Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 259: Final Battle Part 1

Chapter 259: Final Battle Part 1

"Alas, your angry is really hard to control. You must do something about it. Otherwise, you will really go crazy." Alexa stood in front of Johnny and sighed. She couldn't believe Johnny destroyed the two most powerful words in a matter of minutes.

These could be used for a lot of reasons. But it couldn't be blamed on Johnny either. He was really angry. Half-half of the earth's population was destroyed. Dragon Emperor, Thunder Emperor, and Dream Empress also died.

Not including the number of saints and emperors, a lot of people died during this war. At this moment, the destruction of Dragon World and Federation was spreading throughout the universe. Everyone was shaking in fear.

They feared that Johnny might come in their front door. After all, when Johnny killed them he didn't even spare a single innocent person. At that moment, he had nothing but pure ruthlessness. Johnny didn't understand why he got so ruthless but he didn't have any regrets.

Johnny stood in space completely spiritless. Alexa looked at his mood and heavily spoke "Now, you only have ten days. After ten days, the devil race will attack. You don't have that dragon energy anymore. Although your parents might save you, only you."

Her meaning was simple. He must save the universe otherwise his friends and relatives will die. At this moment, he didn't want to be selfish but he also didn't want that to be his reason. Because he understands. He is selfish.

Except for his loved ones, he won't care too much about others. He didn't even care about Yan Yijun wife otherwise he would've asked his brother to resurrect her. He only cared about his own family. After all, he can summon his brother any time he wants.

He just needs to call him. But he can't. He doesn't care about being second-generation. But he doesn't want to rely on his background. He must improve by himself and only by pushing himself to the edge, he can achieve it.

His goal is to surpass his father and first comes this devil race. He must surpass them. Johnny looked at Alexa and said, "Is there a way to improve my strength quickly?"

Alexa looked at him and smiled. Her smile was really beautiful unfortunately she was a married woman. She nodded her head and appeared beside him. She tapped his shoulder and looked at her daughter saying "Tell your father, prepare for the worst."

Sarla looked at Johnny with conflict. She wanted to kill him. But after hearing her mother's explanation, his death will bring destruction to her race. She could only swallow her breath and nod her head. Rose appeared beside Johnny holding his hand.

Alexa was a little surprised after seeing Rose. Even Johnny felt a slight difference in Rose but both of them shook their head and didn't ask. They disappeared from the endless space and appeared in the middle of a colorful forest.

"This is?" Feeling a strong vitality in the breath, Johnny looked at the surrounding with shock and asked.

"Life Burial Sanctum." Alexa looked at his expression and chuckled.

"What?" Johnny and Rose both shouted in surprise. Burial Sanctum, these words were engraved in their brain. They didn't expect to visit another sanctum so soon.

"Alright, we don't have a lot of time. I will try my best to improve your cultivation during this period. Then, you can use blood burning and soul burning to fight the gods. That's the plan for now." Alexa hurriedly explained her plan making them dumbfounded.

Johnny shook his head and said, "After seeing this, I have a better plan."

"What?" Alexa got curious and asked.

"At first, I found being the second generation was fascinating resulting in my death. Then, I hated being the second generation. But now, I no longer care. I just do not want my family to interfere. So, I will use every cheat I've done without hesitation. Do you have a powerful Life Source?"

Johnny looked at the ground and mumbled. He knew everything till now was part of someone's plan. But he was tired of that. He wants to surpass his father and that's it. He must achieve it.

"Will this be enough?" Alexa understood his intention and took out a blue orb. It was a beautiful blue orb shining in blue.

"Can you try to get these sources from other Sanctum?" Johnny took the blue orb and asked her.

Alexa puts her finger at her cheek and thought for a while before answering "I can give it a try. I don't know if the Sanctum with a person will help me."

"Thank you!" Johnny's eyes were full of gratefulness when he bowed towards her.

"Hehe! You just need to protect this universe." Alexa chuckled and slowly disappeared.

