Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 275 Return

Chapter 275 Return

The sight of Vincent hovering in the sky left Nathan and Emilia in utter shock and disbelief.

His transformation was staggering; his appearance had evolved significantly. His hair had grown longer and taken on a different hue, his physique was more refined, and his body seemed to pulsate with a vibrant black- violet energy that set him apart from anyone they had ever encountered.

It was evident at first glance that he had transcended the capabilities of everyone in this world. His presence radiated power and mystery, leaving Nathan and Emilia awestruck and intrigued by the enigma before them. 

But there was no mistaking him.

Nathan couldn't contain his emotions any longer. The sight of his best friend, Vincent, returning after such a long absence filled him with an overwhelming mix of astonishment and joy.

"Buddy!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with heartfelt relief and happiness. Vincent's presence was a ray of hope in a world that had grown increasingly dark and uncertain. As someone with high authority within the Organization, Nathan had been burdened by the knowledge of how dire things had become.

"Vincent," Emilia spoke, her voice quivering as tears streamed down her face. Her heart swelled with emotion at the sight of her lover. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he had returned.

A warm smile crossed Vincent's face as he descended from the sky. "I missed everyone," he chuckled, his voice filled with relief and nostalgia. The long-awaited reunion was a moment of pure happiness, as friends and lovers who had been separated for so long were finally brought back together.

"I missed you!" Emilia couldn't contain her emotions any longer. As soon as he descended, she rushed forward and enveloped him in a tight, tearful embrace. Her lips found his in a passionate kiss that conveyed all the longing, love, and relief she had been feeling during his absence. It was a moment of intense emotion, and everyone around them could feel the depth of her longing and joy at having Vincent back in her life.

The others watched with smiles, their own happiness evident at the heartwarming reunion.

"You've grown stronger, Nathan," Vincent remarked after calming Emilia's emotion, his eyes filled with pride.

Nathan chuckled modestly, shaking his head. "Not as powerful as you, buddy. You took out that whole horde with one attack."

The two friends shared a warm embrace, and it was a moment of solace for Nathan, knowing that he had his closest ally back by his side in these troubled times.

Vincent couldn't help but smile at his best friend's remark, appreciating the recognition. However, his curiosity about what had transpired during his absence got the better of him.

"What happened when I was gone?" he asked, his expression growing more serious. He wanted to catch up on everything he had missed during his time away.

Nathan paused for a moment, his face reflecting the gravity of the situation as he considered how to explain what had happened.

"After you were gone," he began, his voice filled with sadness , "the world underwent a drastic transformation. Monsters began appearing all over, wreaking havoc wherever they went. Even ordinary animals mutated for reasons we still don't fully understand. As a result, nearly half of the world's population has been lost, and only a handful of cities remain standing. Most of them are currently under the protection of our Moonlight Sanctuary."

"I see," Vincent's reaction to the news of half the population being lost was met with a hint of detachment, a testament to the will-power he had been building in the raptured world. His focus shifted to a more immediate concern, one that mattered deeply to him.

"How about Sophia?" he inquired, his voice laced with worry. He knew Sophia was just a normal human, without the ability to protect herself in a world now filled with danger. His concern for her was evident in his tone.

"Don't worry," Nathan said with a comforting tone. "She's safe back in the city."

Vincent's tension eased at the news, grateful that she was in a relatively secure place.

With the knowledge that Sophia was safe and protected, Vincent's mind could finally shift its focus away from immediate concerns about her well-being. Instead, he could now redirect his attention to the pressing matters that had been weighing on him. 

"This fog is messing with my ability to teleport," Vincent noted, his brow furrowing in concern. "Do you know the reason for this?"

"We don't know yet, buddy," Nathan replied, his expression reflecting their shared uncertainty. "But we're already investigating it. We'll figure it out."

Vincent decided not to press the matter further at the moment, realizing that it might be Elizabeth who held the answers to the questions that had been gnawing at him. 

"Let's go back home for now ,"

His plan to return home was met with agreement from the group. With a plan in his mind, he approached the head of the flying serpent, ready to assist their journey.

"I'm going to cover your body with my own energy to accelerate your speed," he whispered, his voice filled with confidence. His control over energy had reached an extraordinary level, allowing him to manipulate it in ways that were considered impossible.

Placing his hands on the serpent's body, he began to channel his energy. It was a delicate process, aligning his energy frequency with that of the serpent's. As he focused, a vibrant aura enveloped the serpent's form, and a surge of power flowed through it.


The serpent's speed increased exponentially, and they soared through the sky with incredible velocity. It was a testament to Vincent's unparalleled mastery of energy manipulation.

The incredible speed of the serpent left everyone in awe. They watched with amazement as the the flying serpent now moved through the sky with breathtaking velocity, rivaling even Long Mu, a legendary dragon known for its swiftness in the sky.

As the landscape below them blurred and the wind howled around them, the group couldn't help but marvel at Vincent's remarkable energy manipulation skills. His ability to enhance the serpent's speed was a testament to his extraordinary powers, and it filled them with newfound hope and determination.

"So this is the power of our Great Leader." Someone muttered.

However, they were unaware that what they were witnessing was just the beginning, only a glimpse of the true extent of Vincent's incredible power.


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