Magic School: My Students Are Too Arrogant!

Chapter 37

Chapter 37: Can’t You Hear Us Out?

The golden ball of light was shaking violently and showed signs of expanding.

However, just as it was about to expand completely…

The golden ball of light shuddered violently.

Then, like a deflated balloon, it suddenly shrunk, directly causing the original luck of the God Realm to fiercely decrease by a large chunk.

Everyone from the God Realm was dumbfounded.

Huh? What’s going on?

Could it be that the luck of the God Realm has decreased?

The people from the God Realm looked at each other in confusion.

The Guardian God Heimdall was also slightly stunned. His fist subconsciously tightened.

However, he could still remain calm. He forced himself not to panic and stared intently at the changes in the golden Bible.

“It’s nothing. This is normal. The Bible will change back later.”


Before Heimdall could finish his sentence, the ball that symbolized the god’s realm luck had once again reduced by a huge chunk.

After that, it became completely silent. The entire golden palace was incomparably silent. Everyone did not even dare to breathe loudly.

Heimdall, Zeus, and the rest of the people from the God Realm were full of doubt at this moment. They looked at the ball of God Realm luck that had quietened down again, and their eyes almost popped out.

What was going on?

What happened?

How could the luck of the God Realm decrease so much?

It was as if something had exploded here. The entire golden palace was so quiet that one could hear a pin drop.

Everyone had a blank look on their faces as they stared in disbelief at what was happening in front of them.

“What’s going on?”

“Did something happen on the way of transmitting the holy flame?”

After a long time, Heimdall trembled and slowly turned his head, berating the Archmage who delivered the message word by word.

Initially, they had thought that there would be a huge mass of golden luck rising sharply, but why had it become severely weakened now?

They could not accept this sudden change.

Upon hearing this, the Archmage almost vomited blood.

Ever since I came back, I wanted to tell you that something was wrong. I wanted to tell you what had happened. Why are you interrupting me time and time again?

“When Guardian Merlin passed by the altar this time, he should have been able to rescue the Forest Wolf by breaking the seal of the magic array and then carry out the Holy Fire Transmission mission together with him.”

“But when we reached the altar, it was completely different.”

“When we got there, we saw that the altar had completely collapsed. The seal on the magic array had also been broken. The stone used to suppress the Forest Wolf had also disappeared.”

“There were traces of battle in the surroundings, and the Silver Moon Wolf King was sitting on a rock, waiting for Guardian Merlin to appear.”

“After Merlin appeared, he chatted with him and even requested to follow Merlin to carry out the holy flame transmission mission.”

That Archmage hurriedly explained. Upon hearing these words, everyone from the God Realm was dumbfounded and almost vomited blood.

The people who went back to sleep with confidence were also restless.

The Forest Wolf was sitting on a rock, waiting for Merlin to appear?

“How is that possible?”

“That’s not the plan at all.”

“Besides, that was a magic array jointly placed by Zeus and Heimdall! It had incomparably terrifying power.”

“Are you sure that the Forest Wolf was just sitting there waiting for Merlin to appear? Are you sure it voluntarily asked to deliver the holy flame?”

Everyone in the god realm was trembling, especially Heimdall. His clenched hands were bleeding, and his eyes were round.

This was completely different from the plan.

“Oh, that’s right. When the five of us arrived there, we also heard a voice coming from the altar.”

“What was that sound? Did someone save him?” Heimdall asked.

“I’ll dye the entire God Realm red with the blood of my Wolf Clan.”

Everyone from the God Realm shivered. They couldn’t believe that someone could be so arrogant.

“What did you say?”

Heimdall and the other peak existences of the God realm instantly guessed something and comprehended something.

Dye the entire God Realm red with blood.

The heavens had decided that the God Realm would prosper, so how could there be such disgraceful words? Who was so arrogant?

Could it be that there really was a change when Merlin was transmitting the holy flame? Was there really someone trying to stop it?

Just who was it that was causing trouble and obstructing the prosperity of the God Realm?

“Pass down the order, mobilize all the scouts in the God Realm. We must find this person.”

God Realm.

On the golden palace.

All the mages had ugly expressions on their faces. They were so angry that their internal organs were in pain from what had happened.

However, on the other side, there were also many mages from the Nether Realm sighing in the Nether King Palace.

Previously, some of them had sneaked into the God Realm and secretly looked at the scene of the golden Bible. They had also paid attention to the path of the holy flame and the fate of the Nether Realm and the God Realm.

“Sigh, we’re screwed.”

“Ever since the holy flame messenger left Saint Petersburg, the God Realm’s luck has been skyrocketing, and the prestige of the human world has been increasing.”

“Their next calamity will be the Forest Wolf. That Silver Moon Wolf King was set up by the people of the God Realm several hundred years ago. I never thought that it would come in handy today.”

“I’m afraid that the luck of the God Realm will greatly increase this time. Their prestige will definitely rise.”

In the Nether King Palace, many Nether god guards were sighing and looking at the distant scene with worried expressions.

However, when the luck truly changed, the scouts returned.

When the people from the Nether Realm saw that the luck of the God Realm was declining, their expressions gradually turned interesting.

One of the many Nether God Guards in black armor wiped his eyes.

“Hmm? Has the luck of the God Realm decreased?”

His expression suddenly changed as he rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

“Well, I think it decreased quite a bit.”

“But the luck of the Nether Realm hasn’t changed much either.” Beside him, another Crimson Guard Envoy replied with his eyes closed.

The luck of the Nether Realm had not only not increased, but ever since the Holy Flame Transmission mission began, their luck had started to decrease bit by bit.

Although the speed was extremely slow, one could clearly feel that it was decreasing.

But this time, in the God Realm, it was very obvious that their luck had fallen greatly.

This wave of reverse manipulation left the people of the Nether Realm dumbfounded.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of the people from the Nether Realm were all very strange.


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