Mage Adam

Chapter 297 - A Bold Experiment (1)

Adam kept a secret from Ayesha. He noticed a familiar pattern in the information from the Flames, something that had once helped him when he was a supercomputer.

The Flames revealed an algorithm, more complex and complete than binary.

Binary is a commonly used number system in computing, representing data with two digits, 0 and 1. 'On' stands for 1, and 'off' stands for 0, with a base of 2.

The rules for binary are simple: 'add one when it reaches two' and 'borrow one, treat as two.'

Adam still often used the binary system for various calculations. The benefit of this method is its simplicity and ease of use, but the downside is the high number of digits needed, making conversions cumbersome.

Now, the restored Flames in front of Adam gave him a chance to greatly improve his computing power. If his guess was correct, cracking the secrets of this algorithm and integrating it would significantly boost his computational abilities.

These Flames were a rare treasure for him!

Ayesha didn't know this; even if she did, she wouldn't care if Adam's abilities improved. She simply asked, "Can you use it without a conclusion?"

Adam was puzzled, "Use? Use what?"

Ayesha responded with action. She merged over a hundred pieces of information back into the Flames, then sent them into a peak fourth-level Dilus.

These Diluses, sharing the same origin as the Devourer, inherited the ability to absorb Flames and evolve.

As the Flames entered, the surface of the fourth-level Dilus ignited with fire. Its color turned gray quickly, with old tissue being burned away by the gray flames, and new energy-based body parts growing. Its soul floated in the Flames, trying to absorb external energy to speed up evolution.

Since there was no external energy in this space, its evolution got stuck midway. At this point, Ayesha pointed at it, sending a strange energy wave through the space, freezing it in place.

"This Dilus lineage relies on the Original Flames to evolve. I hope you can separate the Original Flames and make them regress," Ayesha said, throwing the Dilus at Adam's feet and explaining her purpose.

"You mean..." Adam exclaimed in surprise.

The Third Tower wanted to cut off their roots!

"The Devourer's soul essence already has the traits of level nine. I can't even invade it. His Holiness can't come here personally, so we plan to extract the Genesis Flame from the Devourer, dispel or strip the energy he has absorbed, and bring him back to level eight. Then, we can invade his soul and seize his legacy," Ayesha's doll cheerfully explained, flying around her.

"Active Sealing Crystal..." Adam murmured to himself.

The Devourer's current state reminded Adam of something Victor said when he gave him the Active Sealing Crystal. Victor mentioned that in ancient times, this was a type of malicious spell. His Holiness Maxis likely had used a variant of this spell to seal the Devourer.

"That's right, it's the prototype of the Active Sealing Crystal, the Freezing Curse," Ayesha confirmed.

Hearing Ayesha's words, Adam began to consider the feasibility of the plan. The Flame information was a complete algorithm.

Even though Adam couldn't solve it right away, the 'equations' were objectively valid. This meant that even without fully understanding them, they could still be used. This was why Adam could complete his reincarnation and why Garfield could become a Titan. From this perspective, he should be able to separate the Genesis Flame.

However, Adam pointed out, "These Original Flames are not the Genesis Flame, and this Dilus is not the Devourer. Each evolution causes a qualitative change. Low-level samples can't be used to reverse-engineer a higher-level individual."

Ayesha responded, "I know, that's why I invited this Titan lord to help. Flames from a transcendent Titan should have some essential characteristics of the Genesis Flame. I will separate this part and show it to you directly. What you need to do is extract the formula from it. It doesn't have to be an exact match; we just need a key to unlock the Devourer."

Adam nodded, "If that's the case, I can do it, as long as I have more avatars. But why choose me for this? This task seems difficult, but it's really just about computing power, which you certainly don't lack."

"I've told you before, I'm not your teacher," Ayesha muttered with her doll, as she released several hundred more avatar bodies.

"You underestimate level-nine beings. Even though His Holiness Maxis sealed the Devourer, it still requires the full attention of all the first group of transdimensional mages, including me. Our true forms must stay in the battleship to reinforce the seal. Otherwise, why do you think it's staying still in the sky?"

"The avatars are prepared for you. You need to speed up the cracking process; the longer it takes, the more dangerous it becomes. You know, I certainly won't die, but you..."


After activating the avatars, Adam approached the frozen Dilus. He held another bundle of Flames in his hand, needing to compare and refer to them to extract the half-merged Flame from the Dilus.

"Please, separate this Dilus's body and soul," Adam requested.

The doll flew over and landed on Adam's head. She gently waved her finger in front of her, and like an xo being dissected by a skilled butcher, the Dilus was completely separated in front of Adam. Each part remained undamaged, but the connections were all severed.

The Dilus's soul was gnawing at the Flame. When Adam switched his vision, he realized it was not actually consuming fire but a stream of information. About three-quarters of it had been digested, with most of it turning gray within the soul, and a small part stuck in the Dilus's mouth.

Judging by the current trend, this Dilus wouldn't develop tumors on its back after advancing. Instead, its entire soul would transform into a gray data stream merged with the Flames' information.

Adam observed the scene intently, running high-speed calculations with both his main body and avatars. 

He instructed the doll, "Extract its soul, it must be complete and undamaged."

The doll followed Adam's instructions. After the doll cast an incomprehensible spell on the Dilus, its soul emerged in front of Adam.

Dozens of telekinetic arms sprouted from Adam's body, carefully grasping the small portion of Flame that the Dilus hadn't digested. Using his mental power, he simulated the digested parts to make them whole again, then he gradually pulled them out piece by piece.


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