Magic Sect of Beauties: The Strongest Mage is in a Cultivation World

Chapter 25: Mu Lin’s Curiousity and Huo Zhenwei’s Mission.

Chapter 25: Mu Lin’s Curiousity and Huo Zhenwei’s Mission.

Another day went by.

Yang Wei celebrated breaking through the fourth stage of Vital Qi Practice.

He released the stance with a proud grin. "Damn, I need something to eat," he muttered to himself, eyeing the manual in his hand.

A hand instinctively landed on his stomach, and he rubbed it contemplatively.

"The manual says I need to be overfed for the sixth stage. Even though I'm about to hit the fifth, no harm in planning ahead."

Time for his usual early morning routine.

He casually slung the broomstick over his shoulder, muttering, "Sometimes it feels like the other disciples are just tossing their dirt my way. I'll have to deal with that later."

As he strolled into the courtyard, a sneaky figure caught his eye – Huo Zhenwei, attempting a less-than-stealthy climb over the fence.

Eh? Why didn't he do that at night? I'd be busy cultivating, so he could easily climb into my courtyard. Then again, even if he did, he might get caught by other disciples, called a thief, or maybe he was just sleeping. Wait, that doesn't even matter!

Yang Wei wasted no time. "Thought I told you I've got nothing to say to you!" he shouted with heavy annoyance in his voice.

Huo Zhenwei pleaded, "Just listen, please!"

With lightning speed, Yang Wei closed the distance, running along the fence and smoothly landing on top of it. The broomstick became a swift instrument of justice, whacking Huo Zhenwei five times.

Painful yells echoed, and Huo Zhenwei begged for mercy.

"Please! This isn't necessary, junior!"

"I'll stop when you're out of here," Yang Wei declared, broomstick poised.

"I can't do that, it's important!" Huo Zhenwei insisted, adjusting his glasses defiantly.

"Oh, you won't?" Yang Wei grinned scarily, lifting the broomstick.

A relentless beating ensued, screams echoing through the courtyard.

Startled disciples emerged from their rooms, witnessing Yang Wei's broomstick justice.

Yang Wei, unimpressed by the chaos he had caused, surveyed the fallen Huo Zhenwei – broken glasses, bruises, and a dusty exterior. "Now these mannerless cultivators will think I'm the uncouth one," he sighed, turning away. With an effortless jump, he returned to his courtyard, resuming his sweeping while whistling a tune.

The watching disciples stood with eyes wide open and jaws dropped, processing the unexpected event before them.

On the cold, unforgiving ground, Huo Zhenwei writhed in pain, his body aching from the broomstick beating. Slowly, he pulled himself into a sitting position, leaning against the wooden gate.

Coughing, he muttered to himself, "That junior's an absolute brute."

Removing his somewhat battered glasses, he sighed and cleaned the lenses with the fabric of his robes.

Once his crooked glasses were back in place, he continued, "I honestly don't know how else to lure this junior out. He doesn't talk to anyone in this sector. Who can I even ask for help?"


Yang Wei, having finished his sweeping and gardening duties, returned to the backyard, ready to delve into the next stage of his cultivation.

He picked up the manual, flipping to the fifth stage—Vital Pulse Visualization.

"This one shouldn't be too hard," he muttered, settling on his veranda in a meditative pose, monk-like.

With eyes closed and focused, Yang Wei visualized the pulse of Vital Qi coursing through his meridians.

Qi became a warm, glowing light in his mind, nourishing every cell and organ.

As I meditate, I just picture my body as this lively city, and the vital pulse is like this comforting sunshine flowing through its streets. I imagine this radiant energy spreading out like a cozy blanket, giving a warm hug to each tiny resident; my cells, and making sure every building; my organs, gets its fair share of nourishment. Like this magical, healing glow cruising through the pathways or rather, meridians of my city.

As he continued, his body started to emit a radiant blue glow, akin to a shining star.

Thirty minutes passed before a subtle plateau in progress.

My progress is getting blunted...

