Magic Sect of Beauties: The Strongest Mage is in a Cultivation World

Chapter 34: A Merciless Display of Superiority.

Chapter 34: A Merciless Display of Superiority.

Jin Tianyu's five cohorts closed in on Yang Wei, encircling him with cautious steps and sharp eyes. As they circled, Yang Wei let out a lazy yawn.

"Those Spirit Lavender Roots are making me a bit sleepy."

That was his only comment.

Glancing to his left and then to his right, Yang Wei observed Jin Tianyu's cohorts covering every angle. He suggested, "Let's wrap this up quickly so I can get a good night's rest. How about you all attack me at once, or should I go first?"

One of the cohorts started to express their disdain, saying, "How dare you act so arrogantly, lowly cultivation trash like you shouldn't dare—"

Yang Wei cut them off, lowering his head and stating seriously, "I'll go first, then."

Raising his arm slowly, Yang Wei casually snapped his fingers, sparking a powerful breath of lightning from the nightly skies.

It descended with force, immediately incapacitating all five cohorts, rendering them unconscious.

Their bodies hit the ground simultaneously with a heavy thud, and the smell of their roasted skin wafted through the air like roasted beef.

Yang Wei turned his cold gaze toward Jin Tianyu and pointed at him, declaring, "Next."

Although Jin Tianyu anticipated Yang Wei's prowess against disciples at the third level of the Mortal Realm, it didn't quell his fear.

His right hand, gripping his jian, trembled like a feather in the wind.

Attempting to regain composure, he took deep breaths and used his left hand to steady the fearfully vibrating right hand.

Once the quivering ceased, Yang Wei casually placed a hand on his neck, cracking it slightly. He told Jin Tianyu, "That fear you're feeling is the right emotion. Why change it? Seems like foolishness."

I have only one choice left... This insult has gone on far too long...

Jin Tianyu dramatically unveiled a dark blue medallion, the Sapphire Crescent Talisman, from the folds of his robes.

It brimmed with water essence Qi.

An artifact that granted him mastery over advanced water-based techniques.

"I've had enough of this nonsense! I won't submit to anyone! I refuse! No one will exploit me for their superiority, not anymore! You arrogant, smug junior of a heaven forsaken disciple, I despise every aspect of you! That self-satisfied expression, that smile conveying a sense of superiority over everyone... Who do you think you are? A worthless cultivation piece of trash!!"

Shouting at Yang Wei, the Young Master had obviously snapped.

He'd had enough of this nonsense.

He refused to swallow any more insults or play the subordinate card.

Frustration oozed from every pore as his arms flailed in pure anger, and he spat words with each top-of-his-throat shout.

Truly, the pinnacle of frustration.

Meanwhile, Yang Wei kept his cool, smiling at Jin Tianyu's ongoing freak-out.

He was unperturbed by such an over-exaggerated outburst. Something one could call, short of madness.

The Young Master laid out the artifact.

"Consequences be damned! I'll destroy both you and this entire sector!"

His shouts grew increasingly louder.

Holding the Sapphire Crescent Talisman with his right hand and throwing mudras with his left, blue essence Qi started oozing out of the thing.

"I'll blow you away!"

He was ready to unleash a storm that would not only "destroy" Yang Wei, but the entire sector.

However, just as he prepared to unleash his attack, Yang Wei who was initially six meters away, appeared behind him, gripping his right wrist.

With a nonchalant demeanor, Yang Wei advised Jin Tianyu.

"Instead of taking a minute to dramatically vent your frustrations and build up your attack, why not proceed with the attack directly...? I'm not kind enough to wait."

It was only then that Jin Tianyu realized Yang Wei had outmaneuvered him. "What?" he blurted out, totally shook.

In what felt like a snap of a finger, Yang Wei yanked the Young Master's arm so hard it sounded like a tree branch breaking.

The artifact tumbled to the ground as Yang Wei let Jin Tianyu face-plant, screaming in pain.

The arm fracture cranked the agony level way past his initial screams of anger and frustration.

Letting Jin Tianyu cry in agony, Yang Wei observed calmly. "Maybe next time," he asserted casually, "consider a quicker approach."

Jin Tianyu kept howling on the ground, clutching his busted arm, but he eyeballed that artifact within arm's reach.

He figured if he could snatch it up and fire it off quick, there might still be a shot.

So, he belly-crawled toward the artifact.

Meanwhile, Yang Wei coolly observed the struggle.

The Young Master's left hand stretched out, the only one still in the game after Yang Wei broke the other.

"Almost... there..." he grimaced.

Right when he was about to snag the artifact, Yang Wei pulled a sneaky move – stomping Jin Tianyu's left hand, squashing it under his foot before it could even graze the artifact.

Jin Tianyu unleashed madman screams, eyes bulging, the pain amplifying as Yang Wei cranked up the force on that foot.

Like crushed chips, the Young Master's hand was broken.

