Magic Sect of Beauties: The Strongest Mage is in a Cultivation World

Chapter 16: Encounter.

Chapter 16: Encounter.

Day 7.

Yang Wei had finished stirring his cup of Qi-Infused Herbal Tea.

Subsequently, he conjured a ball of wind in one hand and simultaneous orbs of fire and water in the other. Placing his hands over the wooden cup, he skillfully manipulated the three elements rotation around the cup to heat it up.

"Perfect," he muttered, satisfied with the warm glow emanating from the tea.

He grasped the wooden cup with both hands, lifting it to his lips to take a sip.

In the early days of cultivation, the Qi-Infused Herbal Tea is like a powerhouse elixir. People love it because it takes care of your body and boosts Qi circulation. It's basically a herbal mix that feeds your body and amps up your Qi flow. According to the Qi-herb Alchemy Manual, you it's imperative you drink this stuff every day to kickstart your cultivation journey.

However, after downing the tea in one go, he frowned and muttered, "Huh?"

Puzzled, he examined his hands and then glanced down at his body.

"It's not working," he grumbled.

Flipping open the Qi-Herb Alchemy Manual to the third page, he scanned the instructions, furrowing his brow in confusion. "I did what it says, so what did I miss?" he muttered to himself, absentmindedly rubbing his chin.

"I'll just make anoth..."

He'd already decided to make a fresh cup of herbal tea.

But then, Yang Wei was interrupted by a searing sensation in his meridians.

It was a burning sensation, but to him, it felt like a relief, a sign that the tea was taking effect.

It's working, I can feel it...

He observed the hot and expansive qi flowing out of his body like steam from a boiling pot, bringing a sense of rejuvenation. "My body feels better," he murmured, relieved. "My meridians feel like they're open to the spiritual energy from my surroundings."

The herbal tea has three main ingredients. First up is the Dragon's Breath Orchid, packing a fiery vibe. Its petals fire up the internal Qi flow, pumping intense energy. Then there's the Heavenly Jasmine Blooms, boosting spiritual perception for tuning into those subtle energies. Lastly, we've got the Tranquil Lily Petals that ensures a calm sense of self for clear-headed meditation.

Yang Wei was in deep thoughts as he went through the Qi-herb Alchemy Manual, he flipped page after page, as he noted down a few important things.

The Heavenly Jasmine Bloom and Tranquil Lily Petals are Low-grade, but they work wonders in the first three Mortal Realm levels. Now, the Dragon's Breath Orchid is a Mid-grade beast. It's a hot commodity for newbie cultivators dropping serious spirit stones to snag 'em in bulk. However, it's a steal for the big spenders or those raking in the cash, considering each Orchid petal sets you back 3 spirit stones.

He walked over to the window in his small study, and then looked out the window. Inspecting his garden's herbs and the ones in his book, he hummed thoughtfully.

Hm, maybe I should cash in on this herbal goldmine. Lingxi might've bailed on me, but her leftovers, including this surprisingly useful courtyard and herb garden plus the manuals, are turning out to be pretty darn useful.

He closed the manual he was studying and exhaled a sigh.

There are a few more herbs that I need, but, rather than buying them, I'll focus on buying their seeds and planting them in this garden. Nevertheless, I'll still need money, so selling some of these herbs is important.

Tossing the manual aside, he dressed his ragged blue robes, Yang Wei stretched his arms and yawned.

"I should focus on cultivating for now."


Yang Wei returned to his veranda and resumed cultivating in the Qi Awareness Method.

Seated in a meditative position with hands in the dhyani mudra gesture, he took deep breaths through his nose and exhaled through his mouth, maintaining a straight spine.




After close to three hours, he finally opened his eyes and let out a triumphant "Yes!"

I've passed the first stage of the Foundation Manual of Vital Qi.

Eyes closed, he marveled at the specks of light around him, representing the spiritual energy he could now vividly sense.

Each color represented an element he could access.

"Water, wind, wood, water, and earth qi," he mused, "but I have more than these within me. Focus, Yang Wei, focus."

He was yet to sense space, time and soul elements.

Determined to continue cultivating, Yang Wei pushed distractions aside and resolved to make a vigorous effort to conquer the second stage, Dantian Activation.

The steps seemed simple.

First, locate my lower Dantian - the center of Qi energy somewhere in the lower abdomen.

Inhaling deeply, he visualized the Qi gathering in his Dantian, then exhaled, allowing it to spread throughout his body.

For an entire day, he maintained this intense concentration, and as dawn broke the next morning, he opened his eyes.


A surge of spiritual qi erupted from his body, causing his wooden house to creak and birds to scatter from the roof as they sensed the abrupt energy release.

Yang Wei stood and marveled at the newfound power coursing through him and murmured, "Excellent. Breaking into the first level of the Mortal Realm is imminent."

After all, I've already broken past the first two stages, so in less than a week, I should cover the remaining six stages easily...


Day 8.

He had already taken his daily dose of Qi-Infused Herbal Tea.

He spent the entire morning gathering his garden's herbs and placing them in several baskets.

He counted them as he did this.





