Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 261 Lie And Deception?

"I'm not lying," she replied, her tone confident and unwavering. Her face exuded an air of certainty so visible that even the representatives which think lowly of her couldn't help but sense her absolute sincerity.

"We need more evidence," Aquanos retorted firmly, refusing to allow her to evade the matter with a half-hearted response. 

The subject of Fate was of utmost importance, a topic despised by nearly all individuals present in this place.

The majority of individuals present were descendants of powerful deities from ancient times.

However, Fate had played a role in the misfortunes that befell their forebears. For some, these interventions led to the downfall of entire civilizations and the loss of their ancestral homes. 

But why?

It's because whenever supernatural forces loomed dangerously close to gaining unchecked dominion over the world, Fate would intervene to halt their progress. This intervention was the reason humans could thrive independently now.

Gradually, those at the pinnacle of the supernatural hierarchy realized that Fate's actions were linked to the humans. When supernatural beings/civilization became powerful enough to significantly impact the lives of most humans, a calamity targeted the supernatural world.

To counter this pattern, they established this Union—a clandestine alliance aimed at concealing the supernatural realm's existence from humanity. 

Their reasoning was straightforward: by living alongside humans in secret, they hoped to avert the catastrophic events that seemed inevitable. This was their strategy to prevent apocalyptic scenarios and maintain a balance between the ordinary and the extraordinary.

And it was working well for them. Ages had passed since Fate last intervened in the world, so they were truly surprised to hear Agnes speak about it, about Fate's intervening once again.

"I can personally vouch for my words using this," she asserted, her tone carrying assurance as she revealed an object resembling a polished blue gem.

A murmur of recognition rippled through the room. 

"That's Lapis Lazuli: commonly known as the Stone of Truth," a voice chimed in, confirming the significance of the item.

Lapis Lazuli, commonly referred to as "lapis" by many, holds a captivating history that spans back through the annals of time. With its intense and alluring blue shade, this semi-precious gemstone has been cherished across numerous cultures and civilizations, valued not only for its stunning visual appeal but also for its profound symbolic connotations. Its allure is timeless, a bridge connecting the present to a legacy of admiration and reverence.

But this particular stone was more than just an ordinary luxury gem. It held an extraordinary amount of power, so much that it could be compared to something as high as an SSS rank in terms of power.

"Is that the Archangel Uriel's Lapis of Truth?" Aquanos asked, his curiosity evident. The Lapiz of Truth used to be a formidable gem in ancient times when angels still roamed the Earth.

Archangel Uriel was a figure often depicted as a wise and enlightened being in various religious stories and myths. He holds a significant place as one of the archangels in many the supernatural history. His name often translates to meanings like "Light of God" or "Fire of God."

In relation to the "Lapis of Truth," the stone's power is closely linked to Uriel's role as someone who brings clarity and understanding to truth and knowledge. He used this stone to identify and punish lies, much like how he is often seen as a source of divine wisdom and fair judgment.

"That's right ,King Aquanos. You can test its ability if you'd like," Saintess Agnes responded.

"Quickly, bring a prisoner to this place," Aquanos commanded his subordinates.

"Yes, Your Highness."

The room fell into silence as everyone waited for the prisoner to arrive. For beings like them, who were immortal, waiting for a few minutes was inconsequential. Even if they had to wait for an hour, no one would dare voice their impatience or concerns.

As they waited, small clusters of conversation began to form in the room. Whispers and hushed discussions rippled through the gathered immortals as they debated the validity of Agnes' claim about Fate. Some exchanged doubtful glances, while others leaned in to share their thoughts on the matter. 

Fortunately for her, she didn't have to wait for too long as discussions took a negative turn, with murmurs of doubt and skepticism surrounding her claim. Thanks to the advanced technology of Atlantis, they don't need to wait for too long , and within just 15 minutes, the awaited prisoner was brought to the scene.

The prisoner was a robust man, his muscular build accentuated by long, braided hair. Marked for imminent execution, his impending fate made him a suitable candidate for this unconventional experiment. 