Adjusting his hands to form a triangle on his lap, thumbs touching, he felt a surge in energy, progress skyrocketing once more.

Three hours flew by as Yang Wei maintained the meditation, his energy resonating with the world.

Meanwhile, outside the gate, Huo Zhenwei remained defeated, nursing his wounds.

Mu Lin frustratedly watched from a distance, hoping Huo Zhenwei would leave at some point.

I don't get why he's sticking around. This guy, who's utterly useless, is blocking me from seeing that common dog. Shouldn't he be focusing on his cultivation or something worthwhile instead of being a nuisance to me? I swear, I just want to split his head in two. I mean, who would waste their time on such a common and useless junior like that dog? Well, except for me, of course. My situation is entirely different; it's crucial that I see him.

Fanning herself with an elegant black and gold folding fan, Mu Lin sauntered over to Huo Zhenwei.

The sway of her waist suggested a beautifully rounded form, perfectly complementing her hourglass figure. With each step, her hips gracefully shifted from side to side, justifying the sexual attraction that was her body.

Stopping in front of the defeated Huo Zhenwei, Mu Lin inquired, "You, what're you doing here?" Her tone made it clear—they weren't on the same level, or at least, she saw him as beneath her.

Recognizing Mu Lin, Huo Zhenwei swiftly stood and bowed his head. "Good day, Senior Sister Mu," he greeted.

Ignoring his salutation, Mu Lin questioned, "Why do you look so filthy?" she was always quick to express her disdain. "Is this how a man should present himself in front of any woman?" she remarked with pure superiority weighing-in on her tone.

Huo Zhenwei, realizing his unkempt state, hurriedly apologized. "Sorry, I wasn't aware," he admitted, using his hands to quickly dust off his robes. Adjusting his spectacles, he asked, "Is it better now?"

Fanning herself lightly, Mu Lin shrugged. "That's up to you to decide. Personally, you still look too unkempt—a real eyesore for any woman."

"I see," Huo Zhenwei replied.

He didn't take offense to this, after all, he was a man who took the words of anyone he respected as the truth and more importantly, as a correction.

Such a personality had both its ups and downs.

In the Dragon Blossom Sect, while it was generally accepted that women respected men of lower social standing, it didn't mean this applied universally. Some women only respected those who were competent, stronger, or held a higher rank. In most cases, attractiveness played a significant role too. Huo Zhenwei, though considered competent and attractive by many, found himself in an unfavorable predicament.

Huo Zhenwei, undeterred, asked Mu Lin, "If you don't mind me asking, Senior Sister, what are you doing here?"

The pride, cold glare, and usual air of superiority vanished from Mu Lin's face.

Hold on, does he know I came here to see that common dog? No, that doesn't make sense. Is it written all over my face? Am I blushing? Absolutely not, a classy lady such as myself wouldn't get flustered by that junior, he's the spitting image of a mannerless slob and nothing more. It's just a coincidence, that's all.

She retorted, "H... How dare you ask me such a question? Focus on taking care of yourself before interrogating your superior."

Bowing his head, Huo Zhenwei apologized, "Sorry, my mistake."

Mu Lin, wiping off a small droplet of sweat, a fleeting sign of her rare nervousness, folded her fan. Pointing it at Huo Zhenwei, she commanded him, "Now, leave and go clean yourself up."

Protesting, Huo Zhenwei started, "But..."

Cutting him off, Mu Lin asserted, "That's an order from your senior and the Chief's daughter. You would dare defy?"

Huo Zhenwei shook his head gently, conceding, "No, I'm sorry. I'll go clean up now." With that, he promptly departed.

"Good," Mu Lin said, exhaling a sigh of relief.

Finally, he's gone...

Unfurling her fan, she fanned herself again, muttering, "Now I have that common dog all to myself."

However, just as she prepared to knock on his gate, she noticed disciples' eyes on her and some whispering amongst themselves. Pausing, she cleared her throat and decided to take her leave.

I'll come back in the evening, there's too much eyes around... If I were to go see that dog now, it would cause a lot of unwanted attention and gossips.


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