Mage Adam

Ch. 284 - Death of The Angel (1)

The energy shifts seemed to wake the Blade Envoy. He quickly flew backward, trying to escape this area filled with danger.

However, before he could go far, he saw a giant fortress descending from the sky, floating in front of him. The thick energy walls made it clear that breaking through would be tough.

He changed direction and flew the other way, only to see another floating fortress.

Adam had moved twenty-seven cities.

Thirty-three small floating fortresses surrounded the area. Things could fly in, but nothing could escape.

"Three," the countdown continued.

The Blade Envoy turned around and rushed towards his companions, shouting, "What are you waiting for? Kill him! Kill him!"

The five transcendent Metal Eaters had seen the seal on the Devourer take effect and thought everything was over. But now, they saw Adam walking out unharmed. They were shocked and couldn't believe Adam had escaped from their god's power.

Seeing his stunned kin, the Blade Envoy made up his mind. His sharp blade pierced a tumor and then ignited the flame. The transcendent Metal Eaters watched in shock as his whole body turned into a fireball. Unlike the Seventh Angel, who cast spells willingly, he was forced.


The Blade Envoy lifted the fireball and hurled it at Adam.


With Adam's command, sixty thick energy beams shot out. The fireball didn't last a second and was reduced to ashes.

In his enhanced vision, Adam could see the slow-motion deaths of the five transcendent Metal Eaters. They were so stunned they forgot to defend and died quickly.

The Blade Envoy screamed in despair. His body curled up, and energy sprayed from his compound eyes, forming a defensive field. The fortresses' barrage swept through, leaving him nowhere to hide.

The bright light lasted ten seconds before fading. Everything within a twenty-kilometer radius was gone, leaving a crystalline crater.

"Master, that guy isn't dead yet." Garfield flew from a floating city to Adam's side and said.

The Blade Envoy looked miserable, but his life force was incredibly strong. He survived the peak-level attack and stared at Adam, muttering, "Kill, kill, kill..."

Adam raised his palm slightly, and Magnetic Cutting activated. The Blade Envoy was neatly sliced into ten thousand pieces, not one more, not one less.

After killing him, Adam sighed and exited the overclocked state. He said to Garfield, "Immediately replenish the energy of the floating fortresses. The battle isn't over yet."

"What is Lord Svorsi doing? Why isn't he responding?"


The moment he didn't get a response, Lord Svorsi knew there was a problem with Titan's communication system.

He suspected the Metal Eaters might have cracked their communication methods. So, he decisively crushed the Flame Fluctuation receiver and silently chased after the Seventh Angel.

However, he was soon blocked.

"You foolish scrap of junks. Do you think you can challenge Father's authority without consequences? Your alien helper's doomed. No one can save him. He will watch himself be sliced into pieces by the Blade Envoy!" the Seventh Angel boasted.

After the destruction of Blade City and their entry into Titania, they split into several groups. He distracted Lord Svorsi while his envoys ambushed Adam to ensure nothing went wrong.

If he could capture Adam ahead of the Fifth Angel, he believed he would surely gain Father's favor and receive more rewards. Perhaps his ranking would be raised by two places.

"The Blade Envoy!" Lord Svorsi was furious and anxious. Those bearing the envoy title were the elite of the Metal Eaters, much stronger than regular combat units. A few envoys working together could even pose a threat to him. He couldn't imagine what would happen if Adam faced the envoys.

Thousands of exhaust pipes appeared on Lord Svorsi's legs, spewing flames. His speed increased sharply. He couldn't waste time entangling with the Seventh Angel; rescuing Adam was the most important thing. Now, Adam's life was far more important than his own.

The roles suddenly reversed, with the Seventh Angel becoming the unhurried one. He spat a terrifying fireball, which seemed to have struggling creatures inside, blocking Lord Svorsi's way. "You hurt me just now, and you think you can leave so easily?"

Lord Svorsi's upper body transformed into a weapon, with fierce barrels gleaming coldly. Without a word, he unleashed a barrage.

The fireball shattered, but the Seventh Angel didn't care. His tentacles stretched across the sky, whipping the shells into nothingness.

"You might as well stay here with me. Maybe your kin will come to save him? Oh, I forgot, the First Angel personally intervened. They might not have the time."

Hearing this, Lord Svorsi became even more anxious. None of the Royals had ever seen the First Angel. In their impression, this being always stayed quietly in the Land of Divine Revelation. The fact that even it was dispatched this time showed how determined the Metal Eaters were to "kill" Adam.

The two were evenly matched, unable to gain an advantage over each other. The aftermath of their battle left the surrounding terrain unrecognizable, but neither had inflicted any real injuries. They could only continue this stalemate unless one of them ran out of energy first.

After a few minutes, the Seventh Angel's body suddenly stiffened. He was struck by a series of energy beams, almost breaking his defensive field. Yet, he didn't even glance at Lord Svorsi and roared furiously, "How is this possible! How could he kill the Blade Envoy!"

Without another word, he flew forward.

"Master, these floating fortresses are powerful, but they're just energy accumulations. If the Angel has heritage, these things can't kill them," Garfield said, using spatial power to fill the energy. His Flame connected with the main power core, and in front of him were sixty portals. Through the portals, hundreds of silent new Titans transported energy.

"I don't expect to kill the Seventh Angel. I just need to create an opportunity for Lord Svorsi. Creatures of this level can only be killed by opponents of equal strength." Adam was clear about his role. He knew that confronting the Seventh Angel head-on was suicide, but causing some trouble was feasible.

"Staying here only wastes energy, Master. Why don't we go find them?" Garfield had grown fond of controlling the firepower. After Adam gave the order, Garfield was the one who actually launched the attack. Now, he was eager to fire a few more shots for fun.


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