"I will." Johnny watched her disappearing and entered the Primal Chaos Celestial Dao Stone. But he didn't settle there. Rose sat on the ground while he entered the Primal Chaos Bead. Being inside the Primal Chaos Bead, he instantly tried to open the new layers.

With his cultivation, he succeeds in opening the second layer. He got a cultivation technique and an enormous amount of Primal Chaos Energy. The technique came to his mind. It was an upgraded version of Heavenly Thunder Body Tempering Art.

It was called Mysterious Lightning Body Tempering Art. And unlike the previous art, it had two levels. Silver Lightning Body and Golden Lightning Body. He sat in the middle of the world and ran Mysterious Lightning Body Tempering Art.

Unlike Heavenly Thunder Body Tempering Art, this art was suitable to practice inside. Because this art creates lightning out of other energy or rather it transform other kinds of energies into lightning which is the basic function of most of the energies.

And Primal Chaos Energy was the purest form of energy. But he didn't use Mysterious Lightning Body Tempering Art alone. Now, he was able to proceed with more than one art, so he instantly ran Chaos Bearing Elephant Art.

Originally, he planned to perfect Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Body Art but now it seems he can't do it. His only goal is to improve his physical strength. At least, that's his goal. The Primal Chaos Energy entered his body through several pores opening in his skin.

It was a massive suction of Primal Chaos Energy. Using this energy, Chaos Bearing Elephant Art started transforming his body. The giant trunk of the elephant kept sucking the Primal Chaos Energy inside it rapidly.

The human body has several billion cells and among them, millions die every second. Chaos Energy used by the Chaos Bearing Elephant Art can transform each cell through a powerful evolution that only chaos energy is capable of.

At the same time, he was letting the Primal Chaos Celestial Dao Stone absorb the primal chaos energy to increase his chaos point. As for the Mysterious Lightning Body Tempering Art, it was capable of transforming his bones, muscles, and blood at the same time.

Unfortunately, the skin wasn't tempered which was quite weird. But soon, he found the reason. Whenever the lightning was created, a sliver stripe of lightning appears around his skin quite late. And that might be the reason because whenever this silver stripe lightning appears, his skin will be nourished a lot.

So, it's not that his skin is not refined rather it is refined in a unique way. His muscles, blood, and bones absorb the sparks of lightning. This absorption destroys those cells of his blood, muscles, and bones. But again, they are formed once the lightning gives endless vitality.

Unlike thunder, lightning can provide an enormous amount of vitality on its own. This was the cycle of death and rebirth. The Mysterious Lightning Body Tempering Art was pushing Heavenly Thunder Body Tempering Art limits into another breakthrough.

While his body was strengthening, he didn't forget to forge something else. Using the chaotic point earned from the primal chaos, he kept evolving his War God Bloodline. At the same time, he tried for the second awakening of Ultimate Destiny Bloodline using evolution.

It can't increase the Ultimate Destiny Bloodline's rank but it can awaken it through its sacred energy. He didn't let time dominate him at this moment and used this chance to comprehend the Dao of Time. Because, when a person is in extreme need of something, ideas just burst into his brain.

He wanted more time but he can't achieve it. So, he was trying to achieve more Time by cultivating Dao of Time. If it was the outer world, it would be pretty much impossible because the Universe Spirit won't let it do.

So, he could only practice Dao of Time from a quantum level of understanding. This is how these time manipulating treasures were created. They work just fine without interfering with time. If Johnny tries to stop time around him, he can do it. But doing so, he will also be stopped.

Just like his current condition. If he tries to slow down the time around him, his entire cultivation process will be slowed. But he can try fastening the time around him. But there is only one way to do so.

He must understand the Dao of Time from a quantum level or achieve Great Accomplishment over the Dao of Time. This is why Rose was able to cut someone's past without making any changes in the future except killing that person.

And now, Johnny wants to do the same.


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