The prisoner's confusion was evident as he found himself surrounded by a variety of people, some even resembling Razu with their four arms.

"Take this," Saintess Agnes said, handing him the stone as per Aquanos' order.

Bewildered, the prisoner examined the stone in his hand before turning his gaze toward Aquanos. Being an ordinary Atlantean, he lacked the extended lifespan and exposure to different languages that supernaturals had. Speaking in his own dialect, he asked, 

"What is this thing?"

"Just hold the stone and promise to only tell the truth from now on. If you're telling the truth about being innocent, you'll be released," Aquanos explained. The prisoner was charged with killing his own wife. Aquanos was convinced of his guilt, yet the man persisted in denying it even after being sentence to death.

"I promise to tell only the truth," the prisoner quickly replied, his tone showing his eagerness for a chance at freedom.

As he spoke, the blue stone started to give off waves of energy. The prisoner didn't notice anything, but everyone else in the room could sense the power emanating from the stone. It was so strong that it made the space around it shake for a moment, which was an impressive feat.

It was widely understood that only an item of SSS rank possessed the capability to even slightly influence space through its abilities. Thus, witnessing the very fabric of space shudder as the stone activated served as undeniable proof of its true SSS rank status. The only remaining matter was to confirm whether its function was genuine or not.

Many among them had heard tales of the stone's power and impact from history, so the opportunity to witness its effects firsthand presented itself as a chance to authenticate its reputation.

"Did you kill your wife?" Aquanos asked, his question straightforward and concise.

"I did not kill my wife! I loved her with all my heart," the prisoner replied promptly, his voice carrying a genuine tone. His eyes appeared reddened, seemingly reflecting the sorrow he felt over his wife's untimely death.

However, the stone's response took a different turn. Its blue hue transformed into an ominous red, and a sudden change overcame the man. His skin began to wither, as if every drop of blood was being drained from his body.

"AHHHHHHH!!!What's happening to me?" he cried out in agony, writhing as if in excruciating pain. Despite his desperate protests, the stone's power continued to desiccate him until he turned into ashes. Yet, the ordeal wasn't finished yet. Before them remained the man's almost transparent soul, hovering in the air.

"What have you done to me!!!" the man screamed, his face contorted with torment.

"It hurts, my entire body is in pain!" he howled, while his soul was gradually consumed by the relentless power of the stone.

"Is this the power of the stone?" One of the representative spoke out loud.

The gravity of the situation was understood by everyone present. Though the individual undergoing the stone's punishment have been an ordinary Atlantean, they were all aware that their own resistance against the stone's power would only be marginally stronger. This artifact resembled an absolute curse—a force that couldn't be countered.

While its practical combat utility might be limited, it wielded an unparalleled fatality. Even the mightiest of Rank SSS beings would find themselves powerless once they had pledged truthfulness to the stone. Its influence was final, its grip unbreakable, transforming every vow into an inescapable binding, leaving no room for deceit.

After what felt like an eternity of excruciating seconds, the stone finally slipped from its suspended position and gently settled onto the ground, its color shifting back to its original calming blue hue. 

"Can I start proving my words now?" Agnes asked calmly, moving with deliberate steps toward the stone. 

Without a trace of fear, she reached down and picked it up, her actions conveying her complete transparency, as she had nothing to conceal. 

The representatives shared looks, acknowledging Agnes' sincere intention to take on the challenge without hesitation. 

"You may proceed," Aquanos spoke, taking the initiative. 

"I solemnly vow to speak only the truth from this moment forward. May this stone cleanse my soul if it detects any falsehood in my words," she declared with unwavering resolve. 

In response to her declaration, the stone once again began to emit energy fluctuations, but this time with a greater intensity. The strength of the fluctuations reflected her status as a Rank SSS being. 

"Did Fate truly order the destruction of the Moonlight Sanctuary?"he asked, his skepticism etched across his face. 

Agnes hesitated for a moment before responding.



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