Magic Sect of Beauties: The Strongest Mage is in a Cultivation World

Chapter 21: Silk and Skin, Unexpected Intimacy in the Disciple Pavilion.

Chapter 21: Silk and Skin, Unexpected Intimacy in the Disciple Pavilion.

Involuntarily, the woman straddled Yang Wei's face more and more.

With such a big, heavy ass some would be worried that Yang Wei wouldn't be able to breathe under there. However, although he was getting choked, it was in a delightfully, smotheringly intimate way.

Both her butt hole and her vagina pressed against his mouth as his nose remained lodged within the meaty rift of her huge buttocks.

The dress the woman wore was a quite tight, because of that, the contours of the delicate and usually hidden parts of her body came into view.

It was as though all she wore was a thin layer of skin.

W... What's this feeling?! Ahnnnn~~

The woman somewhat felt complete in that moment.

With Yang Wei's lips rubbing slowly against her insides only covered by her thin layer of clothing, both her vagina and her butt hole felt... squiffy. It was as though they both had a mind of its own; they were heavily overwhelmed by the skin to skin pleasure.

But in truth, rather than a skin to skin pleasure, it was more of a skin and fabric to skin pleasure.

The fabrics of her clothing gently scraped her vagina in a good way, and this made her feel absolutely good. It was the scrape of her fabric that made it feel like a zillion fire ants crawled all over her vagina.

"Ahn— Ahnnn~~!" sharper moans rolled out of her mouth, the saliva in her mouth got hotter by the second and her tongue soaked in the warm, sticky feel of this saliva.

And, much like the insides of her mouth that poured out tasty, hot air, her body equally felt hot.

W... Why does this feel so... So... So goooood~! It's as if... It's as if my body's being soaked in a boiling pot of sauce!

In seconds, things intensified when she started trying to get her buttocks off his face, her knees were still weak due to the sweet sensations her butt hole and vagina experienced. As such, she couldn't properly stand and unintentionally started grinding and riding Yang Wei's face to get off; sliding forward and backward as her knees got weaker by the second and her head felt dizzy with each passing moment that her ass glided across his face.

Yang Wei tried to get her off him, but she too was in such a hurry to get off that they both opposed each other's actions. He grabbed her by the thighs and the woman placed her hands behind to grab Yang Wei's head; the same head her abundant ass had pinned to the ground.

Yang Wei's hands rubbed against her thigh.

Slowly, his hands slipped into the sides of her dress where he made ample contact with her bare, fleshy thighs. His hands gently and sweetly glided down her smooth, tender skin before he finally squeezed those thick thighs with all pure force.

Her thighs were so meaty and full that Yang Wei's hands barely covered anything when he gripped it, but that grip was enough for the woman to throw her head back and open her mouth before blasting another loud, throaty moan from her mouth, "Ahhhnnn~~!"

The lady's grip on his head increased and her fingers slid in and through the strands of his white hair as her ass pressed his face into the ground more.

The puffed, big bulge that was her vagina, pushed out more and pressed against his lips.

Yang Wei had a few thoughts of his own, How is this woman's ass so big?! and even better, the thinness of her dress makes it so that it feels like my mouth and nose are rubbing against the real thing!

And finally, the woman felt a subtle warmth and moisture in her vagina. Even better, her vagina felt a heavy, pressured tingle and it painfully throbbed; not in a way that would make any woman cry. Rather, it was in a way that made her grit her teeth, then bite her lower lip before arching her back more and squeezing her eyes firmly for another moan.

From being moist, her vagina became soaking wet and what came next was a small trickle that somewhat alleviated all the pent-up stress that her body was feeling in that moment.

Somehow, Yang Wei managed to maneuver, and he was finally able to push her off his face and to the side.

As it was, in the Disciple Pavilion, there was serious tension as the other disciples shot stares as sharp as daggers at Yang Wei.


A daring and furiously raging voice loudly shouted.

However, the speaker quickly fell silent when Mu Zhong fixed him with a steely glare.

Then, Mu Zhong rushed over to Yang Wei, kneeling beside him and laying a calming hand on his shoulder. "Junior Brother, are you alright?" he asked. There was genuine concern lining his face; enough that the disciples and elders in the Reception Area believed him to be the mentor or guide of Yang Wei.

Yang Wei nodded and mumbled his affirmation.

However, as he touched his face, he felt something strange, a wet and sticky sensation. He wondered aloud, "My face feels... slippery. Was it always this wet?"

