Mage Adam

Chapter 273: The Coming Storm

Chapter 273: The Coming Storm

The Fifth Angel was furious. He destroyed everything around him in a rage, even tearing apart three of his own transcendent Metal Eaters. "You useless fools! Useless!" he shouted.

"Fifth, calm down!" the First Angel stretched out his tendrils and held him tightly, stopping him from hurting himself.

The Fifth Angel didn't listen. He was more scared than angry. He had failed to protect the Devourer's altar, and he feared punishment.

His fear grew stronger, and the more he feared the punishment, the closer it came.

"You fool!"

Suddenly, a cold and cruel voice echoed in the minds of the seven Angels. The overwhelming pressure shattered their brood and squeezed actual blood from their bodies, even though they were made of pure energy.

The pressure was so great that it drove the Angels into the ground. The other six Angels were slightly better off, but Fifth was barely alive.

It was the Devourer who struck. His anger was immense. He didn't care about the loss of the altar; what made him furious was a weakling, who he thought was no more than a mosquito, daring to challenge him.

He was in a crucial stage of eroding the Origin, and leaving the Origin now would ruin all his efforts. If not for this reason, he would have shown his true form and destroyed this plane for good.

Most of the time, he was the strongest in Titania, and no creature dared to insult him like this.

But now, he couldn't even send his energy out of the Origin.

"You couldn't even handle this small task. Why am I still having you?" The Devourer punished the Angels to vent his anger.

Fifth Angel's energy burst out. His body changed from energy back to flesh, exploding in many parts. He couldn't escape, didn't dare to resist, and he could only roll on the ground, begging for mercy. "Father! Forgive me this time! Please!"

The Devourer ignored his pleas. The terrible punishment lasted for an hour. The other Angels were fearful but didn't dare to speak a word.

After an hour, the Devourer's anger lessened a bit. "There will be no next time. The war must start immediately."

"At any cost."

"Capture the intruder completely."

"When I arrive, I want him to see his world destroyed. His people crushed. He will live in pain forever!"

All the Angels, including Fifth Angel, shouted in unison, "As you wish, Father!"


Iron 27 and Qi 31 gradually realized that this battle wasn't as fierce as they had expected.

In the first ten minutes, Metal Eaters swarmed them relentlessly, draining their energy quickly. By the eleventh minute, just as they were about to use their ether crystals, a huge energy wave came from the alert zone. For the first time, the number of attacking Metal Eaters dropped sharply.

Three minutes later, the number of enemies increased again. They fought hard and had to replenish their energy twice.

After seven more minutes, the number of Metal Eaters decreased significantly. They saw many Metal Eaters, who were charging at them one moment, suddenly turn back the next.

They knew Adam had been discovered. Anxious, they stopped holding their position and headed towards the alert zone.

Then, they saw the incredible scene of destruction and a strong light from the void.

Standing side by side, they stared blankly at the obliterated alert zone, speechless.

Suddenly, a portal opened next to them. A silver Titan carrying Adam appeared, hastily saying, "Let's get off here! We're in huge trouble!"

Qi 31 asked, "What did you do?"

Iron 27 asked, "What happened to Adam?"

"He activated a self-protection mechanism and went into deep sleep to heal himself."

Garfield took over the authority Adam left for him. He called back Sophia and summoned the hidden Lina, throwing her into the summoning space. He said, "This is not the time to explain! We must leave the Metal Eaters' territory immediately, or the Angels will come!"

Garfield put Adam on Sophia's back, opened the portal, and rushed through it, followed quickly by the two Titans.

Garfield's power was limited; the portal couldn't take them far. Moreover, due to insufficient energy, he couldn't open portals continuously. They had to hurry on foot while waiting for the portal's cooldown time.

No one spoke during this time. Iron 27 and Qi 31 felt conflicted. They had received orders from Lord Svorsi not to cause too much disturbance, but clearly, Adam had not followed this. The Angels were already provoked, and the war seemed inevitable.

"But is this Adam's fault?" they asked themselves.

Self-preservation and avoiding blame are common instincts of ordinary beings. Fortunately, the Titans didn't have such negative thoughts. They recalled the scenes they had seen in the recording magic and the large-scale movement of the Metal Eaters. They realized that the war was not Adam's fault---whether Adam had destroyed the alert zone or not, the storm was bound to come.


After crossing back into Titan territory, the group finally breathed a sigh of relief. Garfield reverted Sophia from her battle form. Seeing her timid expression, he said, "Quick, cool down Master, or he'll burn up."

The gentle and subtle nature of water was ideal. Compared to more advanced healing magic, pure water elements were more beneficial for Adam at the moment.

As the water spirits from the healing spell slowly swept over Adam's body, both inside and out, his temperature gradually dropped, and his soul became calm and stable.

He woke up, letting out a heavy breath.

"Big Dragon, are you okay?"

Adam shook his head and then reached for Sophia, patting her head. He took out an ether crystal and tossed it into his mouth to restore his magic.

He wasn't actually injured; he had just overextended his energy and overloaded his circuits. He hadn't even used his trump cards. The self-protection mechanism was like a computer reboot. He just needed to recharge, and he would quickly regain his strength.

Iron 27 and Qi 31 watched as Adam replenished his energy. Finally, they couldn't hold back their questions. "Can you tell us what happened now?"

"Sure, but Lord Svorsi should be waiting for us in Ironburg. I'll explain everything once we get there."

Adam then took control of Garfield's body and teleported them all back to Ironburg.

As soon as they stepped through the portal, they saw Lord Svorsi's projection. His fiery form crackled as he struggled to contain his anger. "Adam, my friend, I think you owe me a fair explanation of what you did. Have you forgotten your promise?"


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