Lust Knight

Chapter 717 The Blue Lady and The Ancient Snake

Chapter 717  The Blue Lady and The Ancient Snake

The whole Crystal City stops to gaze at the shining and growing red spot in the sky. Actually, almost the whole Mermaid Kingdom can see it by now.

Just a minute ago, everyone was celebrating the victory against Tyrion, but now all the Mermaids and Nagas seeing that red spot are confused and concerned.

Such tension is even greater in Lucien's group since they understand the magnitude of the imminent threat, a possible alliance between two Superior Races.

Yet, the Shé Dragons are not the only ones approaching; there are also the Water Spirit and the Leviathan, all converging in the same direction.

In such a tense moment, everyone instinctively looks at Lucien, be they Sins, wives, sisters, or allies, some seeking his leadership and others his opinion.

But Lucien doesn't move an inch.

He feels a powerful urge to fly towards that familiar feeling calling him to the Water Spirit, especially when the idea that the Leviathan might be trying to attack her arises.

But no matter how many responsibilities Lucien has, protecting his family is still his top priority.

"We have to-" Nea clearly wants to help the Water Spirit.

But Lucien quickly interrupts her. "We won't do anything yet."

"But-" Nea tries to argue.

"We don't know what's happening, we have to stay together and protect our people." He speaks in a determined and authoritative tone.

Just like some of Lucien's other wives, Nea has a strong personality and a unique opinion, but when she hears him speaking in that manner, any desire to go against his order vanishes.

That doesn't have to do with her wanting to blindly obey Lucien, but rather the fact that she and all his wives understand that he only thinks about doing what is best to protect them.

But not all the women there have such a connection with Lucien, like Greed, who quickly voices her opinion. "We can't just stand still while our enemies make their move."

"What do you want to do??" Lust asks sarcastically. "Run away? Do you want to flee with your tail between your legs like a scared little puppy??"

"If that allows us to live another day to keep fighting..." Gluttony comments.

"YOU CO-" Envy tries to insult Gluttony and Greed.

But Pride interrupts them all. "SHUT UP!"

No matter how much Pride has shown her feelings for Lucien, her authority among the Sins is still absolute, and even Lust feels a brutal pressure, making her and her sisters fall silent.

Greed and Gluttony don't say anything, but they, like the other Sins, look at Pride with inquisitive expressions.

She, on the other hand, looks at Lucien with a confident gaze. "What do you think?"

Lucien is grateful for Pride's trust, but he is just as confused as the others, except for the familiar feeling that makes him believe that the Water Spirit is an ally.

"She is almost..." He comments as he continues to look at the horizon. That feeling quickly intensifies, making it clear that the Water Spirit is approaching with unbelievable speed.

That powerful aura also enters the magical senses of the Sins, and everyone looks in that direction.

With a resounding *BAM*, a figure emerges from the water with such speed and force that it creates a massive wave several miles from Crystal City.

The figure is wearing a beautiful blue dress adorned with colorful pearls, and her hair seems to have various shades of blue.

"Our Lady!!" Nea exclaims as she recognizes the woman.

"The Water Spirit?" the Sins wonder.

"Who..." Lucien looks at that shining figure with a puzzled expression.

She is the same woman who was in the glass coffin, someone who should be a stranger to him; yet, she feels so familiar.

The Water Spirit continues flying at an incredible speed towards the sky, capturing everyone's attention.

"The Leviathan!" Pride points to the sea below the Water Spirit.

Once again, Lucien's group looks in that direction, and they see the water stirring again.

With another loud *BAM*, the sea opens up once more, and the gigantic monstrous serpent emerges behind the Water Spirit.

"No!" Nea panics and tries to fly in that direction to help the Water Spirit.

But Lucien quickly embraces and holds her in the air. "Wait!"

"LUCI-" Nea tries to break free from his embrace.

Yet, he continues to hold her gently. "Just look..."

Nea fully trusts Lucien and does as he says; she and everyone else simply watch as the Leviathan follows the Water Spirit in the sky.

They see the Water Spirit come to a stop, and the Leviathan reaching her, but contrary to what many imagined, the creature does not attack the shining blue figure. n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

"What the..." Everyone is surprised to see the creature bow in the sky and receive the Water Spirit on top of its head.

The scene is as shocking as it is beautiful; it's as if the most beautiful fairy ever landed on the most monstrous creature of all.

