Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 27 CH :27

Debbie launched into an animated retelling of Fenrir's mythos. She spoke with such passion and authority that Vincent couldn't help but be drawn in by her words.

As she wove her tale, he felt like he was there in the midst of the action, experiencing the triumphs and tragedies of the powerful werewolf god.

Her knowledge was truly impressive. She spoke not just of the mythology surrounding Fenrir, but also the cultural significance he held for the supernatural community. Vincent was amazed by her insight and wondered how she had acquired such a wealth of information.

But he couldn't help but also notice that some of the information she was providing about Fenrir didn't match up with what he had seen in his dreams. He wondered if she had made a mistake or if his dreams were somehow flawed.

"I don't mean to contradict you, but some of the things you're saying about Fenrir don't match up with what I've seen in my dreams," he said, hesitantly.

"What do you mean?" Debbie furrowed her brow.

"Well, for one thing, in my dream, Fenrir wasn't someone who wanted to fight the holy war " Vincent explained.

Debbie's eyes widened in surprise. "That's...unexpected. Are you sure your dreams are accurate?"

"I don't know how to explain it, but they feel real. Like I'm actually there, experiencing everything firsthand. The only issue is that I keep forgetting about them when I wake up and only remember a fraction of it," he said, nodding resolutely.

"Hmm...well, I suppose it's possible that someone tempered with history "Debbie looked thoughtful.

"I don't know ." Vincent shrugged.

They continue to talk and Vincent was little by little recalling some of the scenes from his dreams.




They finally finished talking about Fenrir's history. Vincent was very satisfied and even got some hint of what he should be doing next.

Now he finally had the chance to ask her the burning question he had been keeping to himself.

"By the way, why did you say that I need to hide ?" he asked, eager for answers.

"I forgot, you don't have a pack to teach you about this stuff," Debbie responded with a shake of her head. She paused for a moment, deep in thought before continuing, "Do you know why so few people know about supernatural beings?"

"Because they're incredibly rare?" he asked, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.

"That's certainly one factor," she acknowledged, "but the main reason is that they're afraid of being caught."

Vincent's eyes widened as he absorbed this revelation. "So the government knows about us?"

"They do," Debbie confirmed, "but they don't care as long as you don't disturb society."

He nodded in agreement, understanding that modern-day weapons were deadlier than anything supernatural creatures had ever faced before.

He also couldn't deny the fear that gripped him as she spoke of the government's knowledge of supernatural beings. The thought of being captured was not something he liked to imagine.

She noticed the troubled expression on Vincent's face and continued,

"The government is always observing. They have weapons that can kill even the strongest of creatures. That's why it's better for you to maintain a low profile."

"I will " he answered.

Debbie raised her eyes brows ,clearly not satisfied with his answer.

"It's harder than you think," she shook her head

"Unfortunately for you, among all supernatural beings, werewolves like you are the most prideful and egotistic. They tend to make a scene everywhere they go, and that's why a lot of werewolves are being secretly hunted by the government."

Vincent frowned, feeling a pang of worry in his gut.

"I wanted to argue with you, but you're right about me becoming more egotistical after transforming," he confessed.

Debbie gave him a small smile of understanding.

"It's not entirely your fault. The wolf inside you has a mind of its own. But with time and practice, you can learn to control it. I will help you" she held his hands and gazed into his eyes.

Vincent couldn't help but feel grateful for her help, but he couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that something else was motivating her. He had to ask.

"Why are you helping me so much?" he finally asked, trying to keep his tone casual.

Debbie gave him a small smile before replying, "I already told you . We're the same. I understand what it's like to feel different and out of place in this world. And besides, I don't have any strong powers of my own, so it feels good to be able to use my knowledge to help someone like you."

"Alright," Vincent nodded, but he still couldn't help but wonder if there was something more. He made a mental note to keep an eye on her just in case.

Debbie on the other hand was in a dellima. Her skin flushed with heat as she became utterly mesmerized by him. The rhythm of her heart quickened, pounding in her chest like a wild animal desperate to break free.

"It's getting late now," she forced a smile as she realized that the protection of her medallion was wearing off. She was afraid that his pheromones might make her do something that she would regret later on.

'Damn it, he's too hot .' she bit her lips hard to avoid being completely mesmerized by him. Vincent's charisma was way stronger than that of any other werewolf she had met before .

"I'll drive you home " he replied with a casual smile. He knew that he could take advantage of her , but he was not in a mood tonight after all the things he just discovered.




As he dropped her off at her home, Vincent couldn't help but notice the luxurious surroundings. He wondered why someone from such a wealthy family was attending a second-rate school like the one they met in. The question nagged at him, but he decided not to ask. After all, it wasn't his place to pry into her personal life.

"Until next time," she said with a soft smile. Her eyes twinkled as she turned to walk away, leaving him with the faint scent of sweetened strawberry that lingered in the air.

"Until next time " he smiled back at her .

But, his smile soon faded as he headed on his way, his thoughts consumed by his next course of actions.

"I need to be more careful," he mumbled to himself, his mind racing. He knew he needed to confide in someone he trusted, someone who could help him navigate this new and dangerous world other than Debbie.

Nathan, his best friend, was the first person who came to mind. He needed to talk to him right away.

He pulled out his phone and dialed Nathan's number. With each ring, his worry grew until he heard the automated message telling him that his best friend was currently unavailable.

"Come on, Nathan," Vincent muttered to himself. "Pick up, pick up."

But the phone continued to ring and Vincent couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. He knew Nathan wouldn't ignore his text and call this long unless it was an emergency.

Unfortunately, he couldn't do anything because Jonathan refused to answer him directly.


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