Lust Knight

Chapter 704 Rest of The Winners (1/2)

Chapter 704 Rest of The Winners (1/2)

Thousands of Mermaids and Nagas look up at Lucien, Nea, Mira, and Eve in the sky with curious and expectant expressions.

Tyrion's death represented the end of a thousand-year tyranny, and finally, their races can return to being allies as they always were in the past.

But will the Mermaids forgive those cruel Naga soldiers who killed so many of their sisters under Tyrion's orders?

Will Mira reclaim the Naga Kingdom's crown alongside Lucien?

Will the Naga Queen and Nea formally marry Lucien?

And what about Eve? And Maya? Will the Blue Star have five thrones?

There are many questions in everyone's minds, but such concerns are not Lucien's focus right now.

The threat of the Leviathan is so urgent yet so mysterious, and all Lucien can think about is ensuring the safety of his girls, which includes thousands of Mermaids and loyal female Nagas.

Nea returns to Crystal City with Saria and Maya, so Lucien instructs his sisters to follow them. But before joining the group, he flies to the Sea Devil with some of his wives.

There are still hundreds of thousands of troops surrounding the city, and the sea is stained red with the blood of the Nagas who died there.

Before preparing all the bodies for a grand funeral, they need to clean up the mess, and the same goes for Lucien's ship.

As he lands on the deck of the Sea Devil, Lucien notices blood and entrails everywhere, creating a horrible stench of death all around.

The Mermaid sisters are trying to clean the ship with the help of Ruba and Ritika, and even Valencia is trying to be useful.

"Master!" The girls become excited when they see Lucien arrive. His wives enter the inner part of the ship, but Lucien doesn't follow them immediately.

Lucien still doesn't have a favorable opinion of Valencia, but Rupa, Ritika, and the Mermaid sisters have proven their loyalty to him enough.

"You did well." He saw them fighting against all the Nagas who attempted to attack the ship during the battle. They protected Kara, little Ko, and all his girls who needed protection.

So Lucien smiles kindly at them. He will certainly reward them greatly later, and they know it.

The three gentle Mermaids and the brave Naga bow to Lucien before returning to the task of cleaning the boat.

However, Valencia continues to look at Lucien with a curious expression. She can sense that his praise wasn't directed at her as well.

"I saw Angela using one of those magical nets..." he comments.

Lucien knows that it wasn't Valencia who made those nets but her scientist who died on the island. Yet, Valencia assisted Angela while he was busy, and that counts.

"I still have some of them in the ship..." Valencia smiles.

Lucien maintains a neutral expression but nods at her. "Good work."

Valencia's smile grows even brighter, and she quickly returns to help the other girls clean the ship.

Lucien takes another look around and is surprised by how well the Sea Devil endured the massive attacks from the Nagas.

Besides the mess, there is no damage to the ship itself, making it a very useful tool to keep the girls safe outside the Purple World.

While Lust rests within Lucien's soul, he enters the corridor of the ship. Even inside the ship, there is blood everywhere, as some cruel Nagas tried to reach the girls inside, but they all met a painful end.

He walks through the main corridor and sees his wives in various rooms. His stronger wives are still standing, taking care of the weaker girls who are mostly unconscious.

Lucien would be very worried about their condition if Lust hadn't already informed him of each of their situations. Aside from minor injuries, which have all been healed by Sophia, they are merely exhausted.

He soon reaches the main bedroom of the ship. On his bed are Mia, Ella, Anne, Elsie, and Madelyn. The five of them gave almost all of their energies to him so quickly that they were the first to faint.

Now, Kara is gently cleaning their bodies. Oya is lying in the corner of the room in her original form, while little Ko, also in tiger form, helps Kara take care of the other girls.

Lucien can't help but find it amusing to see Kara wiping Mia's face with a damp cloth while the adorable tigress licks Madelyn's cheeks and ears.

"Ah? Lucien??" Kara is surprised to see Lucien. She quickly runs over and hugs him tightly. "I was so scared!!"

"It's all right now..." Lucien strokes Kara's hair and kisses her forehead. "The battle is over."

All of Lucien's wives can sense that he is still very tense and concerned through their connection, but they try to act calm to help him calm down as well.

"I see." Kara tries to smile, but then she looks at the girls on the bed with a concerned expression. "But they still haven't woken up..."

"Sophia said their bodies are fine, it's just their minds that are tired from the great effort," Lucien explains. "They just need some sleep."

"I understand." Kara comments with a gentle smile. "Can you take us home? It's not bad here, but this smell..."

"Of course." Lucien went to the ship precisely because he wanted to take his girls home. He can't stop to rest now, but they can, and they deserve it.

So without wasting any time, he opens the Purple World portal and calls his other wives so they can go home.

Lucien gently lifts Ko off of Madelyn, and the small tigress looks at him with a confused expression. "Roar?"

"You can continue taking care of them at home, my dear." Lucien kisses Ko's forehead, making her purr adorably.

Then he takes the unconscious girls to their beds with the help of the other girls.

Lucien can hardly bring himself to leave the comfortable embrace of the Purple World, but he needs to return to the Blue Star.

Most of his wives don't mind entrusting themselves to his care and simply follow him, but some, like Daisy and Helena, like to give their opinions on the plans in general.

They don't really need to follow him out of the Purple World for that since he always keeps all of them aware of all the important things he discusses with the Sins and other people outside.

But before leaving the Purple World, Lucien speaks to those girls. "Are you going to rest or come with me to Nea's castle?"

The battle was very difficult for all the girls, but some of Lucien's wives pushed their bodies well beyond their limits and only didn't faint like the others due to a powerful determination.

And even though they are exhausted now, they still seem determined to stand by Lucien and help him with anything.

Seeing those determined and loving expressions in his wives' eyes, Lucien becomes emotional and embraces them.

"I would prefer for you to stay here, for now." He speaks while kissing each one of them. "Rest while you can because we don't know when we'll have to fight again."

"Mm." Angela is the first to nod.

"We'll be ready whenever you need us." Daisy comments.

"Just call us." Helena adds.

"ROAR!" Oya makes her intentions of standing by Lucien clear with her customary roar.

Mira is still too emotional to think clearly, and Lucien wanted her to rest with the others and take care of Kamala, but the Naga Queen needs to be present as he discusses the future of the Blue Star with Eve and the others.

Then Lucien holds her hand before passing through the portal and returning to the Sea Devil.

He kisses Mira once again before they fly together towards Crystal City. "We have to go, Nea is waiting for us."

Entering the city, Lucien sees thousands of Mermaids all around. They seem so happy, and it's all thanks to him.

The interior of the city is perfect thanks to the barrier that Lucien and the Sins created, and the Mermaids will never forget it.

"They love you so much." Mira comments as she flies in Lucien's arms. She never imagined that the Mermaids would be so loyal to someone of another race, especially a demon.

Lucien can feel how loyal the Mermaids are to him because they are creatures who are so honest and straightforward. But he doesn't have that same feeling with the Nagas.

"I hope your people trust me too." He remarks.

"They trust you." Mira quickly responds. "Well, a large part of them at least. But maybe it will take time for everyone to trust..."

"I don't blame them." Lucien speaks honestly. "After the mess Tyrion made, it's only right for them to doubt another leader."

"Mm." Mira agrees, but her eyes can't help but shimmer with anticipation, especially after seeing several Nagas within Crystal City alongside the Mermaids.

"Still, I'm sure that soon everyone will trust you." She speaks as she caresses Lucien's face.


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