A union between pure goodness and corrupted villainy.

Immediately, a strong sinister green light emerges at the tip of the Leviathan's tail and quickly travels through its whole body until it reaches its head and the Water Spirit.

Then, that light blends with the beautiful shining blue light of the Water Spirit, who raises her hands towards the red spot in the sky.

Next, bright beams of blue and green light burst forth from her delicate hands towards the sky at high speed.

Everything happens very quickly, a spectacle of brilliant lights that can be seen from all over that side of the Blue Star.

The beams of light from the Water Spirit quickly reach a high point in the sky, beyond the clouds, where oxygen becomes scarce.

Then, that light stops as if it had hit an invisible barrier, but instead of disappearing, it begins to spread in all directions.

"Incredible!!" Greed thinks aloud.

"So much power..." Gluttony can feel better than anyone else how much energy is contained in those beams of light, an amount that even several Cosmic Realm beings combined couldn't achieve.

"They are merging the energies..." Envy comments.

"But for what purpose?" Wrath asks what everyone else wonders.

They continue to watch as the colorful energies spread rapidly across the sky, covering hundreds and thousands of miles within seconds.

Sloth's eyes glow as she reaches a conclusion before the others. "A barrier, she's creating a barrier around the Blue Star."

"A barrier around an entire planet?" Lust voices her thoughts.

"Is that really possible?" Eve asks.

"Of course," Pride responds. "It just requires an enormous amount of power and energy."

Before Naomi can ask how much, Gluttony answers. "Many Cosmic Realm beings combined at the very least."

That response shocks everyone, and Claire can't help but comment. "But she and the Leviathan are alone..."

"She is a Primordial, and the Leviathan is an ancient legendary creature," Envy remarks.

"Well, she's just getting started, so..." Maya comments in a doubtful tone.

After all, creating a barrier around a whole planet to prevent the entry of a Superior Race seems impossible.

"She will succeed." Nea comments in a hopeful tone; her faith in the Water Spirit is unwavering.

"They have to succeed." Lucien comments as he continues to embrace Nea. He fears that she will rush towards danger to try and help the Water Spirit.

All of his wives are there, witnessing that scene along with thousands of Nagas and Mermaids, all impressed by the power of the Water Spirit.

All those Nagas and Mermaids don't understand what is happening, but Lucien and his girls know that if the Water Spirit fails, the Blue Star will be thrown into a destructive war against the Superior Races.

But if she succeeds... Well, not even the Sins or Maya can comprehend the magnitude of that blue and green barrier.

As the barrier expands in all directions, it becomes less green and more blue, a shade of blue that grows increasingly transparent, allowing only the sunlight to pass through its expanse.

With each second that the Water Spirit channels more energy, the Sins become more impressed.

"So, this is the power of a Primordial..." Sloth comments as her knowledge expands alongside that barrier.

Gluttony is also greatly impressed. "This power is much greater than we speculated."

"She doesn't even resemble the helpless woman inside the glass coffin from a few days ago." Envy comments.

"Perhaps she is still recovering." Lucien speaks in a gentle tone.

He cannot help but instinctively care for that woman, even though he knows so little about her.

Lust and the other Sins, especially Pride, notice how interested he is in the Water Spirit, and it has nothing to do with her being an incredible woman, but something more, something they don't understand and thus fear.

The barrier continues to grow rapidly, and with their enhanced vision abilities, Lucien and Maggie see it encompass a significant portion of the Blue Star.

"They're truly covering the whole planet..." Maggie comments.

"It seems so." Lucien adds.

Most of the attention is on the Water Spirit, but the Leviathan is also impressive.

However, unlike the seemingly tireless Water Spirit, the creature begins to falter.

Everyone sees when its gigantic tail starts trembling, and its green light begins to dim.

"The Leviathan is reaching its limit," Envy comments.

But just as everyone thinks that, the creature lets out a powerful roar.

"ROOOOOOOAARRRRR!!!" Its voice echoes for hundreds of miles, and its green light shines brightly once again.

With the help of his vision ability, Lucien sees the Water Spirit cast a friendly gaze towards the Leviathan and smile in the sky.

Then, as if they could sense his gaze, both of them look directly at him, the Leviathan with a fierce and expectant gaze, and the Water Spirit with a loving and also expectant look.

"The hell???" Lucien doesn't know what to think, but he is eager to discover anything about both the Water Spirit and the Leviathan.



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