"I... Don't know?" Mu Zhong gave a completely uncertain answer with a raised eyebrow to boot.

But surprisingly, Mu Zhong's mind creeped towards another train of thought. He followed Yang Wei's gaze and noticed a large, drying patch on the fabric covering the woman's plump buttocks. To compare it, he looked at the wet, sticky fluid on Yang Wei's face and then at the wet patch on her ass region; he did this about four times.

Mu Zhong coughed uncomfortably, trying to clear the awkwardness he felt rising within him. "You don't want to know," Mu Zhong he told Yang Wei after a moment, looking away with a grimace.

Yang Wei was baffled. "What?"

As Yang Wei probed the stickiness on his face, realization sharply hit him, and he glanced back at the woman who was still getting up. "Oh no," he muttered under his breath, piecing together what had happened.

This wet juice belonged to her; a product of her ass grinding and sliding against his face.

The woman turned to them, adjusting her glasses and clearing her throat. There was not an ounce of anger on her face, nor was there any discomfort either; she looked completely calm, enough that it expectedly matched her beautiful, mature countenance.

"I apologize for th—"

Before she could finish her statement, Ling Meiyan rushed to her side, crouching down to meet her. "Junior Sister, are you alright?" she asked with a voice full of concern.

The woman nodded slowly. "Uh... Y-yes, I'm fine," she responded, not with the shy embarrassment one might expect but with genuine confusion.

Still, Yang Wei found it perplexing that the woman remained so composed in the given situation.

It was as though moments ago she didn't have her rear end pressed against his face.

Nevertheless, this was indicative of the demeanor expected from a mature woman.

Some women, in a similar circumstance, might label you a pervert after accidental intimate contact and leave abruptly.

However, this woman acknowledged her mistake and would have apologized to Yang Wei if not for the interruption by Ling Meiyan.

This woman's name, was Liu Yan.

Ling Meiyan was deeply concerned as she grabbed Liu Yan by the shoulders and searched her entire body with her eyes, making sure there were no serious scratches.

For clarity, she also ran her hands through Liu Yan's voluptuous body in search of scratches; she found none.

The gathering disciples and elders were surprised to see Ling Meiyan in the Disciple Pavilion. Normally, she spent most of her time in the Palace of the Golden Palace, always ready to assist the Three Matriarchs, particularly Yuèhuī Ménglóng.

"Senior Sister Ling is here."

"Wow, she looks so beautiful."

"Isn't she like the number one Jade beauty?!"

"Watch your mouth! That title belongs to Mistress Lingxi."

There were a lot of side talks as the scene in the Reception Area unfolded. Naturally, having a women-dominated sect always came with questions like— Which jade beauty is the strongest or which is the most beautiful.

"Junior Sister Liu Yan, are you alright?" Ling Meiyan asked, clearly worried.

Liu Yan responded, "Yes, I'm fine. No need to worry."

Undeterred, Ling Meiyan probed, "Are you sure?" There was still concern heavily written on her face.

Then, Yang Wei and Liu Yan quickly exchange glances, and shortly after Liu Yan looked away and gently removed Ling Meiyan's hands from her body, choosing to stand up on her own.

She turned away, clasping her hands together and resting it on her breasts before bowing her head.

Weird... What's happening? After I sat on his face and all that jazz, I... I... But why did my bottleneck suddenly loosen up, and now... My heart is pounding, and my body feels oddly hot, it's somewhat uncomfortable.

After a moment of deep thoughts, she turned to face Yang Wei and Mu Zhong.

"I apologize for what happened earlier."

Liu Yan said as she clenched her fist into the palm of her other hand and bowed her head in a dignified and apologetic manner.

Yang Wei grinned, "No need to apologize. I enjoyed it."

Mu Zhong chuckled and nudged Yang Wei. "Come on, be serious."

Liu Yan showed no reaction to what was Yang Wei's manner of reading her and simply replied, "I see." Right after, her gaze shifted to Mu Zhong and then she greeted him. "Also, greetings, Young Master Mu Zhong. It's good to see you here."

Mu Zhong smiled and gestured. "Oh, come on, we've known each other long enough. Drop the whole 'Young Master' thing— it gets uncomfortable sometimes."

Liu Yan nodded and adjusted her glasses. "I suppose you're right, but it might take some getting used to."

"We'll get there," said Mu Zhong as he chuckled softly.

Right after that, Yang Wei and Liu Yan exchanged glances again.

Hm? Yang Wei thought.


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