sounds like a plan, I nodded.

Selene dipped her head, and then blurred. One moment she was there, and the next she was simply gone. I recoiled slightly in surprise. Then I simply shook my head and picked up my ice axe, adjusting the straps on my backpack. Selene hadnt been kidding when she said they wouldnt be able to catch her. I couldnt even see her move.

Brian? I whispered louder as I stood. Hey, were going to get going now.

The boy scurried back out from behind the counter. I smiled, trying to reassure him as he walked over, head snapping around nervously. His eyes lingered on the stores shelves almost longingly, but then he scampered the rest of the way to me. I followed where he had been looking and saw an action figure of some Magical Guardian on a display. He was wearing red, knight-like armor, a fierce smile on his face.

I hesitated, thinking about it, then decided it didnt matter. I grabbed the figurine and held it out to Brian with a smile.

Here, I said, giving him the action figure. Why dont you hold on to him? Im sure hell bring us luck.

The kid practically beamed at me as he took it. I glanced back at the display to see the price, intending to come back later and pay for it. My eyes practically bulged out of my head at the hundred dollar price tag, and I suppressed a suddenly nauseous sensation in my stomach.

Maybe I could pay them off with marketing or something now that I was a Magical Girl.

[Ive cleared a path and all the stores along it,] Selenes voice rolled through my mind. [Follow my instructions on which turns to take. I do not have a direct link to your senses while manifested, so please inform me whenever you take a turn. You will have to speak to me through thought now that we are separated.]

Roger, I directed the thought to her. When I didnt get a response, I assumed it worked. As an afterthought, I fished my eyepatch out of my pocket and put it back on. Strangely, the thought of being around a bunch of people without it bothered me more than the fact I was still covered in blood and alien goop.

Alright Brian, I said to him when I finished adjusting the patchs straps around my ears. The way to the shelter is clear. Hold my hand, and well run there together, okay?

The awe at his new toy disappeared back into nervous anxiety as he looked up at me. I held out my free hand toward him, and after some more hesitation, he took it. Forcing myself to ignore the pounding of my heartbeat, I stepped out confidently into the mall. Brian looked at the body of the Anathema I had killed, making a choked sound, and I quickly started walking away, picking up the pace and pulling him with me. He stumbled after, and I settled into an awkward jog as I gripped his hand tightly. Selene started giving me directions, and we wove through the mall.

The whole way, my pulse was racing in a painful staccato, and I couldnt stop myself from looking around wildly at each turn. Selene blurred by on occasion, rechecking our surroundings with dizzying speed. Brians short legs slowed down our escape considerably, but he seemed to be trying his best. As we took another turn, I saw a sign on the wall pointing in the shelters direction, and my heart soared.

We were going to make it. Somehow, it had been less than twenty minutes since the first rifts formed. It all seemed like so much longer: scavenging in the store, our escape, the fight, and then the contract. Even though twenty minutes seemed relatively short to me, I got the feeling Lily was going to kill me for being gone so long and worrying her.

The thought of getting to see her again made my eyes start to tear up, and I felt my pace quicken slightly.

We went through the hallway just before the one leading to the shelters doors, and I briefly took in its details as the material of the hall changed to something shiny and metallic. Signs covered the walls, each pointing in the direction we were going and proclaiming it as leading to the shelter. There was a door halfway down leading to a stairwell, and opposite of it was another door that simply said Security Personnel Only. We passed by them, heading to the end without stopping.

We took the final turn to the shelter, and what I saw made me stop dead in my tracks.

I looked down the hallway at the shelter doors, and all the relief in me turned to horror.

This is a nightmare, I thought to myself. Theres no way.

I found myself walking forward as if in a trance. The hallway wasnt long, no more than a few dozen steps until it stopped at a large set of thick double doors made of metal. Next to them was a glass screen for a device of some sort, but I didnt bother examining it too closely. My eyes were glued to the doors.

No, I whispered to myself, my voice slowly growing in desperation. No, no, no!

I sprinted to the doors, letting go of Brians hand and the ice axe as I slammed my fists against them.

No! I cried out, my lower lip wobbling. You assholes! You cant do this!

My fists bounced off impotently, never even touching the metal of the doors. Instead, they hit the translucent barrier just in front of them. I pressed my palms against it, looking it over unbelievingly, but the pale, green light covered both doors in an unyielding shield of shimmering energy that hummed against my skin.

I stared at the emergency shield, knowing that with it engaged, the shelter was completely locked down from opening.

You promised me I whispered as I fell to my knees, leaning my head against the doors barrier. Lily


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