Lust Knight

Chapter 707  Asking For It (2/2)

Chapter 707  Asking For It (2/2)

"Naomi?!?" Claire's voice echoes in the large bathroom, sounding upset immediately after her sister's request.

Nea doesn't know if she's more shocked by Naomi's brazen request or by the fact that Claire is both jealous and frustrated for not having made such a request before.

Mira and Lucien's other sisters can't help but roll their eyes, but Lucien himself smiles.

"Stay out of this!!" Naomi quickly warns Claire.

Their relationship used to be that of best friends, but only because Claire never cared about Naomi getting everything she wanted. Now, they are clearly rivals, fighting for Lucien's constant attention.

"What the hell are you guys doing??" Eve raises her voice, speaking in her usual authoritative manner.

"What's the problem?" Naomi sarcastically asks. "Come on, let's not raise the level of hypocrisy even further."

"And here we go..." Amelia can't help but comment.

Naomi and Claire exchange hostile glances with Amelia, who feels her demonic energy rise quickly, making her smile.

Donna and Sophia ignore the other sisters' fight and enter the large pool with Nea and Mira.

The girls are only in their underwear, creating a beautiful scene that Lucien wants to see, but he misses it because he has to restrain the hot-headed Naomi.

"This is not the time to fight." Lucien tries to calm his sisters, but he understands how they feel better than anyone else, after all, all seven siblings are under the constant effect of the Bloody Rose.

This mysterious and unstable artifact continues to help Lucien and his sisters go far beyond their limits, evolving incredibly fast, but it also makes their emotions increasingly intense and unstable.

Naomi enjoys Lucien's firm touch and uses her most pleading expression to look into his eyes. "I just asked you to be a little more loving with me... is that so wrong?"

"Oh my fucking..." Claire becomes even more upset with Naomi's performance.

"Hey, both of you!" Eve becomes even angrier and points at the two sisters. Amelia starts laughing, and Eve also points at him. "And you too!"

"What did I do???" Amelia quickly responds.

Everyone can see Eve's beautiful face turning redder with anger. "Why don't we... just try to act like a normal family for a bit?"

"Normal?" Naomi quickly asks. "What's normal about us anymore?"

Before anyone can say anything, she continues. "Damn, we almost died a few minutes ago... that was too close, close to ending it all, and..."

She sighs and turns her gaze back to Lucien. "We only managed to defeat the relentless enemy because we stayed together, closer than any other family."

Lucien can't deny Naomi's words because he thinks exactly like her about that.

His other sisters can't deny that either, even Eve. She herself had to cross the line between siblings to help Lucien strengthen the Mermaid Army, so she can't act as if nothing happened.

Everyone is still recovering from the battle against Tyrion, and as Naomi said, they were very close to losing everything, so it's normal for everyone's emotions to be in a mess now.

Eve doesn't know what to say, so Lucien takes action. He tightly embraces Naomi and then extends an arm to Claire.

"There's room for you too," he lovingly says, and Claire quickly jumps into his embrace alongside Naomi.

While both sisters enjoy the warmth of Lucien's embrace, Amelia gives him a pleading look and pouts.

"You'll have to wait your turn," he says apologetically.

Of course, Lucien won't start treating Amelia poorly because of her jealous personality, but they already have a soul contract and a deep romantic relationship, whereas he only recently reunited with Naomi and Claire.

Amelia sighs before turning around and starting to undress to get into the pool. However, instead of being in her underwear like the other girls, she starts taking everything off.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Eve quickly asks.

"I prefer to take a bath naked, you know," Amelia responds naturally.

Eve shakes her head. "Don't you have any sense of shame anymore?"

She shrugs. "I have to agree with Naomi about hypocrisy, I mean, all the women in this room are sisters in one way or another."

The other girls, including Mira, agree with Amelia's words. But Nea can't help but look at Lucien with a thoughtful expression.

Lucien can see that Eve is at her limit, both physically and mentally. He knows that just like he needs to do certain things to feel good, she also has her special needs.

