Mage Adam

Chapter 139: The Next Stage

Chapter 139: The Next Stage

Chapter 139: The Next Stage

The second generation of the virus gave those infected the ability to use secondary energy sources, a huge step forward from the first generation. However, Adam's vision for the next, the third generation of the virus, wasn't about such a big change. Instead, it would give every infected being a certain value, whether they were alive or dead.

Right now, those who were infected could get their energy back by eating the bodies of others who were infected. This feature came from creatures of the abyss. A fully mature abyss creature can eat any type of energy to help it grow. Adam hasn't been able to fully copy this feature, but he can enhance it in its simplest form.

His next goal is to study this very occurrence.

If the research on the third generation of the virus is successful, it would mean that Adam's total control over the virus's growth would change to the virus evolving on its own, something he couldn't control. In other words, what the infected will turn into next is unknown to Adam.

However, one thing is for sure: such a chaotic growth would eventually lead to its own downfall.

After taking a good look at the whole of Ceylon Island, Adam found that, although the virus could be spread through the air, it was only found on the island. No sea creatures had been infected. This showed that the Tower wouldn't allow the virus to spread without limits. Therefore, the number of infected had hit its limit, with no new infections. As the infected started to eat themselves, their numbers would only decrease.

But Adam didn't care about this. He had the knowledge to create the virus, and what happened to the infected wasn't his problem.

Five days later.

At the Headquarters, hidden in spaces beyond Ceylon Island, the mages from the Tower were faced with a problem.

"What are we going to do with this apprentice named Adam?" a male mage asked, pointing to a floating screen that showed what Adam was doing.

A female mage hit the table and said, "He hasn't broken any rules. All the Points he's collected are valid. But..."

"But he's messed up the order of the trials. Look at these," the first mage moved his hand, changing the screen to show a landscape full of the infected. These infected caused chaos for the regular antimage apprentices after they gained their magic skills, "The trials have become too easy for him. Plus, we can't even give him special tasks. The important areas that are dangerous for the apprentices are all taken over and ruined by these infected."

The female mage sighed, "If this goes on, we'll have the smallest number of apprentices passing the trial ever. I think there may be less than fifty."

The screen switched again, showing a view of the large open area outside Adam's lab. The mage pointed at the infected creatures, moving like ants and carrying pieces of metal. "Fifty? Have you all looked at Adam's data? Do you remember the magic called the Railgun?"

The mages looked serious. Playing around with the screens, they saw everything that was happening and finally figured out what Adam was up to.

"He is planning to..."

In these five days, the battle between the antimage, apprentices, and infected had become very intense. After the fight involving the Hill, Lance, and Aum families was disrupted by the infected, all apprentices had only one thought in their minds when they met the infected: Kill.

But there were too many infected. Every time they fought against antimages, a large number of infected would watch from the side, forcing them to give their all. Most of the apprentices had to choose promote.

"Lilith, where will we end up if we keep going this way?" These elite had long realized they were being led to something by the infected, but they had no way to change the situation. This feeling of being manipulated made everyone angry.

Lilith spread out a map full of arrows and circled a place slightly to the left of the middle of Ceylon Island with a pen, "The Saint's Fall Basin. This should be it, if I'm guessing right."

The War Alliance was in a tough spot. Their reputation was falling every day. The apprentices outside the alliance were unhappy with their performance.

They had a right to be upset: they were initially promised the most war benefits, more chances to pass the trial if they joined and followed a united action plan. But now... Besides some members of the Alliance getting enough Points, they saw nothing. If they had known, they would rather take their own chances than work together.

So, Lilith and the top people in the War Alliance urgently needed a big win to boost morale, at least letting some people see actual Points.

"We can't let them lead us," Lilith said decisively.

People looked at each other. One raised a concern, "We've sent our people to gather information, but every time the main fighting forces arrive, the antimages have run away. As long as the infected are around, we can't avoid being led."

"True, it seems like there's no end to killing these things."

Lilith paused and turned to Reinhardt, "What about on your end?"

"It seems these infected beings are mining, collecting metal materials. They are very careful and self-destruct if they're watched. We don't have enough people and can't track everything. However," Reinhardt pulled the map and put his hand on a spot, "they all eventually ended up in this area."

"That's where the Hill family, the Lance family, and the School of Immortality intersect, isn't it?"

"Yes, it's a large wilderness, no resources, no towns."

Lilith thought for a moment, "So, it's a good place to hide, isn't it?"

Understanding the meaning of their conversation, the other members realized and showed their anger, "Are you saying, the person pulling the strings is hiding here?"

They were angry at that guy. Even though he hadn't used the infected to kill anyone, he had manipulated everyone, which made them feel more humiliated and frustrated.

Lilith nodded, "It should be here. It seems like before we deal with the antimages, we have to solve this problem first."


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