Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 29 CH: 29

The swarm of flies easily maneuvered through the vents of the building, the buzzing of their wings echoing softly through the ducts. She could see the layout of the place through the eyes of her flies, and her mind was already formulating a plan to rescue her target.

She flew quietly past the guards who were armed with heavy rifles. She could tell they were not supernatural beings, but rather trained mercenaries hired to protect the place. They looked alert, scanning the area for any sign of danger. She knew she had to be careful, for she was now vulnerable.

As she moved along the vent, she heard the sound of footsteps approaching. Quickly, she flew to the side and hid in the darkness, watching as a group of heavily armed men walked past, their guns at the ready. Denise could sense the tension in the air, and she knew that they were expecting trouble.

"Stupids humans with their guns." She sneered in contempt. She was a powerful witch, but she was powerless against a group of armed mercenaries if they open fire first.

She waited for them to completely pass before she started moving again, her swarm of flies moving silently along the vent.

Finally, she arrived at the room where the man was being held captive. The sound of his muffled cries was like music to her ears.

"You're mine now ! " With a sudden burst of energy, she transformed back into her human form. The guards were caught off guard, and they hesitated for a moment before they raised their weapons.

But Denise was too quick for them. Her lips curved into a wicked smile as she murmured an incantation under her breath.

"Maledicta muscis ede et devora inimicum meum"

In an instant, a swarm of flies materialized out of nowhere, their buzzing filling the air. The flies descended on the shocked guards, entering their bodies through their open mouths, nostrils, and ears.

They were quickly overwhelmed, their bodies twitching and convulsing as the swarm devoured them from within.


The sound of their muffled screams brought a sick satisfaction to her twisted soul. She relished in the power she had over them, reveling in their pain and suffering. It was a dark pleasure, but one that she couldn't help but indulge in.

Finally , the horrifying screaming stop as the guards lay dead on the ground.

Their bodies were twisted and contorted in unnatural positions, their faces frozen in a look of pure terror.

Blood pooled around them, staining the floor in a dark crimson color. Their eyes were wide open, staring up at the ceiling as if searching for some kind of salvation that would never come.

It was a gruesome sight, one that would haunt any normal person for days on end. But for Denise, it was just another day on the job.

Fortunately, the man was blindfolded so he did not witness the gruesome scene.

She then walked over to the bound man, her steps slow and deliberate. Her twisted smile revealed her enjoyment at the sight of his helplessness. She was a creature of the dark, relishing in the fear and suffering of others.

As she stood before him, she slowly reached out to stroke his cheek with her long, sharp nails. The man flinched and tried to pull away, but she only leaned in closer.

"Don't you dare touch him " Denise's eyes flashed with malice as she heard the voice in her head. She couldn't resist the temptation to taunt the man, but her other self reminded her of his value. With a wicked smirk, she cast a sleeping curse on him and hoisted his unconscious form onto her back using a wind curse.

She then reached for a small voodoo doll and used it to communicate with George.

"Go wild," she ordered with a sadistic grin, eager to see what chaos he would unleash.

Her evil nature thrived on the power and control she had over others, and she relished in the suffering and destruction she caused.



"I like this side of her " George growled with excitement as he received the order from Denise. He had been itching for some action and couldn't wait to wreak havoc.

With a fierce roar, he charged towards the building, his massive body growing in size with each step until he reached a towering eight feet.

The guards heard his intimidating roar and quickly assumed their positions, clutching their heavy rifles with black knuckles.

They immediately opened fire with their heavy rifles.

" rat-a-tat-tat-tat "

" rat-a-tat-tat-tat "

" rat-a-tat-tat-tat"

The sound of the barrage of rifle fire was deafening, like a thunderstorm rolling through the building.

But the powerful bullets simply bounced off George's thick hide. It didn't do much damage at all.

"Is that all you got ?" George roared confidently and came to a sudden halt in front of the building,

Then, a wicked grin spread across his face. With a swift motion, he pulled out a massive Gatling gun from his back, which appeared to shrink down to a regular size in his hands due to his transformation.

"Time to have some fun," he chuckled, his eyes blazing with a craze .

Without warning, he opened fire on the guards, who were hopelessly outmatched by his supernatural strength and resilience.

" rat-a-tat-tat-tat-rat-a-tat-tat-tat"

" rat-a-tat-tat-tat-rat-a-tat-tat-tat"

" rat-a-tat-tat-tat-rat-a-tat-tat-tat"

The sound of the Gatling gun piercing through the air was so loud and intense that it can be felt as much as it is heard, rattling nearby objects and creating a sense of chaos and danger.

But funny enough ,the gun's recoil was nearly nonexistent in his iron grip, as he laughed maniacally while he mowed down every last one of them.


Inside the building

"Kill more people , George." she whispered as she absorbed the negative energy fermenting the whole place.

The death of the mercenaries had been a delightful snack for her, but now something else had caught her attention. She could hear footsteps, the sound growing louder with each passing second.

"So you're trying to escape a cat by running towards a Lion ?" she sneered, her eyes flicked open, and they were blacker than the depths of hell itself.

"Maledicte sanguinis et passionis . Ligate inimicum vestrum et devorate sanguinem eorum " She intoned a new curse, the words tumbling from her lips like poison.

The air grew thick and heavy, the darkness seeming to seep into every corner of the room. Whoever was coming would regret crossing her path.


Bonus Chapter


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