While he can relax with luxury, Eve needs to feel that things are under her control, stable, and such.

So Lucien tries to help her by talking to Amelia. "Take it easy, my dear; we can enjoy it in swimwear too."

"... " Amelia looks at Lucien and pouts. She wishes they were in the Purple World's house, taking a bath alone.

Lucien missed so much to be reunited with all his sisters again, but now he realizes how complicated that can be.

His six sisters already had unique personalities before, but the influence of the Sins and the Bloody Rose together have made their personalities even stronger.

Pleasing all of them at the same time is much more challenging than pleasing all his other wives, a task that is practically impossible.

He has to think quickly about what to do, or his sisters will start fighting at any moment.

"Amelia..." Lucien lovingly speaks while looking at her delicate body. "I enjoy seeing all of you in swimwear... it's very intriguing."

Amelia continues to gaze into Lucien's eyes. She knows he is trying to please both her and Eve at the same time, but still, she also knows that he is speaking the truth.

So she removes her clothes but uses her demonic energy to materialize a beautiful white swimsuit with a thin and translucent fabric in some parts.

Amelia spins around, showing her sexy suit to Lucien while proudly smiling, making Eve want to bang her head against the wall.

Another person who disapproves of that is Envy, who quickly complains in Amelia's mind. "We're all saving demonic energy to fight if necessary, but you waste our energy on clothes?"

"Shut up, Envy." Amelia quickly responds mentally to the Sins. "Look at my sisters, they're drooling with jealousy, and it's helping us generate more demonic energy faster."

Envy can't deny that, so she quickly thinks of something. "I see... well, I guess I'd better join you then. I bet I can do something that will please Lucien even more."

"Don't you dare!" Amelia quickly exclaims.

"Okay..." Envy usually enjoys provoking Amelia, but due to the tense current situation of the group, she backs off and remains silent.

Lucien pushes Naomi and Claire into the pool before approaching Amelia and giving her a kiss on the forehead. "You look beautiful, my love."

Amelia jumps with joy before entering the pool as well, leaving only Lucien and Eve outside.

Eve stands in front of Lucien and gives him a fake annoyed look. "I've tried so hard to make them and you better people, but you insist on spoiling them..."

Lucien doesn't deny that, instead, he proudly smiles. "Guilty as charged."

"You..." She tries to make her expression stern, squinting her eyes slightly and furrowing her brow, but in the end, she ends up smiling. She can't blame Lucien for wanting to make his sisters' lives more enjoyable.

He takes a step towards Eve and holds her delicate hands. "What about you? Are you going to wear something interesting for me to see?"

Lucien expected Eve to feel embarrassed and irritated by his teasing, but instead, she tries to play along and teases him.

"Why? Isn't this one good enough?" She starts unbuttoning her blouse, revealing a beautiful pink bra.

"..." He is left speechless as his eyes are so drawn to the delicate and perfect features of Eve's body.

But this situation truly embarrasses her, and she walks towards the pool while finishing undressing, leaving only in her underwear just like the other girls.

Lucien never imagined that bathing with all his sisters could be so pleasurable.

He wastes no time before dematerializing his clothes, leaving only in red boxers. And, of course, the eyes of all the girls in the pool are drawn to his body.

Most of the girls just enjoy that sight, but Eve and Nea try to avoid it to not be even more attracted to Lucien.

Eve has the demonic energy of Pride, which strengthens her will so much, allowing her to resist Lucien's charm more than any other woman.

But Nea finds it increasingly difficult to resist the feelings growing inside her heart, taking control of her whole body.

She feels her body heating up, her mouth salivating, and her tail becoming limp.

She knows that such feelings will only get stronger as she continues to look at Lucien, so in a desperate act, she uses her magic to increase the water's temperature, creating clouds of steam within the pool.

All that steam prevents her and the other girls from seeing Lucien's body clearly, quickly generating complaints.

"Great, Nea!" Naomi is the first to complain.

"Really fucking nice..." Claire complains as well.

"Thanks, Nea!" Amelia sarcastically comments.


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