"You sick bastard," Jin Tianyu gasped as his voice trembled with pain. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

Unlike what the Young Master had expected, Yang Wei just chilled, hands behind his back, giving Jin Tianyu the cold, merciless stare.

Merciless here wasn't the usual vengeful glare.

No, it was different.

Yang Wei peered down at the battered Jin Tianyu with plain eyes.

"Enjoying? Crushing an ant like you isn't something to derive joy from. It's no achievement."

It was his own way of stating that Jin Tianyu was no way on his level. And expectedly, Yang Wei had no qualms about making him realize that.

Pissed off, Jin Tianyu spat, "You bastard!"

With a heavy sigh, Yang Wei shook his head.

"It seems you haven't learned a thing so far."

Using his other foot, he kicked Jin Tianyu in the face, tweaking his jaw, and sent him flying to crash painfully into the ground once again.

Yang Wei squatted down, snatching the Sapphire Crescent Talisman and casually tucking it into his robes. "I'll be taking this," he declared, glancing at Jin Tianyu, who lay battered on the ground.

Arms folded behind his back, Yang Wei strolled leisurely towards Jin Tianyu.

The Young Master, his jaw, left hand, and right arm all in disarray, gritted his teeth defiantly. "You won't win this," he rasped weakly, locking eyes with Yang Wei.

A faint smile appeared on Yang Wei's lips. "You've already lost your inheritance to a woman. Do you honestly think you stand a chance against me?" he taunted.

The Young Master, shocked by this revelation, questioned with a feeble voice, "Wh... who told you that?"

Yang Wei paused dramatically, rubbing his chin. "Hmmm," he mused, then turned back to Jin Tianyu. "Your only friend spilled the beans," he disclosed.

Jin Tianyu, lying on the ground, pondered deeply before coughing up blood.

What does he mean, my only friend...

He recalled that Huo Zhenwei had indeed visited Yang Wei's courtyard a few days ago. Unaware of the reason for Huo Zhenwei's visit, and without seeking an explanation, he ensured his cohorts beat Huo Zhenwei to a pulp nonetheless.

In a feeble attempt to protest, he shouted, "That four-eyed bastard isn't my friend! He never was! Th..."

Before he could finish, Yang Wei swiftly appeared in front of him, delivering a swift kick to the face, causing more facial fractures.

Jin Tianyu rolled backward with each successive half-hearted kick from Yang Wei.

A kick, and a more broken jaw.

Another kick, and a bruised eye.

A stronger kick, and wound to the head.

The punishment persisted for an agonizing duration.



Wu Fengtian hightailed it across the connecting paths of Spirit Harmony Peak, his robes smeared with blood – not his own, though.

It belonged to Huo Zhenwei, whom he'd just delivered to his sister, Huo Yue.

Catching his breath, Wu Fengtian leaned on his knees, panting and coughing from exhaustion.

I managed to get Huo Zhenwei back to his sister; he's in pretty rough shape, but at least he won't die. I know the Young Master can be ruthless, but what he did to Huo Zhenwei was just too much. Fortunately, I'm not entirely to blame for his predicament, and I did bring him back to his beautiful elder sister. So, my hands are clean now, right?

Hitting his chest, he muttered, "I have to keep moving. I can't let the Young Master find out."

He resumed his sprint, reaching Yang Wei's courtyard.

Pounding on the locked gate, he muttered, "No time."

Stepping back, he darted toward the fence, bounding up with three steps, spinning mid-air like a ball, and landing gracefully on the other side.

"Perfect landing," he smirked.

Lifting his head, he expected a fight between Yang Wei and the Young Master, but all he found was a gruesome scene – Yang Wei mercilessly stomping Jin Tianyu's shattered face, each kick intensifying the bloodbath.

Wu Fengtian muttered to himself, "This... This isn't a fight... It's just brutality..."

Wu Fengtian glanced around, spotting the Young Master's cronies sprawled on the ground, charred to a crisp.

His eyes widened in disbelief, muttering, "Unbelievable, this junior's a real powerhouse."

Yang Wei, who had been relentlessly kicking Jin Tianyu's broken face, halted.

His foot was soaked in blood as he sighed and casually slipped his hands into his pockets, commenting, "Seems I went a bit overboard."

There were no signs of life on Jin Tianyu's broken and blood splattered face.

Yang Wei, nonchalantly treating him like a bag of trash, picked him up and glanced over at Wu Fengtian who was several meters away.


Wu Fengtian trembled as he heard such a cold voice directed at him.

This junior... he's going to kill me...!

He was ready to bolt.

However, all Yang Wei told him was, "Come clean up the mess."

Effortlessly, Yang Wei tossed the Young Master's almost lifeless body towards Wu Fengtian.

The cowardly weasel, Wu Fengtian, screamed the moment the Young Master's body hit the ground.

After all, he thought Jin Tianyu was but a corpse now.

As Yang Wei strolled back into his house, letting out a tired yawn, Wu Fengtian cautiously prodded Jin Tianyu, checking if there was still a spark of life.

"I... Is he dead?"


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