As he finished, he let out a heavy sigh and clutched his stomach. "Seven days without food... My hunger keeps growing stronger, ever since I started cultivating," he muttered to himself. "Before now, I could go an entire year without food or water, but now it's different, my body craves it."

Reassuring himself, he said, "Hopefully, I can sell these and buy some better herbs or even catch a good meal. I'm not spending money on someone else's food. I'd rather prepare my own meals, so, I'm guessing hunting is the only way."

He carefully transferred the herbs from the baskets into a wooden box with compartments, making sure not to mix them.

He adjusted the wooden box on his back like a bag, securing it with strong ropes, and stepped out of his courtyard, closing the wooden gate behind him.

As he walked down the road, he contemplated whether he should fly, wary of drawing undue attention.

"I don't need more trouble," he thought, "especially for Lingxi's sake."

Even if she did abandon me... That woman, honestly...

As he walked past various courtyards, he noticed the glances of several disciples.

Unbeknownst to him, a Young Master and his entourage observed him from a distance.

Wu Fengtian, a member of the group, pointed at Yang Wei and relayed to the Young Master, "Yes, that's the junior who touched Senior Sister Lin."

Jin Tianyu, fanning himself with an expensive folding fan, commented, "Hmm, so that's puny brat."

Another member of the entourage hesitantly remarked, "He's a bit big though."

Responding sharply, Jin Tianyu raised his voice, "I said he's puny, so he's puny!"

The entourage member, frightened, quickly agreed, "Yes, yes, you are correct, Young Master."

Jin Tianyu turned to Wu Fengtian. "When I'm done with that 'arrogant' junior, I'll make sure to reward you handsomely..."

"You're too kind, Young Master, I only had your best interests at heart," Wu Fengtian said as he eagerly nodded.

Huo Zhenwei adjusted his glasses and threw a wary glare at Wu Fengtian.

He knew Wu Fengtian was playing a devious game here.

Huo Zhenwei cautiously approached the imposing figure of Young Master Jin Tianyu and, after a moment's hesitation, respectfully asked, "Young Master, may I speak?"

"Of course," replied Jin Tianyu with a nonchalant wave of his hand, continuing to fan himself lazily in the midday heat.

Encouraged by this response, Huo Zhenwei cautiously broached the topic that had been troubling him. "Isn't it strange," he commented, choosing his words carefully, "that this junior is residing in the very courtyard that once belonged to Senior Sister Lingxi?"

Jin Tianyu, who had been idly surveying the surroundings, turned his gaze to the courtyard from which Yang Wei had emerged, contemplating Huo Zhenwei's words. "You've got a point," he conceded, nodding slowly. "I hadn't noticed that before. What are you suggesting?" he inquired, turning to face Huo Zhenwei directly.

"My point," Huo Zhenwei explained, "is that it's rather peculiar for a junior who hasn't even ascended to the Outer Sect to be given the privilege of dwelling in the former abode of one of the strongest beauties in our sect. Especially if you consider the fact that Senior Sister Lingxi was not particularly sociable and often avoided the attention of weaker men."

"That does make sense," Jin Tianyu concurred. "Senior Sister Lingxi only acknowledged those who proved their strength. Perhaps there's more to this junior," he mused, acknowledging the significance of the situation.

"Yes, I'm glad you can see that, Young Master," Huo Zhenwei agreed with a knowing smile.

He was glad the Young Master saw where he was going with this.

Meanwhile, Wu Fengtian, who had been observing the exchange with growing consternation, seized the opportunity to interject.

If I don't talk now, all my plans will crash and burn and I'll end up looking like an unreliable source of information. I'll be an absolute joke! I, Wu Fengtian, cannot let such a thing happen.

"I hope I'm not out of line in saying this," Wu Fengtian tentatively addressed Jin Tianyu, "but perhaps Senior Brother Huo is implying that this junior is above your level simply because he has earned the favor of Senior Sister Lingxi. A fact that we aren't even sure of yet."

The mention of this possibility elicited a sudden reaction from Jin Tianyu, who, though maintaining his silence, visibly tensed, clearly taking offense.

Nevertheless, Wu Fengtian couldn't tell if the Young Master was angry or not.

Did it work? Please, tell me it did, or I'm dead for saying that...

He swallowed his saliva as though it was a stone.

Huo Zhenwei swiftly positioned himself in front of Jin Tianyu.

"Tianyu, surely you don't believe what he said... right?"

Jin Tianyu, without hesitation, struck Huo Zhenwei across the cheek with his folding fan, causing a minor laceration.

In immediate motion, he followed up with a forceful punch to Huo Zhenwei's face, crushing his nose and propelling him into a nearby tree.

Coughing up blood, Huo Zhenwei struggled as droplets of blood traced down his fractured nose.

"Don't you dare call me that," said the Young Master. "You've lost that privilege."

"I... I..." it was difficult for Huo Zhenwei to speak with a broken nose. "I am... Sorry," he managed to apologize.

Jin Tianyu unfurled his folding fan.

"I'll deal with you later, you'll stay like this until I feel like you've suffered enough."

Now, the Young Master's next target was Yang Wei.


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