Mage Adam

Chapter 145: The Etheric Gift

Before they even had a chance to fully take in the Tower, the mage in charge of the trials ordered them not to stray from the group, instructing that they gather for the conclusion of the trials once they landed from the airship.

This news excited all the qualifying participants, except for Adam. The Tower was well-known for its generous rewards for extraordinary performances. The benchmark of one thousand points was merely the entry bar; exceeding this number even by a single point meant significant perks.

These perks could take the form of either resources or knowledge, both designed to enhance the participants' readiness for the impending interplanar wars.

The mage then addressed Adam, casually opening a portal, and told him, "Apprentice Adam, Priscilla requests your presence."

"Apprentice Adam, welcome back."

"I'm honored to meet you once again, esteemed Priscilla, the transdimensional mage."

Adam's feelings varied each time he met Priscilla. This was an inherent curiosity about higher-level beings that had developed with his increasing knowledge and experience. However, he was aware that such curiosity could be seen as impolite. Adam suppressed his interest and respectfully greeted Priscilla.

Priscilla nonchalantly waved her hand, "Before we discuss your results, you need to level up first." The moment she finished speaking, the seal crystal on Adam's chest broke, expelling a devil from his mind. The etheric gift, dormant for over ten years, defied the heavy rune barriers inside and outside the Tower. It morphed into a ray of light, descending from the sky onto Adam.

Caught off guard, Adam didn't expect that this would be his first interaction with the higher dimension. He began to slowly ascend with the etheric gift.

No restrictions were in place this time, no abrupt stop. Without a moment's hesitation, Adam opened his soul to the etheric light, allowing it to mingle with his soul and the knowledge engraved within.

Overwhelmed with ecstasy, Adam instinctively closed his eyes. The gentle, superior, and plentiful energy flowed into his soul, into his body, causing every element of his soul, mental power, body cells, and genes to celebrate.

The first thing to change was the Mage's Armor.

What was once a separate body of mental power, detached from the body and soul, the Mage's Armor began to fuse with the soul. The telekinetically formed armor plates merged, transforming the Mage's Armor from a mental power construct into a structure interweaving electricity and magnetism.

Adam realized that the knowledge he'd acquired during his apprenticeship had now become magic, akin to innate abilities. From this point forward, the transformation between electricity and magnetism wouldn't rely on runes. Adam's soul had become the manifestation of electromagnetism.

When the Mage's Armor fully fused with the soul, the soul began to metamorphose.

In that moment, knowledge truly became energy and power. The rune language-written equations merged with the ether and, in the next moment, were amplified by the ether's gift. For the first time, magical power directly entered his soul.

He felt renewed.

In this world, the existence of the soul was undeniable. Ordinary people might not perceive it, apprentices could sense and use it to a basic level, but now, for Adam, the soul had transformed into a tangible body, its existence even more pronounced than his physical form.

As the Etheric Light illuminated the celestial formula, obscuring its specific details, Priscilla mused to herself, "This is it. The knowledge that the Guardian of the Annecroft Plane has sought, the knowledge even the world itself desires --- the knowledge that can fortify the Mage Network!"

Adam, oblivious to Priscilla's whispers, found himself in an unfamiliar, boundless expanse, surpassing the constraints of his physical body and the material world.

There were no distinct directions or passage of time in this space, seemingly devoid of color, yet simultaneously encompassing all colors. The ether here was plainly visible, magic was within his reach, and the elements felt more tangible than ever.

"Where am I?"

To his surprise, it was only when Adam questioned his location that his existence in this space solidified---Either the world had entered his soul, or his soul had enveloped the world.

Next, Adam saw a network --- a densely connected, glowing web. Its scale was beyond description; any existence would seem insignificant before it.

"This is the Mage Network, the network of the magical world!"

This realization came naturally to Adam. He didn't require an explanation. As he zoomed in, he saw each node glowing with knowledge, the knowledge that constructed the web.

Zooming out, he witnessed the first strand of the web, linking to an indescribably magnificent existence --- the Heart of the World, the core of the magical world.

On the Heart, countless runes flickered, each flash mirroring a breath, absorbing and releasing energy.

The Mage Network was a repository of wisdom, knowledge, and energy, constructed by all mages. Each node of knowledge was interconnected, collectively working towards the strengthening of the mage's world's heart and the pursuit of ultimate truth.

Adam felt the 'heart' pulsating vibrantly, filled with ascendant energy. It rejoiced for each piece of validated knowledge, growing stronger upon accommodating such knowledge, and generously rewarding those who had verified or discovered it.

So, this was the secret of the Etheric Gift!

Adam was profoundly moved. At that moment, he perceived the world as a living entity, seeking evolution, transformation, and transcendence, just like any creature.

Adam couldn't fathom what a magnificent entity the world would become once it had acquired all the knowledge there was. On that day, the mages forming the Mage Network, existing symbiotically with the world, would share an immense glory.

Just as this thought surfaced, Adam heard a proposal from the void. It was a pact proposed by the Heart of the world. There were no complex clauses, no stringent obligations. The Heart of the World simply inquired, reaching into Adam's soul --- "coexist with me, share my glory. You affirm my existence, and I shall bestow upon you infinite power. Will you accept?"

"Of course, it's an absolute honor!"

As he responded, the Heart of the World emitted a soft glow. The Mage Network began to expand, gently enveloping Adam's soul. The formula of electricity and magnetism formed a thread, connecting Adam with the Mage Network. The Heart's protection infused his soul, merging with his Mage Armor.

"We share in each other's glory."

"The pact is established."

In a moment that felt like a mother's embrace, filled with boundless joy and emotion, his soul ascended. Adam had completed his promotion, making a breakthrough from zero to one, metamorphosing from a mortal being into a transcendent lifeform!

Simultaneously, greetings from all nodes across the entire Mage Network softly echoed in Adam's heart ---

*Hello,nMage Adam.*"


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